Nothing wrong with that, I just saw a chance for some funny.
No problem. I laughed.
It does look pretty raw, I don't go out looking for that stuff but usually it doesn't bother me much unless its trying to be over the top with it for shock value.
Yeah. I'm someone who actually disabled gore in Gears of War 2 when that became available. Not because I'm some delicate flower who can't handle the concept, but because it just grossed me out. I'm hoping this isn't actually what Bloodbourne is because it would strike my most desired exclusive off the list of things I'm excited to play.
Bloodbourne may not be for me. A little too visceral in a way that doesn't really get me excited.
Same. The geysers of candy-colored gore are just ridiculous.
DSGamer wrote:Bloodbourne may not be for me. A little too visceral in a way that doesn't really get me excited.
Same. The geysers of candy-colored gore are just ridiculous.
ClockworkHouse wrote:DSGamer wrote:Bloodbourne may not be for me. A little too visceral in a way that doesn't really get me excited.
Same. The geysers of candy-colored gore are just ridiculous.
I would buy that DLC in a heartbeat. I'd pay generously for it, too.
I would too.
That kind of gore doesn't bother me, but I certainly can't fault you guys for disliking it. It is pretty over the top compared to the previous Souls games. Hopefully there are visual options for those with slightly less tolerance for buckets of blood.
It does sort of look like you're hacking into a Starburst GummiBurst candy rather than an ichor-filled abomination.
Actually on second though those may not be all that different.
Just watched the trailer. Yeah, that's damn bloody. The entire field where they were fighting the vampire boss was covered in blood. I'm sure they are justifying it. I mean. BLOODborne. Still seems a bit excessive.
I'm not sure if shieldless, more dodge based combat is going to suit me. I may try playing the dual wielder in DS2 just to see if I can get into that style of game play.
The blood didn't really bother me but the more I watch the demos the more it does. I don't mind a bit of blood it's just that it's so over the top.
If the blood were even a tad darker I would not care so much. It's just so shiny.
First 18 minutes of Bloodborne. Cross-posted with the PS4 thread.
Hrmm... I'm not a DS fanatic but I'm not sure I like how this looks/plays. I found that dodge mechanic off putting.. its not so much a dodge but rather a short teleport... Whats the purpose of the gun if it takes a tiny sliver of health away vs the huge chunks the "sword"(?) does? Maybe its a combo breaker?
Graphics and environment looks amazing (spooky as hell will certainly play this with the lights off) and I don't mind the shiny blood so much.
Whats the purpose of the gun if it takes a tiny sliver of health away vs the huge chunks the "sword"(?) does? Maybe its a combo breaker?
It's been a while, but I recall reading that this is the purpose. The gun has high stun, so you use it to either interrupt enemy chains or set up your own. Then additionally your melee weapon has 2 forms, one faster shorter form and one slower longer range form.
In fact, the Wikipedia article backs up this description for what it's worth.
It also looked like the gun being used was a sort of shotgun. It does terrible damage to the guy on top of the carriage but better damage to closer enemies. The big appeal, though, seems to be the knock-back/stun.
Except for the slapstick fountains of gore, this looks fun. I love the atmosphere.
The comically exaggerated blood is a Japanese cultural thing, plus blood is clearly a central theme in this game. It doesn't really bother me that much, but I can understand why it might bother others.
There are so many story elements in that 18 minutes that scream, "ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" that it's a little bit over the top. The storytelling in Souls games has always been an undercurrent rather than a driver, so I hope it doesn't end up being too much of a blunt instrument (how's that for a bunch of mixed metaphors?).
Otherwise, it looks pretty fantastic, design/atmosphere-wise. One thing makes me nervous, though. Everyone knows one of the strengths of Dark Souls was the level design. Every place seemed connected, and as far as I could tell, really was, except for the Painted World. Yharnam seems a little same-y, and the first zone caption in the city is "Central Yharnam," implying there are other districts/places that you may visit. Every Dark Souls area was pretty distinct, and pathing was exceptionally clear. That's hard to do in a city environment without things like road blocks and invisible walls (and I'm sure everyone recalls the insurmountable knee-high barrier to progress in Dark Souls II). Plus, if the city has a generally uniform design, it may be easier to get lost within it. I don't feel like there was ever a time in Dark Souls where I felt genuinely lost. Except maybe Tomb of the Giants (f*ck that place).
It's hard to truly judge a game in 18 minutes of video, though, especially when there are clearly edits in the middle of it. I'm still optimistic and look forward to it.
Honestly from that video it looks like this could very well be the first great game of the new consoles. The city reminds me of Vagrant Story by way of Dark Souls and there are few things more appealing to me then that. Not big on how the weapons look something out of Monster Hunter though, they could be a bit more grounded for my tastes but that's not really a big issue in a game with this much exaggerated gore. Speaking of which I expected a bit more gore from peoples reactions, I feel like I've seen this often enough that it didn't really register in my brain as something to notice. Which is its own discussion for sure.
First 18 minutes of Bloodborne. Cross-posted with the PS4 thread.
Not watching! I guess this is the point where I officially cut myself off from all further video content. I'll just read impressions here and torment myself that way.
It's mostly what you'd expect from the first sections of any Souls game. Enemies hidden behind walls, loot set as trap bait, deaths you're not intended to avoid (but can likely avoid with skill/second play through). It definitely looks like fun.
Are we for sure not getting a Bloodborne edition PS4 in the US? 'Cause I'm buying a PS4 for this, assuming word of mouth doesn't turn horribly negative in the meantime. Gonna try not to watch this and stay on near-blackout, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.
I LOVE the horror atmosphere, and I'm hoping for a feeling of "this is what Castlevania should be in 3D" mixed with "this is the true next step in Souls game design, masterfully conducted by Miyazaki."
So I'm all about managing my expectations.
As tempting as a Bloodborne edition PS4 might be, I'm not sure I want to wait getting a PS4 until release day. I want to be able to play as soon as possible, not struggle with setting up the PS4
Come on Sony, price drop already!
As tempting as a Bloodborne edition PS4 might be, I'm not sure I want to wait getting a PS4 until release day. I want to be able to play as soon as possible, not struggle with setting up the PS4 :D
I know Sony got a bad reputation for system updates with the PS3, but the PS4 was remarkably quick and easy to setup. The system update only took a few minutes and then mine was up and ready to go.
Come on Sony, price drop already!
It's selling well enough at $400 that I doubt they will, even with the Xbox One getting a quasi price drop to $350. (Not sure what prices are like in Denmark, so this might not apply to you. :))
I'm not going to watch the start of the game. I regretted doing that for DS2.
I'm not sure how I'll get on relying on dodging rather than a shield to avoid attacks. I've never been very nimble in Dark Souls. I'm excited for the game but I'll wait for reviews and people's impressions in this thread before taking the plunge.
It's selling well enough at $400 that I doubt they will, even with the Xbox One getting a quasi price drop to $350. (Not sure what prices are like in Denmark, so this might not apply to you. :))
If $400 is a low price for PS4 in US, then its much better here than I would have guessed. Lowest price is stable around $445 right now , but considering the 25% VAT, that is quite a small increase.
So no price drops I guess :/
I'm not sure how I'll get on relying on dodging rather than a shield to avoid attacks.
I'm fairly certain I know how I will handle dodging. Horribly.
Still not convinced about this change being a good thing. The game offered you the option before and rewarded you for not relying on shields. Quite the step to not having shields at all.
ClockworkHouse wrote:It's selling well enough at $400 that I doubt they will, even with the Xbox One getting a quasi price drop to $350. (Not sure what prices are like in Denmark, so this might not apply to you. :))
If $400 is a low price for PS4 in US, then its much better here than I would have guessed. Lowest price is stable around $445 right now , but considering the 25% VAT, that is quite a small increase.
So no price drops I guess :/Higgledy wrote:I'm not sure how I'll get on relying on dodging rather than a shield to avoid attacks.
I'm fairly certain I know how I will handle dodging. Horribly.
Still not convinced about this change being a good thing. The game offered you the option before and rewarded you for not relying on shields. Quite the step to not having shields at all.
It seems fitting with the world, at least. We've moved from a fantasy medieval style to a dark Victorian era kind of thing. The heavy knight is no longer the iconic emblem of the world. Instead we've got Sweeney Todd and Jack the Ripper, all black overcoats and razor blades.
It's probably the Castlevania fan in me, but I just want a whip.
There will be whips. They will be bad weapons.
There will be whips.
They will be bad weapons.
NSMike wrote:There will be whips.
They will be bad weapons.:(
Hey cheer up, it could be like in Beyonetta where the whips are basically death lasers. Probably won't be able to use them with just your feet though.
I will use whips if available, no matter how bad they are supposed to be. I'll make them work, dammit!