Stop fighting! This is what the skeletons want!
Sorry about that, I see a post saying you want to keep Kirby Land pristine, but no indicator of where that is.
I had a lava accident which I got under control, so I thought a controlled flow would look cool. It set a couple of trees alight, but there were no others in danger that I could see after monitoring it for a while, and considering that the fire didn't spread in nearly a day I don't see the harm.
Anyway, I blocked off my lava spawns. *I think, I will double check later once it's flowed off* And here's me thinking this is supposed to be fun.
I said not to worry about it.
I'm a bad guy now?
If we need to get condescending and sarcastic about this, fine.
Hey, if you light some trees on fire, don't worry about it I mean, it's just fire right? If anyone comes across it and gets worried, they must just be stupid because clearly it's under control. Just leave them burning, there's really no need to take the 3 seconds it takes to put them out or anything, that's just time wasted we can be using to spawn MORE LAVA! (because lava is the coolest thing ever and should be flowing down everything! There's really no need to secure it I mean, what could possibly go wrong?)
Well, it started as a simple misunderstanding that was, I feel, responded to with slightly excess, and uncalled for, ... passion.
The lava and harmless burning trees fit with my theme. Anyway, I'm sticking with single player, zombies are easy to deal with.
Well, it started as a simple misunderstanding that was, I feel, responded to with slightly excess, and uncalled for, ... passion.
Which I took back like 10 seconds later...
Then took the blame onto myself. I'm not trying to be a Lamey McFunruiner
Okay, maybe I read a bit too much into your subsequent posts too after having my perception coloured by the first one. I think I read a lot of snark that wasn't intended.
Sorry about the misunderstanding. I do think I've hit all the lava spawn points, there were quite a few, so it should subside soon.
Will do another, more subtle flow later, maybe something that goes down the side, then flows into an underground lava pit.
What could go wrong?
The Twitters wrote:@xnotch Notch, will you be adding hostile mobs this week?
@FlotsamX not this week. Ill try getting it in next week!
squeee!! To bad that would mean a server reset, I will never be able to finish my big glass dome. I got it all on paper but between building my new Hawker Hurricane and house work game time is slim.
I put a teeny aquarium in the tunnel in the road leading south. Be careful digging, I think it's spring water, not stagnant water.
I've started a new project on Kirby Island!
[size=6]Just a joke, please don't kill me.[/size]
I've started a new project on Kirby Island!
[size=6]Just a joke, please don't kill me.[/size]
Don't worry, if Fedora kills you, you'll probably just end up right back there.
I know this is somewhat thinking ahead, but still: when we get the fabled, mythical update that gets hostile mobs working I'd like to ask that we keep PvP on a separate server. I have beautiful visions of the GWJ community working together to keep the baddies at bay and make a wonderful happy-clappy world for ourselves, and the idea of some douche turning up and TNTing my house is more than I can bear.
Things I've been thinking about:
- People living near to each other in a "town-like" setup
- Coordinated defence against mobs - city walls etc
- Communal stockpiles of resources, a kind of "donate your leftover stuff here for people to use" thing
- Trading - I've been trying to think up a currency system, but nothing's solidified yet
- A series of railways to take people outside the city to e.g. mineshafts or other places of interest
Am I taking this all too seriously, or am I just some kind of Bloody Stupid Johnson?
PvP? Dynamiting each others houses? Urk. I would like to believe that there won't be any GWJ server for that purpose, because nobody will want it.
A united front against the undead would make sense to me, definitely.
Am I taking this all too seriously, or am I just some kind of Bloody Stupid Johnson?
Probably both.
I'm pretty much in agreement with you on all points. I could see a central hub and a couple "homesteads" surrounding it. Maybe we could set up some sort of bulletin system using wooden signs in a central square. I could see meeting up with a couple people at a certain time to go dungeon diving a cave that you scout out ahead of time.
I've been thinking about the whole trading thing too, I'm hitting a wall as to how to accomplish it without some sort of in game system. I guess if some crafty Goodjer with game programming knowledge (hint hint *nudge*nudge*) could work up a mod or something, it could work, but I'd be tempted to say a communal supply bin would be the right answer for now.
I think a mod would be quite a heavyweight solution for the currency issue; probably some convention of e.g. 5 iron = 1 gold, 5 gold = 1 diamond would be all that's necessary. Even that much might be pushing it - we could equally well let people trade freely and let the markets decide what each commodity is worth.
I do like the idea of bulletins and coordinated cave-diving / mining. The internet is full of cunning ideas to trap and get rid of monsters, too. This one is my favourite so far, as it's completely automated AND gives you a way to collect the loot:
I think the idea of hiring other players to go delving for resources for you would be interesting.
My experience in ATITD suggests to me that barter should be just fine for this sort of thing, assuming we don't have to worry about theft. (i.e. the Reasonable Person Principle applies). Not touching other peoples' stuff is important because somebody might be stockpiling a bunch of stuff for some special project, and if you just take some (even a small reasonable amount), it can really mess up somebody's plans.
But as far as trade goes... yeah, currency just complicates things to a ridiculous amount. It's cool and fun to do, potentially, but it's a pain in the ass. And most importantly, without a *lot* of people being involved (we're talking a pool of thousands of people actively trading--hundreds or less isn't enough) the benefits of currency don't really show up... just the drawbacks.
Well then maybe we could trade services for services. One person goes out and gathers resources for another person and then the other person builds something for them.
Or somewhere along those lines.
I do not think TNT is going to be that big of deal once the monsters start rolling in. In my singleplayer map I have only gathered enough for about 6 blocks, (which I promptly used to clear a giant cave with) so I doubt anyone will be building it.
I believe it will be mostly goodjers working together to collect supplies. Then building, I just hope the minerals are more than my singleplayer or we will be having A LOT of communal strip mining and the landscape will get trashed with a quickness. I wish he would program respawning iron ore that is guarded by unkillable monster spawners. You could get in there, get about 10 ore and get the hell out if you are lucky.
I will stab Floomi the first chance I get.
Well then maybe we could trade services for services. One person goes out and gathers resources for another person and then the other person builds something for them.
Or somewhere along those lines.
Quite. Miners will need weapons, armour and food to be able to do their job, and that's enough to build an "economy" around. People can provide those things in exchange for the materials the miners dig up. And constructioneers can spend their time building without having to go and get the raw materials themselves.
... assuming we don't have to worry about theft. (i.e. the Reasonable Person Principle applies).
Yeah, that was kind of my point. I pretty much assume that if I'm trying to trade with someone in a system that doesn't explicitly facilitate it, then someone is going to make off with my swag. I'm not saying any Goodjers would do a runner, it's just an automatic response from playing games waaaay back in the day like Diablo and their like, where to trade with someone you had to drop stuff on the ground. at the same time, and go pick up the other persons pile. Had way too many people scarper with my gear leaving junk behind. But, then again, I have no problem putting everything a big communal pile, so I don't know what my issue is.
I believe it will be mostly goodjers working together to collect supplies. Then building, I just hope the minerals are more than my singleplayer or we will be having A LOT of communal strip mining and the landscape will get trashed with a quickness.
I heard today that 85% of the mineral deposits (aside from coal, which is evenly spread) in any given world are between 7 and 27 blocks up from bedrock. This being the case, stripmining is an utter waste of time - unless you really like cobblestone.
This has been borne out in my experiments of late, where I've stopped stripmining and started doing staircase mines instead. If you keep going down you're likely to find a big underground cavern, and they are loaded with minerals. Not to mention that diamond and redstone only really turn up near lava.
Strip mining is a waste of time. See my experiences in the main Minecraft thread.
Nearly all of your ore & coal will be spawned in or close to the walls/ceiling/floor of natural cave systems.
FedoraMcQuaid wrote:Well then maybe we could trade services for services. One person goes out and gathers resources for another person and then the other person builds something for them.
Or somewhere along those lines.Quite. Miners will need weapons, armour and food to be able to do their job, and that's enough to build an "economy" around. People can provide those things in exchange for the materials the miners dig up. And constructioneers can spend their time building without having to go and get the raw materials themselves.
I would be glad to take up hardcore farming for both trees and grain in exchange for fewer asplodey jerks showing up and blowing up my work. It's not hard to get it going efficiently once you get it worked out. I'm up to my eyebrows in grain in my single player game and that's with only a small patch that's like 20x10 blocks with a couple patches of grass nearby I clear for seeds regularly while in the midst of doing everything else.
You need to continually harvest for seed? I get two seed and one wheat every time I harvest mature grain.
You don't get 2 seed every time you harvest grain. Sometimes you get none.
Huh. All I know is that when I harvest and re-plant, without having any seeds in my inventory to begin with, I have almost enough seeds to do another round of planting.
I've never gotten seed from harvesting. I have to go find more. That's why I kept a spot of green grass next to my patch.