Dark Souls 3 Catch-All

My new workout regimen is going to be push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups every time I die.

Killer abs by the end of the week.

TheHarpoMarxist wrote:

My new workout regimen is going to be push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups every time I die.

Squats! Pullups! Planks!
(I'm also doing this)

TheHarpoMarxist wrote:

My new workout regimen is going to be push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups every time I die.

I did this for bloodborne (the one positive of long load times). I highly, highly recommend rotating the exercises cause damn.

No love for PS4 digital pre-order, unlocks in 7 hours (midnight)

Everytime I pre-order from Amazon, I enjoy the heck out of that 20% savings BUT then I get to the day before it is supposed to arrive and feel worried it won't show / annoyed that I can't get it right at midnight and I have to wonder if I would have been happier spending a couple extra bucks and just not having that anxiety.

Also, these abs aren't going to return to six pack form by themselves.

boogle wrote:
TheHarpoMarxist wrote:

My new workout regimen is going to be push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups every time I die.

Squats! Pullups! Planks!
(I'm also doing this)

We salute the gentlemen for their dedication. Also, the extra deaths fro.. OMG cramps !1!!*!

I'll be opting for plan (B)eer, Jack, Henny.

Recreational Villain wrote:

I'll be opting for plan (B)eer, Jack, Henny.

Boozeborne was always a blast, so I suspect I'll be Drunk Soul-ing at some point soon.

TheHarpoMarxist wrote:

My new workout regimen is going to be push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups every time I die.

I appreciate your ideas, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Taharka wrote:

No love for PS4 digital pre-order, unlocks in 7 hours (midnight)

Pretty wild that Steam somehow gets a jump on everyone else.

Fedaykin98 wrote:
Taharka wrote:

No love for PS4 digital pre-order, unlocks in 7 hours (midnight)

Pretty great that Steam somehow gets a jump on everyone else.



(for Steam anyway)

Good luck and don't go hollow, everybody!



...in about 30 min when the remaining files finish unlocking...

I'm going to hangout in Ventrilo... in case anyone wants to join me there.

Good luck and don't go hollow, everybody!

Oh you will go hollow all right..

The REAL Dark Souls starts with.... accepting the End User License Agreement.