Marvel Media (Spoiler Thread)

Stengah wrote:
MannishBoy wrote:

the first Captain Marvel isn't well regarded at this point.

That's news to me. Are we sure that isn't just a lingering manchild hate campaign trying to convince people that they didn't actually like it and the $1.131 billion it earned was only because people wanted to virtue signal that they spent money on a woman superhero?

I know different movies hit different for different people, but I consume a lot of movie media and it is consistently lower 3rd in lists. And this isn't just dudes I'm seeing it from.

But hey, it's all opinion.

I feel like in addition to the people you're describing there are the opposite side too that will be prone to like it just because those people don't. We all have biases.

I will say it again, I actually liked this one much better than the first, and more than several recent Marvel films going back to The Eternals. But to me it's still mid-tier Marvel for a variety of reasons. I'm very glad others enjoy it. But my original point wasn't that you can't just assume people didn't go because it's female led. Marvel's been on a trajectory toward this for awhile.

I've loved my time with the MCU and will continue loving it when they make good stuff. But the quality is slipping.

There's also the fact that a lot of Disney movies' politics / themes don't really hold up to scrutiny because, like... how can they, when they're the product of a giant soulless media conglomerate driven by profit motive to make something with a veneer of progressiveness while also being the safest financial investment possible?

Which is less of a problem when it's a largely apolitical (or as close as anything can be) joke and feels-fest starring non-racial CGI animal and plant people like a GotG.

But because Captain Marvel is positioned as Marvel's "feminist project," you've got your alt-right scumbags who hate it because of its surface-level politics, and then you've got your feminists who feel, at best, conflicted about it because it invites a close reading that it can't possibly hold up under.

DudleySmith wrote:

2. I also asked this question and apparently Carol was wearing it afterwards but I missed it.

You can see it best on her when they both get in and sit in the small plane together.

That's news to me. Are we sure that isn't just a lingering manchild hate campaign trying to convince people that they didn't actually like it and the $1.131 billion it earned was only because people wanted to virtue signal that they spent money on a woman superhero?

Given the hate the Ms. Marvel TV Show got lets not all discount good old fashion Muslim Brown People hate as well.. You just aren't going to get the same level of excitement from American's when you have to many brown people in it. Racism is a hell of a drug.

TheGameguru wrote:

Given the hate the Ms. Marvel TV Show got lets not all discount good old fashion Muslim Brown People hate as well.. You just aren't going to get the same level of excitement from American's when you have to many brown people in it. Racism is a hell of a drug.

Isn't Black Panther still #3 in Marvel box office?

MannishBoy wrote:
TheGameguru wrote:

Given the hate the Ms. Marvel TV Show got lets not all discount good old fashion Muslim Brown People hate as well.. You just aren't going to get the same level of excitement from American's when you have to many brown people in it. Racism is a hell of a drug.

Isn't Black Panther still #3 in Marvel box office?

US, yes. #6 worldwide.

Captain Marvel was a gentleman's six to me, at least when I watched it in theatres. It's mostly carried by a lot of actors I like doing yeoman's work to steady a story that doesn't quite gel, bland visual design and inoffensive corporate greatest hits of the 90's needle drops.

Are there people who didn't like Captain Marvel? Yup.

But to put it all on the backs of man-children woman haters is a bit of an exaggeration.

I love the MCU, and it was OK. Not great (like Black Panther or Civil War) and not crappy (like Thor 2). It was just OK.

The new Marvels movies also has the problem of trying to follow up on the TV show, which was incredibly good IMO.

MannishBoy wrote:
TheGameguru wrote:

Given the hate the Ms. Marvel TV Show got lets not all discount good old fashion Muslim Brown People hate as well.. You just aren't going to get the same level of excitement from American's when you have to many brown people in it. Racism is a hell of a drug.

Isn't Black Panther still #3 in Marvel box office?

No Muslims though.

TheGameguru wrote:
MannishBoy wrote:
TheGameguru wrote:

Given the hate the Ms. Marvel TV Show got lets not all discount good old fashion Muslim Brown People hate as well.. You just aren't going to get the same level of excitement from American's when you have to many brown people in it. Racism is a hell of a drug.

Isn't Black Panther still #3 in Marvel box office?

No Muslims though.

I bet Kingo would poll as one of the best parts of the bad movie that was The Eternals.

Just a guess.

I think it is interesting how they now have had five movies with multiverse stuff but all are slightly different - but close enough they can be combined.

So Moon Knight is getting a season 2. She Hulk season 2 has been smashed.

mudbunny wrote:

Are there people who didn't like Captain Marvel? Yup.

But to put it all on the backs of man-children woman haters is a bit of an exaggeration.

I love the MCU, and it was OK. Not great (like Black Panther or Civil War) and not crappy (like Thor 2). It was just OK.

Certainly, but there's a difference between saying "some people didn't like it" and saying it's not well regarded. The latter implies that not liking it is the majority opinion.

MannishBoy wrote:

So Moon Knight is getting a season 2. She Hulk season 2 has been smashed.

Wow, I really wish that was reversed

Hope she hulk gets a movie.

I haven't seen anything more than rumors about either series.

I liked She Hulk a lot, but I'm sort of not sure what you do with it in a Season 2. There wasn't any particular character arc or plot throughline to follow up on. It was just kind of light, fluffy, loosely-connected fun, and while that's not a criticism, it's the sort of thing that could easily wear thin sooner rather than later.

hbi2k wrote:

I liked She Hulk a lot, but I'm sort of not sure what you do with it in a Season 2. There wasn't any particular character arc or plot throughline to follow up on. It was just kind of light, fluffy, loosely-connected fun, and while that's not a criticism, it's the sort of thing that could easily wear thin sooner rather than later.

They definitely did not go into the super-legal realm enough for me. So a season focused on only that (and her relationship with DD) would be perfect for me.

MannishBoy wrote:

So Moon Knight is getting a season 2. She Hulk season 2 has been smashed.

f*ck. f*ck.

lunchbox12682 wrote:
hbi2k wrote:

I liked She Hulk a lot, but I'm sort of not sure what you do with it in a Season 2. There wasn't any particular character arc or plot throughline to follow up on. It was just kind of light, fluffy, loosely-connected fun, and while that's not a criticism, it's the sort of thing that could easily wear thin sooner rather than later.

They definitely did not go into the super-legal realm enough for me. So a season focused on only that (and her relationship with DD) would be perfect for me.

They'd need new writers who can actually write a decent courtroom scene for it to sustain more focus than the first season gave it, but I'd give it a shot if it seemed like something they were interested in. It would mean reeling in the tone a little, but it could be done.

I'm not sure about DD. Charlie Cox is charismatic AF of course and seems to enjoy leaning into this more jokey version of his character, but it doesn't have much in common with the version from the Netflix show. I'm not sure I want more than the glorified cameo we got in S1.

Stealthpizza wrote:

Hope she hulk gets a movie.

From what I saw, there are no future plans for the character. Guess she shouldn't have challenged K.E.V.I.N

Who knows if that's true. But I don't see the character as able to headline a movie.

I really like Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. Hope she finds another great role like that. .

Stengah wrote:

I haven't seen anything more than rumors about either series.

Emergency Awesome on youtube said Moon Knight was announced and he'll normally say "rumored" if it's not official but I can't find an actual release about it. So you may be right. I've seen it multiple places, but sometimes rumors get laundered so many times in the media they become assumed to be fact when they aren't.

So maybe I'm wrong.

hbi2k wrote:

I liked She Hulk a lot, but I'm sort of not sure what you do with it in a Season 2. There wasn't any particular character arc or plot throughline to follow up on.

She has been in comics since 1979 so if feels like they can find something.

She-Hulk has been a member of the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Defenders, Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire, and Fantastic Force at various points in her history. As a highly skilled lawyer who became a superhero by accident, she frequently leverages her legal and personal experience to serve as legal counsel to various superheroes and other superhumans.[5]

She-Hulk has been described as one of Marvel's most notable and powerful female heroes.

Michelle Wolff as She-Hulk in some kind of goofy spoof.

MannishBoy wrote:
Stengah wrote:

I haven't seen anything more than rumors about either series.

Emergency Awesome on youtube said Moon Knight was announced and he'll normally say "rumored" if it's not official but I can't find an actual release about it. So you may be right. I've seen it multiple places, but sometimes rumors get laundered so many times in the media they become assumed to be fact when they aren't.

So maybe I'm wrong.

When I went looking last night I could only find rumors on twitter and youtube. Of course the first two videos I found were one that said She Hulk was cancelled, and one that said She Hulk was confirmed as happening. Given how many people like to make shit up regarding Marvel in an effort to try to manifest their desire for something as reality (both the haters and the fans), I stopped trusting anything that hasn't been sourced back to an actual interview or press release.

Stengah wrote:
MannishBoy wrote:

the first Captain Marvel isn't well regarded at this point.

That's news to me. Are we sure that isn't just a lingering manchild hate campaign trying to convince people that they didn't actually like it and the $1.131 billion it earned was only because people wanted to virtue signal that they spent money on a woman superhero?

Regarding the box office, I'd say being released between Infinity War and Endgame helped it tremendously. That was peak Marvel box office.

slazev wrote:
Stengah wrote:
MannishBoy wrote:

the first Captain Marvel isn't well regarded at this point.

That's news to me. Are we sure that isn't just a lingering manchild hate campaign trying to convince people that they didn't actually like it and the $1.131 billion it earned was only because people wanted to virtue signal that they spent money on a woman superhero?

Regarding the box office, I'd say being released between Infinity War and Endgame helped it tremendously. That was peak Marvel box office.

And she was expected to big a big part of End Game. Ant Man also was likely similar.

I find this really disappointing since it was not the worst Marvel movie by any stretch. I think the Eternals, Thor 2, and The Incredible Hulk are all worse.

‘The Marvels’ Ends Box Office Run as Lowest-Grossing MCU Movie in History

farley3k wrote:

I find this really disappointing since it was not the worst Marvel movie by any stretch. I think the Eternals, Thor 2, and The Incredible Hulk are all worse.

‘The Marvels’ Ends Box Office Run as Lowest-Grossing MCU Movie in History

Yup. I thought it was far better than Quantumania and Thor Love & Thunder also. But just like some movies can benefit from a string of hits, I think part of the reason this bombed is that it followed a ton of mediocre shows and movies from Marvel.

Somebody had to be stuck holding the hot potato when the music stopped.

I wish I had any faith in the studio taking the right lessons (lack of cinema enthusias,m, low "specialness" of MCU stuff) and not something dumb like "girl cooties put boys off"