Website. Kickstarter coming this fall. I don't think they'll have any trouble filling it. 'Scuse me while I...
Edit: Kickstarter link so you don't have to dig for the one on page one.
Was checking to see if this thread existed, you beat me by two minutes. Excited! Especially coming from the Shadowrun people.
Definitely interested in this!
Oooh. I'll have to see if I can talk to Jordan and drop by their office to see the game.
oh.. maybe see you in 3-5 few years then :/
I have never Kickstarted before. I may throw my money away on this.
So how will this be different than MWO and the Mech Commander reboot (that never seemed to get off the ground)?
Gyah Mechcommander reboot PLEASE!!!!
Hasn't Mechwarrior Tactics already tried this and went nowhere beyond alpha/beta?
Please either be something like realtime with pause or the original battletech were you gave tactical orders to all your units and then the battle played out in realtime.
Actually MechWarrior Tactics is the one I was thinking of as the Mech Commander reboot.
I'd really like to see a fairly straight forward digital version of the table top game. But with real terrain and stuff.
Has there ever been a straight adaptation of the table top game with the rules and mechanics or have all the games just been adaptations of the universe with different gameplay styles?
The latter. Cresenthawk's Inception was close.
I will back the sh*t out of this. I backed the mythical web based reboot and well... that's money I'll never see again.
This makes sense - doesnt Catalyst Games own both Shadowrun and MechWarrior licenses?
I would kill for a Crescent Hawks Inception or Crescent Hawks Revenge reboot.
Why everyone must do a Heroes of Might and Magic with Battletech skin is beyond me.
Reaper81 wrote:Rat Boy wrote:Has there ever been a straight adaptation of the table top game with the rules and mechanics or have all the games just been adaptations of the universe with different gameplay styles?
The latter. Cresenthawk's Inception was close.
Hopefully this game will do for BattleTech what Starfleet Command did for Star Fleet Battles.
I can only dream that we'd get that. I've always wanted a straight-up translation from the Battletech tabletop game directly to pc with rules and turn-based gameplay fully intact. Provide a pre-built campaign, and a NWN- or HOMM3-style custom campaign/skirmish builder, and you've got one of my real dream-come-true games right there.
Hell, that'd be a DLC gold-mine, to boot. And it doesn't need super-flashy AAA-budget graphics and voiceovers or the like. Why no developer has actually tried to pull this off is beyond me. If I had the money, programming know-how, a music composer, and some artists, I'd do it myself.
Mechcommander 3 pls.
Mechcommander 3 pls.
If they want to make essentially a computer version of the pen and paper Mechwarrior RPG then that would be ok.
If they want to, they can put the clan invasion into a DLC. Then I can ignore it.
I'm interested, but I'm also hoping this hype to the Kickstarter is going to include some sort of alpha gameplay footage. It's been a while since Shadowrun Returns released, so I'm hoping they immediately followed up release with prototyping and early development.
First there were trailers for trailers, now there's announcements for Kickstarters. We live in an age of hype.
Remember the cinematics for Mech Commander, with the Commander drawing a line on his screen to tell his squad the route he wanted them to take?
That is entirely possible now. Surely it is essential for Mech Commander 3.
Or a new Crescent Hawks.
It looks like they are using the same mech concepts from MWO. Definitely not a bad thing IMO and of course this is just guessing from silhouettes.
I also can't tell if that is a Jenner or a Locust?
Arise, thread!
Arise, thread!
I had no idea this thread existed. We've been briefly talking about this in the "Interesting Kickstarter" thread.
All I was really interested in happening was the project reaching $1 million for the single-player campaign, which it did in about 24 hours.
I'm definitely looking forward to picking it up in 2017.
Agreed. And allow me to echo Ratboy's thoughts on the game:
I'm not willing to go all the way up to the $50 tier to get something special over the base game. So realistically that leaves me with the $25 tier which is essentially a $15 discount, possible more.
What do you guys think? I like mech games but I'm not as big a fan of the game in general as some other people I know.
I am cautiously optimistic?
I know I am one of the few who didn't care for Shadowrun: Returns. My biggest gripe was I thought the combat was awful. Just a horribly uninteresting slog which was compounded by what I felt were needlessly restrictive character builds.
They did nail the setting of Shadowrun though, so they clearly understood their source and I liked that they updated Riggers to be all about the drones. Last I recalled Riggers were more about vehicles, but that would not have translated well, eh?
So my hope is that they take the base game, keep the rules, make it turn-based, and give us a decent selection of BattleMechs. Some 3D graphics, even relatively primitive, would be welcome.
I also hope they overcome the temptation to do the standard trope of "protagonist facing ridiculous odds". BattleTech was always very focused on "like" battles where a lance would face a lance and a company would face a company. If the total weight of each side came out fairly close you'd have a decent battle. I do not want to be facing 3 Atlases in an UrbanMech.
I do not want to be facing 3 Atlases in an UrbanMech.
Would you take on 4 Atlases with 20 Urbanmechs?