"Pump it up"
Couple of Highlights from last night
Erik Sigma ultin and killing a Reaper trying to Wraith away along with an Ult'n Mcree
And some Bastion with team support
I've only just noticed, but in the current "Experimental" game mode there are a bunch of goofy April Fool changes - Mei is a tank, Doomfist can rocket punch upwards, Widow scoped shots pierce, and so forth. It's a good time.
i kinda like the idea of mei as a tank, if her damage gets reduced a bit, maybe give her freeze a little more AOE. then she could be an offensive style tank with good CC.
Few clips
Echo evades a Rein Charge
Some really cool ability visualizers from KarQ
Wow that's awesome! Back in the day I was looking all over for something like that.
Here's a companion video showing body/head hitboxes for each character model.
We held Paris on 2nd point at the Fountain.. We booped a few into the river.
I haven't seen Paris in ages, been wondering if it's removed altogether. Maybe it's just not in comp anymore.
Yeah, Blizzard realized Paris isn't a fun map, so removed it from Comp, but left it in Quick Play to encourage people to play Comp in order to avoid it
I didn't think to record it but we had a hold on Paris a couple weeks ago that was brilliant. Pretty sure it was up against new players and not smurfs.
We held them at the gap between point 1 and 2. They didn't make it to the 2nd point till about 30 seconds of the match left.
Jeff Kaplan leaves Blizzard
Has something changed with the priority ticket thingy system?
I was away for a while, but I have 40 of them and it never seems to give me the option of using them. I can queue normally, but there's no button to use a ticket.
Has something changed with the priority ticket thingy system?
I was away for a while, but I have 40 of them and it never seems to give me the option of using them. I can queue normally, but there's no button to use a ticket.
If the queue time is <4 minutes you can't use them. But even then the queue time is a total lie. Tank always queues in 30s, DPS between 3-8 minutes (even with a priority pass), healer is the biggest crap shoot between 1 and 8 minutes.
If the queue time is <4 minutes you can't use them.
I can't seem to use them with >20 minute queues..
Late edit: this seems to only affect Asia servers.
I just played a match where the other team was a 6-stack, none of whom ever left their spawn.
My team couldn't attack anything and we had no payload to push, so we all got kicked for inactivity and now I have a temporary account suspension.
You should have a replay of the game in yohr history, send a message to battle. Net and hopefully they'll lift the ban.
Send a message to battle.net, is that a thing?
It was only a short suspension so it's already ended, but I'm curious.
Caught this at the enough of a round made me smile.
Tycho Thinks about the charge, but thinks better of it...
Between watching the pros play in OWL and experimenting, I think I’ve discovered the best way to play Echo. She’s basically a projectile version of Junkrat. She’s not like Pharah and flying is generally a detriment. The key is to stay around your tanks and team and just spam primary fire and sticky bombs towards enemy weak points (Roadhog, DVa, or healers).
If you’re going to engage make sure you’re not the first one into a fight because focusing beam is so powerful against damaged enemies. I’ll typically throw a salvo of sticky bombs, a smattering of primary fire, and then walk forwards to beam someone down.
The biggest key to Echo is your fly key (shift) should 90% of the time be a defensive maneuver. If you’re taking a lot of fire, fly back. If your team got smacked in front of you, fly back. When I was initially learning I thought it was a good engage tool but because flying can put you in vulnerable spots and it’s a little less forgiving than Pharah’s flight skill, I’ve now graduated to primarily using flight as a get out of the way card.
I fully expect Echo to be further nerfed soon because when played well at the silver and gold SR levels she’s absolutely devastating and her copy ability at high ranks is game breaking. I think they’ll restrict copy to healers and DPS in the future or only let you use one ultimate from another character per Echo ult to balance it out.
PSA: since cross play support, the "Region" selection doesn't do anything, apparently on purpose.
Only workaround seems to be running a firewall and blocking IP ranges for the zones you don't want.
PSA: since cross play support, the "Region" selection doesn't do anything, apparently on purpose.
Only workaround seems to be running a firewall and blocking IP ranges for the zones you don't want.
Yeah, I have heard that a lot of people, especially in the EU, that prefer to put up with higher ping to play out of region are not very happy about that.
Yeah, I have heard that a lot of people, especially in the EU, that prefer to put up with higher ping to play out of region are not very happy about that.
It's not so hot for people who live in Asia and don't speak Korean, either.
bhchrist wrote:Yeah, I have heard that a lot of people, especially in the EU, that prefer to put up with higher ping to play out of region are not very happy about that.
It's not so hot for people who live in Asia and don't speak Korean, either.
Oof. Not so great.
Rise, thread of the dead. I may not be Microsoft, but I still did a dream thing.
The video is set to private.
I'm a YouTube idiot. Should work now!