The Quarterly JRPG Club - Let's 'Grind' Down that Backlog!

Clocky, please don't be upset with me but I've started LOH: Trails a little early since I'm going to try again to tackle both. Just looking to try and get a head start since the two games have a 70-hour estimate across the 3 months.

Will look for LOH during Steam sale; I'll be viewing the main from the sidelines as well - don't own Atelior and the price isn't right. Gotta put that budget to a bunch of cheap games (and game gifts - woo Steam sale!!)

damnablebear wrote:

Clocky, please don't be upset with me but I've started LOH: Trails a little early since I'm going to try again to tackle both. Just looking to try and get a head start since the two games have a 70-hour estimate across the 3 months.

I would start early if I could, but with enough other gaming and holiday busy stuff going on I'm waiting until I at least finish Legend of Legacy before I start over in Trails.

I might start early, myself.

Will we try to break Trails into sections for each month?

Possibly. I need to look at a walkthrough and see how the game divides up.

Hey, everybody.

I realize it's a long way off, but damnablebear is going to be really busy next quarter (dunno why; something about a goat?) and has asked me to merge the main JRPG club and the JRPG Gaiden club together for a couple months. I've agreed, but I wanted to get some feedback from you all before things really get rolling.

As I see it, there are two big differences between the main JRPG club and the Gaiden club: first, the main JRPG club is focused on clearing the pile, while the Gaiden club is more concerned with trying new things. Second, the main JRPG club nominates games to play and then selects them by lottery, while the Gaiden club pick is curated by yours truly.

Any thoughts on how to square those two circles? I had, to be honest, already picked out the Q2 game for the Gaiden club (Final Fantasy X-2). I'm not really equipped to do the live-stream lotto drawing that damnablebear does, but we could still do votes and a randomized selection. Or I could put together a list of two or three games and you all could pick from there. Or we could stick with the Gaiden pick I'd already planned on (it is, conveniently, the top-voted pick from the last round of drawings in the main club).

What do you think?

Well, my selfish choice is to merge them regardless, because I won't get through two jrpg's in one quarter and I hate missing out on either club's discussion.

Well, I never finished X-2, and have it on Vita, so I'm totally down with that option, if you want to play benevolent dictatress.

X-2 is not on my backlog unfortunately and the Vita version is never on sale boo. Still, there are a few months until Q2.

RoughneckGeek wrote:

Is the Gaiden club really about trying new things? Trails in the Sky isn't exactly a new game and Final Fantasy X-2 is certainly not a new game. It'd be nice to continue to stick to games that are either pile games or have been out long enough to be cheaply obtained like SallyNasty's monthly game club does.

I meant that I haven't been overly concerned with whether or not people already have copies of the chosen game. (I've actually had to purchase both Gaiden games so far.) My goal has been to pick less expensive games to play, but I haven't really put a lot of effort into seeing whether or not people have it as part of their pile, whereas damnablebear really started this group as a way to clear things out of the backlog.

Mr GT Chris wrote:

X-2 is not on my backlog unfortunately and the Vita version is never on sale boo. Still, there are a few months until Q2.

The nice thing with the Vita version of X-2 is that it's fairly easy to get on its own. It's included as a download code with physical copies of X, and lots of people sell their codes rather than redeem them. It looks like they average about $15 USD on eBay. I'm not sure if you're able to take advantage of that. Are codes region-free?

If X-2 was the top voted pick last time that seems like a good opportunity to merge the clubs for a quarter. You're picking the game outright like Gaiden but it happens to be one people want to play apparently. Unless I am misunderstanding something in my newness

As for me personally, I have X-2 and haven't played it so I'd be down!

X-2 actually works for me as well, it is on my 'to play' list and I played FFX last year, so this would work timing-wise, the story is still reasonably fresh in my mind.

Now, I just need to clear my gaming schedule for April.

Yes, about a goat! My cover was that I'm closing on a house and will have a lot of house-related work to do (but obviously enough time to play, still) - the closing date is on or near when I'd be doing the drawing, most likely - bingo cage would be packed away somewhere I'll bet.

Thanks in advance to Clock for sitting at the wheel of this weird and crazy ship. I'm in for X-2 if we do that - wanted to do that anyway!

I haven't played X. Would playing X-2 still be meaningful or would I be missing too much context? I will play X eventually but not anytime soon. I am unconcerned about spoilers.

X-2 has some bits and pieces on character arcs from X which is the driving factor for the story in X-2 if I recall. Worth playing X first for sure - in fact I'd dial it back and play X again if people wanted to. I've had the remasters for a while and haven't touched them. I'm not sure if people who voted for X-2 would be into that? Let us know if so.

Would be good to get a little bit of a foundation.

That picture is rather appropriate for X-2, based on my short playtime.

How about X or another FF game and X-2 for the Gaiden?

No need to change plans on my account. A lot of people seemed onboard with X-2.

ClockworkHouse wrote:

The nice thing with the Vita version of X-2 is that it's fairly easy to get on its own. It's included as a download code with physical copies of X, and lots of people sell their codes rather than redeem them. It looks like they average about $15 USD on eBay. I'm not sure if you're able to take advantage of that. Are codes region-free?

That's pretty interesting. I use the US PSN store so likely no region issues. Thanks for the tip!

shoptroll wrote:

How about X or another FF game and X-2 for the Gaiden?

I'd prefer to just have one game for the quarter instead of trying to run two threads. And really, the feedback we've both gotten is that people have had trouble following two groups. I had intended the Gaiden club as a kind of alternate pick, so you'd play that instead of the main group, but in practice it seems like most people have tried to follow both clubs and struggled with it.

Damnable Bear wrote:

Worth playing X first for sure - in fact I'd dial it back and play X again if people wanted to.

I bounced off X pretty hard when I tried it. X-2 is appealing simply for how different it is from the other Final Fantasy games, both in its execution and in its focus. But I'm also the type who is completely comfortable just reading a Wikipedia summary of X and moving on (and having actually read a Wikipedia summary of X, I'm glad I moved on ).

Yeah the thing with the Gaiden thread is that I don't want to fall behind or miss my chance to play something along with everyone else, so often time I'll play two games and get burned out, which I'm sure doesn't really help. That's actually why I skipped out on Thief this month, but I guess I'm not super upset about that

ClockworkHouse wrote:

I bounced off X pretty hard when I tried it. X-2 is appealing simply for how different it is from the other Final Fantasy games, both in its execution and in its focus. But I'm also the type who is completely comfortable just reading a Wikipedia summary of X and moving on (and having actually read a Wikipedia summary of X, I'm glad I moved on ).

You made the right choice.

Welp, voice acting aside, I like FFX. So, shove it, JC!

Damnable Bear wrote:

Welp, voice acting aside, I like FFX. So, shove it, JC!

I liked it too.

I myself only found X to be alright. Not great, not bad. Good enough for being the first PS2 FF, but not even in my top 5... might be on the latter end of the top 10.

Now, speaking of the Gaiden club and this... I'm of the persuasion that chooses one or the other. So far, in the first Quarterly club thingy I want with the main pick, but this time around I went with the Gaiden. If people burn out because they want it all at once, that's their problem. I like to have the choice!

brokenclavicle wrote:

I myself only found X to be alright. Not great, not bad. Good enough for being the first PS2 FF, but not even in my top 5... might be on the latter end of the top 10.

Must.... Resist!

/me hugs Farscry

It's okay, let it go

bobbywatson wrote:
Damnable Bear wrote:

Welp, voice acting aside, I like FFX. So, shove it, JC!

I liked it too.

And that's cool. I, on the other hand, couldn't stand it.

I found that the best character was the blankest of blank slate "badass" characters, which is never a good thing.