GWJ - The Pioneers is now running and available for connections.
Server connection:
We also have chat connectivity between the Minecraft world and our Discord #moddedminecraft channel. Feel free to chat with us there if you're not in the game. Additionally, we have a voice channel set up on Discord, if anyone wants to participate.
If you haven't connected to a GWJ Minecraft world before, please post or PM Merphle your Minecraft name (not email address) so I can get you added to the whitelist.
Older Info:
Welcome everyone! I am splitting this thread off from the Minecraft Multiplayer: GWJ World thread. If you are looking for our vanilla server please follow that link.
The mod pack we are running is Minecraft Unabridged ver 12. You can find the mod list for it here.
- To join, use as the "IP" address.
- Whitelist access only. If you had access on the vanilla minecraft server you already have access here.
- Real time map and chat:
This pack is available through the ATLauncher. You can download the launcher from:
Install instructions for Unabridged
Once downloaded run the launcher in its own folder. Go to the Accounts tab on the right side and login with your Minecraft account.
Once you are logged in go to the packs tab and press the "Add Pack" button in the top left corner and type "unabridged" in the Pack Code window and click save.
Now you should see the Unabridged Mod pack on your list
Click "New Instance" and then "Install" A list of mods will come up. Click Select Recommended to get the default optional mods. Then unselect EiraIRC to removed IRC chat. Once selected clink install and it will start downloading the pack.
Once the install is finished you can go to the Instances tab and click Play
Crypto wrote:I would like to start a fresh Infinity Evolved Expert Skyblock map on this coming Friday, April 8th starting at 7:30 PM PST. We have a teamspeak server and a web map set up.
I will be recording this map as a YouTube series, and I believe Oddrune will be streaming.
Who else would like to be on this map? Who wants to connect to teamspeak and will be fine being recorded / streamed?
The plan is for this to be a cooperative playthrough, and get to where we can make the creative energy cell, creative tank and creative mana pool. Oddrune has come up with an overall design for the base that a few of us have looked at. It looks like a huge death ray.
Those of you that want to be involved with this server, let's make sure everyone can log in and everything before the official start time next Friday.
The server is using a Whitelist, so please let me know that you want to be whitelisted.
MC Server is: midgard.myrddinsowl.comWeb Map is:
TeamSpeak 3 Server is:
TeamSpeak 3 password is: GWJMidgardYou need to use the current feed-the-beast launcher which can be downloaded for PC from here or Mac from here.
The pack is the Infinity Evolved Skyblock pack and the version is 1.0.4
while I admittedly don't play modded nearly as much as vanilla, I really appreciate splitting the threads. Thanks Arovin, and thanks for managing the modded server. ^_^
Just let me know when the launch goes. Does it have gravestones? I'm tired of being my own worst enemy.
What is the advantage of using a modpack supported by the ATLauncher over the FTB launcher? I'm asking because the FTB modpacks were extremely well supported, with an elaborate Wiki and all. Is there a wiki covering Unabridged? A cursory look didn't reveal one to me.
OK, that's a sensible, considered answer. I want to make a weak suggestion that we go back to the Direwolf20 pack, since it's the best I've found.
I had worried that this pack was poorly supported, or too bleeding edge. I guess we'll see.
Thanks, Arovin.
I really like the Curse client for ease of use but ATL is ok. I see Thaumcraft in there. Does this enable the long hand research with the research papers or the short hand where you just unlock stuff by combining aspects? Also will there be corruption? Because that can get ugly after awhile, depending on how long you run the server for.
Anyone like to work with me on a newcomer center near spawn? It should have a mine, power, a smeltery, etc. I am not planning to try to build beaucoups facilities there as I did a couple of worlds back, but enough for people to have a softer landing. Any ideas?
Some things about Minecraft Unabridged:
- No Mystcraft
- Redpower replaced with new Bluepower mod
- Tinkers' Construct has a more sophisticated version in which tools "level up" and gradually gain room for modifications. This version seems slightly buggy. For example it will produce Bluepower zinc, but doesn't melt it?
- It's difficult initially to mine obsidian. Either you must wait for tools to level up, or use a slightly tricky method of making obsidian in a smeltery.
- No cotton? Seems so; Natura isn't included. There is flax, though.
More to come. These are meant simply as observations, not complaints.
- You can survive just fine from four--or even three--gooseberry bushes.
I think I'm good with the pack, it's got botania and graves. Everything else is a boon.
I would be curious to know -- what were the mods Kitty particularly wanted?
I'm kind of against morph. It's just too easy.
I thought it was fun when I took the form of a bird. I'd build max-world-height platforms and glide. Occasionally would take the form of a spider. Fun.
Then I went to the Nether and could become a ghast, and then both a normal and a fire bat, and traveling became too easy. I liked only being able to glide long distances. Still added some challenge. But flying is too much. Or was at the time, anyway.
But, then again, if you don't like it you don't have to use it.
Yeah I'm kinda glad Morph isn't in the pack, it was a little too easy to fly around with it. And it's hard to just not use it once you have it.
Laser swords.....check
Half-life 2 gravity gun....check
Portal gun...check
Black holes...check
Tropical islands...check
All of life's essentials are covered, so count me in.
(I'll probably just head for the tropics and build a resort based around tiki drinks...)
I vote for easy. If this was a new version of Thaumcraft I'd say lets stick to normal, but it's not so easy get's my vote.
I downloaded and installed it over the weekend and it actually runs at a decent 30 frames per second unlike the last mod pack or two.
Norfair wrote:I downloaded and installed it over the weekend and it actually runs at a decent 30 frames per second unlike the last mod pack or two.
Yeah, it is impressive for the number of mods in the pack.
Also a quick warning for anyone who has not tried the pack out yet. You will start with a book and a bag. Do Not Open the Bag until you have a place to settle. It will fill your inventory with books, gives you pretty much one of every guide book from any mods that has a book.
Oh, so that's what happened. It also gives you a few book shelves to house your books in.
Yes, let's switch to easy. I've done the research 3 times now and I don't feel like doing it again. I keep thinking I'm going to write to the author of Thaumcraft and ask him to add a game-transferable token to the game. He could encode each of the discoveries as primes, and give you a huge key of their product, providing a cut-and-pastable token. I don't care if it's 84 digits long.
"You make a simple plan
It's like a light bulb in your head
And then you make another plan
And you don't do either of them
Useless, it's useless..."
Speaking of time sinks, I am lobbying strongly for Morph. I'm aware some people think it's no fair. To me, it's the time sink argument. It makes it easier to do stuff quickly in the earlier game. At one point I had decided never to play again without it. Folks, if you don't like it, don't do it!
It should be easy to add Morph, since it seems a highly stand-alone mod without lots of interactions. What do you say? Does anyone agree with me? Let's vote on it? Or Arovin, you decide.
Uh... you don't suppose we could start early? Or have a "starter team" who would promise to improve spawn for the others?
Uh... you don't suppose we could start early? Or have a "starter team" who would promise to improve spawn for the others?
I'm not working Friday, so am thinking the same thing....
Thanks for the instructions Arovin. Very helpful.
If anyone is having trouble installing, I had to update Java to version 8 update 60 - it wasn't working with an older update of version 8.
And lest we forget, it does have the whole galacticcraft thing going on.
Time for another space program!