Blizzard's Overwatch Catch-All

flax wrote:

InstaGib forever!

Fond memory: Two opposing players with InstaGib rifles, both dodging each other like crazy, firing at each other on each cooldown, trying to land that one perfect shot.

WolverineJon wrote:
flax wrote:

InstaGib forever!

Fond memory: Two opposing players with InstaGib rifles, both dodging each other like crazy, firing at each other on each cooldown, trying to land that one perfect shot.

Those were really fun times. I played a ton of UT and all sorts of modes and mutators, but later on I would actively seek out the InstaGib games. A lot of fun was had.

I remember playing rapid fire instagib in ut2k4, it was nice. I bought it for Onslaught mode. Overall I found the normal play too hectic and fast and kinda dumb, like being able to run nearly as fast as your rocket, or the dumb jumping stuff. Getting in a Leviathan was fun though. Even then I was 22-24. Probably not a good choice for first shooter ever. Planetside 2 I think is a pretty decent old man shooter, it has tanks, and is the promise of Onslaught made real.

relevance to the thread!

I find World of Tanks pretty good for old grognard shooters.

Odds this game sees consoles?

This might not be called Overwatch much longer:

Yesterday, on January 9, 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) sent to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. a suspension letter for trademark applications 86239314 and 86239318, both connected to the new team-based shooter Overwatch which was revealed at BlizzCon 2014.

It's been pretty quiet on the Overwatch front of late - but it seems that Blizzard is preparing to talk about OverWatch at PAX East, according to this article at GameSpot.

So, I have an unreasonable obsession with badass cowboys, specifically scifi cowboys. It's why I love Borderlands, Gunslinger, and playing as Abe in Evolve. I'll play pretty much any FPS that let's me use a revolver. So imagine my excitement when Blizzard finally unveiled this BAMF!

It's even more awesome that he's named after what I can only assume is Mad Dog McCree.

A skill that requires no aim... might turn out to be TF2's pyro :P.

cheeba wrote:

A skill that requires no aim... might turn out to be TF2's pyro :P.

Hey, it worked for Titanfall.

Didn't realize until now, but Mercy's from Switzerland, Pharah's from Egypt, and Widowmaker's from France, so again they have (in the trailer, an English and French fighting). Oh, and the new one Zarya is built like a mac truck and also from Russia (she's like a Heavy but better).

maverickz wrote:

It's even more awesome that he's named after what I can only assume is Mad Dog McCree.

Loved that game. We got a fancy new science/computer lab in middle school. Mostly played this, Fate of Atlantis, and some WWII dogfighter, and actual equipment included a remote controlled robot arm that we could also control via camera, VR's gonna do wonders for the manually manipulated robot arms I tell ya.

Oh, right, new hero, he looks pretty cool. The combat roll reloads his ammo!
They were supposed to have a twitch? stream today at PAX East at 10:30 am. Tell me when I need to install Blizzard.
Beta in the Fall. Sigh.

Wow! A subscription option is still on the table?
I suspect another Warcraft Adventures debacle. Which is such a shame because World of Starcraft is a license to print money and we get this as their "hush hush" project that was a big bold new direction?

fangblackbone wrote:

Wow! A subscription option is still on the table?
I suspect another Warcraft Adventures debacle. Which is such a shame because World of Starcraft is a license to print money and we get this as their "hush hush" project that was a big bold new direction?

The thing about a Starcraft MMO is that everyone heard "Project Titan" and assumed that'd be what we got, despite there being zero indication of that. Lord of the Clans was less a debacle, and more a project that was set to launch after that type of game had pretty much gone away. So they shelved the idea of a single player RPG, put out Warcraft 3, and shifted development of Lord of the Clans as an MMO.

With Overwatch, we don't know what it started out as. But given that Blizzard has never made an FPS game to my knowledge, making something in a genre they've never touched is pretty much the definition of going in a bold new direction if you ask me.

10min of Medic gameplay. I am completely happy that this is basically a TF2 clone with MOBA like classes. To me, that is an awesome combo. This game will be the GWJ community's second coming.

All things considered, I think Blizzard is going to make an awesome and highly polished clone of some previously existing products. That is their general MO. And it will take off. I, personally, cannot wait to play it.

This game will be the GWJ community's second coming.

Is that so? Vewwy intersteenk!

Here's the Zenyatta gameplay preview:

I'm getting too old for this shit.

That said, I want to see Zenyatta do Yoga Flame!

Still looking great, I think this might be within my skill envelope.
The 'follow' ability, Mercy's shift key ability that lets her float on over to teammates, is amazing, and probably the most important one.

McCree gameplay preview. Almost makes me wish I had a PC that would run this.

Very worried that the "fun until you join a server with a talented sniper" class-based shooter problem looks to be exacerbated here by the inclusion of two one-shot-kill classes, both with high mobility. Will definitely give it a try, but not getting my hopes up for this one.

Mr Crinkle wrote:

Very worried that the "fun until you join a server with a talented sniper" class-based shooter problem looks to be exacerbated here by the inclusion of two one-shot-kill classes, both with high mobility. Will definitely give it a try, but not getting my hopes up for this one.

they're manageable in TF2. Should be here as well...

Hanzo Gameplay Preview

farley3k wrote:

McCree gameplay preview. Almost makes me wish I had a PC that would run this.

That looks fantastic! I loved Gunslinger and all things cowboy, that video hit all the right notes. I cannot wait. Also Sci-fi Cowboy = BraveStarr!

ranalin wrote:
Mr Crinkle wrote:

Very worried that the "fun until you join a server with a talented sniper" class-based shooter problem looks to be exacerbated here by the inclusion of two one-shot-kill classes, both with high mobility. Will definitely give it a try, but not getting my hopes up for this one.

they're manageable in TF2. Should be here as well...

*shrug* gave up TF2 mostly because of snipers. Not getting enthused about Overwatch, for much the same reasons. LtW's law: any game with snipers can be dramatically improved by removing them.

ranalin wrote:
Mr Crinkle wrote:

Very worried that the "fun until you join a server with a talented sniper" class-based shooter problem looks to be exacerbated here by the inclusion of two one-shot-kill classes, both with high mobility. Will definitely give it a try, but not getting my hopes up for this one.

they're manageable in TF2. Should be here as well...

Gumbie can only shoot one person in the head at a time...

LtWarhound wrote:

LtW's law: any game with snipers can be dramatically improved by removing them.

That's why you do it yourself.

Although I find the lack of fire in Overwatch disturbing.

tboon wrote:
LtWarhound wrote:

LtW's law: any game with snipers can be dramatically improved by removing them.

That's why you do it yourself.

Although I find the lack of fire in Overwatch disturbing.

Lol right there with you tboon!

LtWarhound wrote:
ranalin wrote:
Mr Crinkle wrote:

Very worried that the "fun until you join a server with a talented sniper" class-based shooter problem looks to be exacerbated here by the inclusion of two one-shot-kill classes, both with high mobility. Will definitely give it a try, but not getting my hopes up for this one.

they're manageable in TF2. Should be here as well...

*shrug* gave up TF2 mostly because of snipers. Not getting enthused about Overwatch, for much the same reasons. LtW's law: any game with snipers can be dramatically improved by removing them.
