Is there a codex that shows data about enemies you've encountered? I can't seem to find it in the help. I ask because some weapons say they things like "knock down enemies with RED blah blah blah" I don't know how to find out if an enemy has RED blah blah blah.
I also know that when I break out the thunder hammer after I wail on a big bad long enough a small red circle will pop up underneath their health bar and once that's up I can knock them down and stun them fairly reliably. No idea what that little circle is supposed to mean but maybe that's it? It also sometimes puts up a yellow circle next to the red... again, no idea. I should probably read a guide or something.
So at 27 I think I've finished all the pre-scripted missions and investigations since I've unlocked all but 1 achievement and Steam won't say that that last achievement is. Wasn't there something about weekly investigations or something like that? I'm still popping in to just run random missions on the planets or maybe do a tarot run but I liked having a few missions that were strung together by a text story. Also, just running missions on the random planets stinks for levelling. With story missions I was levelling up about every 2 to 3 missions. Running planet based missions I'm probably averaging 6 to 7 missions before levelling.
Yeah, I've seen those little numbered circles as well, no idea what they mean either. It's usually bad for what I'm attacking.
Would you guys say this is worth full price? I'll likely pick up the console version when its released next month.
So I am now stuck on the protect the tech priest mission. As a melee crusader I am having trouble controlling so many fronts, even with the turrets they give you after each wave. The priest is so squishy it doesn't take many hits slipping through before it is mission over.
So I am now stuck on the protect the tech priest mission. As a melee crusader I am having trouble controlling so many fronts, even with the turrets they give you after each wave. The priest is so squishy it doesn't take many hits slipping through before it is mission over.
For area denial missions I usually went with a flamer and spider turret armor. The additional turrets you can provide along with the ones they give can usually lock down two sides while you focus on the larger waves personally. I've reserved melee for one on one boss fights with my flamer taking out the grunts.
Would you guys say this is worth full price? I'll likely pick up the console version when its released next month.
Yup, I paid full price, and I never pay full price. Got over 50 hours into it, and am having a wonderful time.
So I am now stuck on the protect the tech priest mission. As a melee crusader I am having trouble controlling so many fronts, even with the turrets they give you after each wave. The priest is so squishy it doesn't take many hits slipping through before it is mission over.
Also make sure the difficulty is on story mode. that's the only way I passed it.
Would you guys say this is worth full price? I'll likely pick up the console version when its released next month.
There is a lot of content and from what I've seen they've got a good metagame structure to support a long tail in addition to having a meaty single-player campaign.
My biggest reservation about the console version is the so-so gamepad implementation. UI navigation is good but combat feel is rather poor. As I mentioned upthread, the "move to target" needs to be disabled for gamepad. How it is now it feels too imprecise and disconnected.
Would you guys say this is worth full price? I'll likely pick up the console version when its released next month.
Do we need to make a console specific cabal? I’m still planning to get this also.
PWAlessi wrote:Is there a codex that shows data about enemies you've encountered? I can't seem to find it in the help. I ask because some weapons say they things like "knock down enemies with RED blah blah blah" I don't know how to find out if an enemy has RED blah blah blah.
The red and yellow status effects relate to where a targets suppression bar is at. For small monsters they are considered to be in the red as they have no suppression bar.
For monsters with two bars, red (possibly with some blue) and green. Red is hp and the bar that is initially green is suppression, as it goes down it will change in color to yellow then red. As it changes that monster can be affected by skill abilities in that color.
EDIT - I am not aware of a codex of baddies.
EDIT2 - I have not seen diminishing returns on CC so it is possible with a high suppression damage build and a stun with little cool down to effectively stun lock elites, though you may have to pound on whatever for a bit as your health damage may be on the lower side with such a build.
Awesome, thanks! It would be cool if the game explained that.
Would you guys say this is worth full price? I'll likely pick up the console version when its released next month.
If you like ARPGs and 40k, then yes, I'd say it's worth full price.
After finishing Subnautica, I've fully committed to this. Applied for one of the two remaining spots in the clan too.
Decided to roll a melee Crusader. Equipped a power axe and the dash move with the jump pack is great for quickly moving around the battlefield. Ran a tarot mission and really enjoyed it but wasn't thrilled that it cost Fate since I'm not generating it at a high frequency.
How long is the story campaign?
It seems weird that you can't co-op the story missions since the reason they gave was due to it conflicting with the previous account level system. I want to play with my friend but there's no way he'll play through the campaign on his own.
After finishing Subnautica, I've fully committed to this. Applied for one of the two remaining spots in the clan too.
Decided to roll a melee Crusader. Equipped a power axe and the dash move with the jump pack is great for quickly moving around the battlefield. Ran a tarot mission and really enjoyed it but wasn't thrilled that it cost Fate since I'm not generating it at a high frequency.
How long is the story campaign?
It seems weird that you can't co-op the story missions since the reason they gave was due to it conflicting with the previous account level system. I want to play with my friend but there's no way he'll play through the campaign on his own.
I'm get you in this evening. Sorry campaign probably 15-25 hours, mostly due to the slow leveling and mission design. If you do it in the easier story mode, probably much faster. A couple of folks have finished it and can give better data on time. I play a variety of characters and haven't finished the campaign yet.
20ish hours sounds about right for the campaign.
If your gear score exceeded the mission score by say 100 or more starting sometime in chapter 2 you could maybe trim that to 15 hours. As SpyNavy points out this is most readily achieved by keeping the whole campaign in story mode.
OTOH other than playing enough of the campaign to unlock game features (basically until you get Uther's Tarot) which about 2-3 hours you could concievably skip the rest of the story so far as I can tell.
You can unlock a few more options on the bridge by going further into the story as functions are usually tied to NPCs you recruit. Maybe they just turn some of those on when you reach a certain level, I can't say. The story missions also give you a toooon more experience than other options so if you're wanting to level quickly the story missions are the way to go.
Yeah, it's worth going through the story for the amounts of fate, XP and glory you get, plus the better gear if you play on challenge mode.
Over on the Steam forums, they just posted a "Performance Tweaks & Fixes Megathread" which should hopefully help those with tech issues while the patch stuff.
Thanks, everyone. I’m definitely going to go through the campaign. I know my friend probably won’t and it’s a bummer since we enjoy playing these kinds of games together and 40K is a universe we both love.
He only needs to go through the first five missions to get to his ship's bridge, wherein you can invite him to a party and do all the co-op y'all want.
He only needs to go through the first five missions to get to his ship's bridge, wherein you can invite him to a party and do all the co-op y'all want.
But not the campaign missions, just the procedurally generated ones.
Yay new patch!
My only complaint about this game so far is that levelling feels slow.
My only complaint about this game so far is that levelling feels slow.
Apparently if you wanna level quickly, you gotta go through the campaign, then do tarot missions.
I find I have more fun if I can just get my Power Level up at all after each mission. Leveling is a bit different in this thing.
My only complaint about this game so far is that levelling feels slow.
Doing story missions you should average a level every 2 to 3 missions. Running random planet missions with no xp buffs is probably closer to 6 or 7 missions to level. At least that's at late 20's, I didn't try random missions before that.
I'm having the damndest time finding the things needed for the cabal missions this week. Any tips y'all?
I'm having the damndest time finding the things needed for the cabal missions this week. Any tips y'all?
They seem to only drop from Word Bearer sorcerers, which on the map appear in missions with the opponent being chaos legion or chaos marines maybe, and then there may be 0-3 present.
There is a tarot card that forces the opponent as chaos legion/marines but I cannot recall its name, though I believe it is the first option for the major card.
Also, FWIW, my exceedingly brief review of the steam discussion boards indicates that all the cabal missions rolled out this week are taking substantially more time, like say complete 50 assassination missions.
Chaos legion or marines, got it, thank you.
They switched the abilities around so the A button and right trigger are switched. Not sure why, but it sure felt weird.
Chaos legion or marines, got it, thank you.
So I did a Chaos Legion mission and got noooothing. Kind if annoying.
Veloxi wrote:Chaos legion or marines, got it, thank you.
So I did a Chaos Legion mission and got noooothing. Kind if annoying.
You gain 1 per every Worderbearer Sorcerer champion (the mini-bosses) you defeat. I returned to the first area of the story, Chernobog, and ran 3 missions for the space station* with 2 of those giving me a several of the items. I did the only other mission with Chaos Space Marine in that sector and ended up getting another two. The cabal page says that am now #1 in the Cabal for contributions and I only ran 4 or 5 of these missions.
*Did everyone know you can return to that station and pay credits and fate to get attribute and skill points? The price was hefty early on but, unless it scales, it didn't seem that expensive either considering you only gain attribute and skill points from leveling and challenges.
I've completely fallen in-love with the assault armour and power axe combo. So much movement and damage. Downside is I've basically ignored cover and need to train myself to use my secondary weapon (trying out a heavy bolter) to regain health and suppression. Otherwise wrecking fools considering I can dash long distance, jump behind cover, and have two aoe attacks that do a lot of damage.
Veloxi wrote:Veloxi wrote:Chaos legion or marines, got it, thank you.
So I did a Chaos Legion mission and got noooothing. Kind if annoying.
You gain 1 per every Worderbearer Sorcerer champion (the mini-bosses) you defeat. I returned to the first area of the story, Chernobog, and ran 3 missions for the space station* with 2 of those giving me a several of the items. I did the only other mission with Chaos Space Marine in that sector and ended up getting another two. The cabal page says that am now #1 in the Cabal for contributions and I only ran 4 or 5 of these missions.
*Did everyone know you can return to that station and pay credits and fate to get attribute and skill points? The price was hefty early on but, unless it scales, it didn't seem that expensive either considering you only gain attribute and skill points from leveling and challenges.
I've completely fallen in-love with the assault armour and power axe combo. So much movement and damage. Downside is I've basically ignored cover and need to train myself to use my secondary weapon (trying out a heavy bolter) to regain health and suppression. Otherwise wrecking fools considering I can dash long distance, jump behind cover, and have two aoe attacks that do a lot of damage.
No I didn't, great tip. I haven't had the chance to play the last few days. 4am wake ups and work have killed my evenings. Yay weekend.