It makes me so happy that this game is taking off unlike SARPBC. It really is the exact same game. I imagine the first one didn't take off because it was early in the PS3's life cycle.
So yeah, El Chapo is taking it to the chap zone.
The more I see of this game, the more I think my brother and I would have lost hundreds of hours to it in high school. It's not often that I see a game that I think is better than those older couch co-op style games. This may be one of them.
I just got it on pc and the game is a blast so far, anyone else on steam playing? Add me to your friends list id love to chat with some gwj folks and play.
I just got it on pc and the game is a blast so far, anyone else on steam playing? Add me to your friends list id love to chat with some gwj folks and play.
I'm playing on Steam. Sent you a friend request this evening.
I dabbled in Ranked play for the first time this evening, which was pretty humbling. 2v2 was a lot of fun, but it was hard to finish a 3v3 without somebody dropping...and apparently there's no auto-replace feature in ranked. One 3v3 game started with me by myself. Sheesh.
This has become my new go to multiplayer game. Here's hoping they stabilise the servers.
I was really down on this game when it appeared on the PS Plus list. Just goes to show you should, ideally, try a game before you decide if it's any good or not.
Added you thingum bob, we will have to get a few matches going. I was doing horrible yesterday and then something started to click with it for me. I'm still not great at air control but I started hanging back and assessing the situation and keeping myself stocked on boosts and I actually started scoring more consistently and started earning MvP metals.
Still not great at it and some people I have played make it look so easy which is amazing that there is this much depth to learn in what I thought was a seemingly simple game. This is likely to become my go to multiplayer game now.
One thing that took me awhile to learn playing this game is to not get locked into the mind set of "always having to hit the ball" Sometimes you do way more damage trying to just "hit" the ball then letting it roll around and work its way out of spots. I'm always up to play on either PC or PS4 so if you don't have me friended and want to play...friend me up.
PSN: xGumbie
I watched some Kronovi streaming at lunch. That's some pretty crazy control and awareness as to where the ball is going to be at all times.
We should play on PS4. I think my tag is Hatchet_Job.
One thing that took me awhile to learn playing this game is to not get locked into the mind set of "always having to hit the ball" Sometimes you do way more damage trying to just "hit" the ball then letting it roll around and work its way out of spots.
Yeah, even if you're aware of that and trying to be good about it, it's still easy to mess things up for people and yourself. I think it's gonna just take experience for me. I definitely like looping out, picking up boosts, and getting into position to make a goal or block.
Apparently I just need to switch to the ball focus camera and get used to that. Probably stick with single player for awhile in order to make the switch. I was pretty good with the regular camera because they give you that arrow. However, watching the streaming today makes it fairly apparent that you need to mostly use the ball cam and drive that car like an RC car.
All ball (cam)
Rocket League is the L4D2 of car soccer games
Just added all of you who I thought were playing on PC, but not sure how to add the PS guys since it's cross platform...Anyway, purchased and installed.
Trying to get a group up now. Two of us on Vent in the "Men of War" channel.
I would join you but I'm on my laptop, and my PC is in like 12 pieces.
The game is glorious though. I played like 4 hour against just bots and still had a great time. Hopefully I can be around at some point to play some multiplayer.
I played through the tutorials and few matches tonight on PS4. Awesome game.
We got a 4 man team together for a few hours tonight. Most pure fun I've had with a video game in quite a while. I'd forgotten all about "video game thumb". Will definitely be looking to play more this weekend.
I can't decide if the different car models have unique properties or not. I think I notice that the smaller frames make it more likely that I whiff on a volley, but it may be my imagination.
Performed probably the best save I'm likely to do in this game last night:
Felt. So. Good.
[edit: whoops, forgot to make it public]
Performed probably the best save I'm likely to do in this game last night:
Felt. So. Good.
[edit: whoops, forgot to make it public]
Epic, haven't performed a backwards save yet!
The trickiest part of the game for me is when your back is towards goal, on ball cam & your tracking it as its coming at speed towards you.
I think one of the most under looked aspects is actually disrupting play by ramming & destroying opposition cars when they are waiting for the ball to drop or your behind them speeding towards the ball.
I really need to start boosting through the air to at the very least become slightly more comfortable with it & introduce it into my game.
Played for a few hours last night with Fogrob, Bagelmage, and Papadragon last night I don't think I've had that much fun in multilayer since rainbow six Vegas. Good times thanks guys. It's a testament to the games addictiveness that after we said that we were done we continued to play for 3 more matches.
4v4 is absolute chaos! After the first game though we actually started to come together really well as a team, seems like teams that are actually talking are going to have an advantage.
I'm really hoping more people from gwj get into this it seems like a perfect community game.
I got this for free on PS Plus and it's great! Shame you can't have an online season, but can't complain for free.
I'm happy to get involved with people in the community that want to play, maybe we could make our own mini league if there's enough interest.
I dabbled in Ranked play for the first time this evening, which was pretty humbling. 2v2 was a lot of fun, but it was hard to finish a 3v3 without somebody dropping...and apparently there's no auto-replace feature in ranked. One 3v3 game started with me by myself. Sheesh.
That's the only downside to ranked play. If you jump in unranked games it'll fill dropped players with bots and I think it might even try to get people back into the game if it's still early enough on. I've been tempted to switch to doing more unranked play because of that. You also get to challenge a rematch; I've had a few good consecutive rounds against the same people.
Finally got a chance to play.. wow.. this game is a blast. 2 hours later I was still playing.
I did try ranked 3v3 for a bit and promptly went from the starting 100 rating to 6 in about 3 matches.. yeah.. going to have to practice a lot more.
Hopefully some West Coast gwjers are around so we can get some evening games going on PS4.
I played a couple nights ago for the first time. By 4am, I lost all but one buddy I was playing with and we finally called it. I find (in 2v2), certain partners match really well stylistically. One friend and I got a really good offensive going where we were basically using dump and chase tactics, and he'd try to center from the corners while I would hang back around midfield and use boost to attack when appropriate. It worked really well considering none of us are very skilled with the controls yet.
The control I have to really get used to is the powerslide. When going back for defense I find myself reversing as fast as I can, rather than powersliding back around 180 degrees and accelerating forward. With ball-cam on and full reverse I find myself always steering the wrong way.
I actually like going in reverse when I am playing the defensive role. I will be mid field when action is going on in the offensive zone, but as the ball starts moving towards the defensive zone I drive backwards to keep the action in front of me. The lines on the field as well as the location of the powerups give me an indication when I am getting close to the goal.
I'm finding I'm not getting any decals even though I win them on a regular basis. Anyone else having this problem? Everything else is fine and I'm guessing it may get patched in the future.
I'm finding I'm not getting any decals even though I win them on a regular basis. Anyone else having this problem? Everything else is fine and I'm guessing it may get patched in the future.
Decals are per-car. You are probably collecting them for cars other than the one you are currently using.