Tokyo Mirage would be my choice then!
My votes for the next quarter would be:
I am Setsuna
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
Child of Light
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Legend of Dragoon
All good choices too.
Oh, and my other suggestion would be Artelier Sophie : The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book, since I gather the sequel to that is due out next week. (Although I'm probably going to play that now myself anyway since I'm done with Xenoblade)
Getting an early start, I see!
In that case...
I am Setsuna
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
World of Final Fantasy
Paper Mario
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Chrono Trigger
I am Setsuna
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Bravely Default
Legend of Legacy
Cthulhu Saves the World / Breath of Death VII
I think I started a trend... Sorry, Damnable Bear!
I'm not even going to bother to vote this time because next quarter is Persona 5.
I'm not even going to bother to vote this time because next quarter is Persona 5.
Yeah, this.
I would like to play Trails in the Sky Second Chapter with the club at some point, though...
I better vote then...
I Am Setsuna
Chrono Trigger
Dark Cloud 2
Final Fantasy VI
Child of Light
These games brought to you by my ever growing JRPG backlog!
*rises from the ashes to scream into the endless void about how there are no Tales games on this list* What about...
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Anything Seriously Why Aren't There Any Tales Games On This List
(Also Chrono Trigger is the best and everybody should play it.)
(Also FFVI.)
(Also I've been looking for an excuse to pick up World of Final Fantasy, so...)
(ETA: Also, what about Dragon Quest games? DQ8 is a must-play!)
(ETA2: My actual votes are:
Tales of Destiny,
Tales of Berseria (which is a cheat since I'm already playing it),
Tales of Xillia 2 (Xillia's one of my faves, but never got around to the sequel),
World of Final Fantasy,
Dragon Quest 8)
Oh, Dragon Quest 8 is a good call. I'm playing that now, and it's fabulous.
Looking over the list, it looks like all the good Tales of games are already on there.
newbie here. i'm going to sit out this voting session, but looking forward to participating in whatever game wins!
I'll throw my votes in:
Dark Cloud 2
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Disgaea 3 (I have started this game but need more motivation to finish it!)
World of Final Fantasy
Bravely Default
Hi everyone!
Such a large and diverse list. Fun!
I'm putting votes in for:
Bravely Default
Dark Cloud 2
I Am Setsuna
I just fast lurked this thread, and I'll try to join this time, my votes are for:
* Child of Light
I want to withdraw my vote for Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I can't participate this quarter, and that's a game I'd like to play with you all.
I want to withdraw my vote for Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I can't participate this quarter, and that's a game I'd like to play with you all.
A google image search of "too many games" comes up with a few unpleasant results. This ended up being what I was looking for, though:
I think FF III / VI might be at 5 or 6 votes... I could very well be wrong heheh