Cities: Skylines from Colossal Order

tboon wrote:

I don't mind being a chump. I like preorders. I like early access and Kickstarter too. I like options. I am an Option Chump.

I like your viewpoints, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Yeah, I'm really not being serious with the chump stuff. It's intended more as a light hearted ribbing. If any publisher deserves your preorder dollars its Paradox. Besides, it's your money, who am I to tell you how to spend it?

My problem is that I already broke my "no preorder" rule once this year, for Homeworld Remastered, and I already got burned. Homeworld Remastered wasn't ready for release. So I'm in "fool me once" mode now. I appreciate everything that Colossal Order and Paradox are doing. They are being very open with Skylines. It looks very good, but everything I've seen so far is superficial and designed to make the game look good. I want to see how it holds up under critical longer term examination before I buy it. I'm just not willing to be an early adopter any more. Not after the year of disappointment after disappointment I had in 2014.

I think that ends any potential questions about maximum city size, whatever the performance would be..

omni wrote:

I think that ends any potential questions about maximum city size, whatever the performance would be..

Mods FTW!

Theoretically 100km2. Not bad. A bit bigger than Manhattan, although not arranged quite the same way.

There is a map creator, knock yourself out

(or, wait a week or so as someone will no doubt already be on it)

BadKen wrote:

Yeah, I'm really not being serious with the chump stuff. It's intended more as a light hearted ribbing. If any publisher deserves your preorder dollars its Paradox. Besides, it's your money, who am I to tell you how to spend it?

My problem is that I already broke my "no preorder" rule once this year, for Homeworld Remastered, and I already got burned. Homeworld Remastered wasn't ready for release. So I'm in "fool me once" mode now. I appreciate everything that Colossal Order and Paradox are doing. They are being very open with Skylines. It looks very good, but everything I've seen so far is superficial and designed to make the game look good. I want to see how it holds up under critical longer term examination before I buy it. I'm just not willing to be an early adopter any more. Not after the year of disappointment after disappointment I had in 2014.

You gave Gearbox preorder money? GEARBOX?!?

Clearly, the chump you were referring to in all your posts was yourself.

I love Paradox, but this isn't a Paradox developed title. They're still the publisher that gave us Gettysburg: Armored Warfare* and CiM games that weren't entirely baked. So, yeah, I wouldn't give them money early for a Paradox published game.

*Note: This game was an absolute travesty at the tail end of their releasing broken games as Publisher phase. It should never have seen the light of day. Ever.

garion333 wrote:

I love Paradox, but this isn't a Paradox developed title. They're still the publisher that gave us Gettysburg: Armored Warfare* and CiM games that weren't entirely baked. So, yeah, I wouldn't give them money early for a Paradox published game.


Okay, I'm checking out some archived streams from this past week.

I'm continually amazed how smooth it is. Fantastic!

But I am a bit worried about the repeated buildings. There are, well, a lot of the same buildings repeated over and over and over.

I know, I know, mods.

Again, the underlying tech seems phenomenal to me. That's more important at launch.

I wouldn't be surprised if CO themselves add in more building variation post-launch. One thing you can't afford to have lots of with a small team is asset creators, not in the city building genre anyway. With a raft of mods reportedly already on the workshop before launch (I haven't seen them myself), I wouldn't doubt that this will quickly be a non-issue.

I don't mind repetition in residential. After all, on a lot of housing areas, large numbers of houses are built at the same time, by the same developer - I know where I live the houses are all very similar, if not identical. Larger buildings that would more often be individually designed - yeah, those need variation.

I really hope that someone works out an easy way to convert SC4 assets and mould them for use in C:S, there are loads of options there. Some form of NAM bundle in the future would be a fantastic addition also. Either way, I'll probably play this for a good while purely vanilla, or with some cosmetic mods, should there be anything that takes my fancy, but I think their attitude towards mods is the ideal way for a smaller dev team to really give a game legs.

That KingKongor streamer is currently over 400K population with no lag/slowdown at all while he's zooming around the map, so I'm fully convinced that there will be no performance issues in the late game.

Well, it's the #1 selling game on Steam right now. I kind of want to buy it and play with this on permanent loop in the background:

Oh no! On Nuuvem, where I purchased my key, it says:

Not yet generated key, there may be a delay in production.

Whuuuuuut nooooooooo! I want my key now!

Any idea when the actual release time is? It may not be an issue for me, as I'll be at work for the next 9 hours or so. If it's later at night for me, then I'd have to wait until tomorrow anyway. I heard somewhere that it won't be until 6 or 7 pm GMT, due to the time when steam refreshes its database, but that could be complete rubbish.

Either way, hope Nuuvem get the key to you on time, Veloxi When buying things from there in the past, there hasn't been any issues or delays.

EDIT: having a quick read around, it seems that non-steam stores won't be able to give out keys until the actual release time. I'm sure this wasn't the case with other games, in that you could get the key and add it to steam, but not download the game until release. Anyway, I doubt there will be much delay.

I pre-ordered from GreenManGaming and just received my key. Seems like the non-Steam-purchased keys are being distributed now.

Nooooooo!!!! Steam still has not opened the floodgates. All I can do is create a desktop shortcut to nowhere...

1PM Eastern if Steam holds true to form.

PCGamer have their review up:

LGR's youtube review:

I woke up early this morning just in case we could dig into it, which was not the case. But I have it ready to install as soon as I drag myself home.

Nuuvem are spitting out keys now.

omni wrote:

Nuuvem are spitting out keys now.

Yay, I got my key! Thanks for letting us know, omni!!!

Bon Appetit

Other then the bird is there any reason NOT to buy this?

RPS review is up, and quite favorable. Though I'm not sure I agree on his association of the game to SimCity 2013.

WizKid wrote:

Other then the bird is there any reason NOT to buy this?

Lord, I hope not because I already did. #teamchump

WizKid wrote:

Other then the bird is there any reason NOT to buy this?

Someone on Reddit said you can disable the bird.

tboon wrote:
WizKid wrote:

Other then the bird is there any reason NOT to buy this?

Lord, I hope not because I already did. #teamchump

Well, at least it's a team of two #teamchump

Michael wrote:
WizKid wrote:

Other then the bird is there any reason NOT to buy this?

Someone on Reddit said you can disable the bird.

I noticed that mentioned on some of the reviews, but nice to have that confirmed.