In general, I can jump in relatively distraction-free any night after 8pm eastern.
I don't feel the need to be there right at reboot, so if waiting is inconvenient (or if you want to start sometime that's too late to be reasonable for me in Ontario) then by all means jump in and I'll join when I can.
Note that Minecraft 1.17 (Java edition) is finally upping the minimum required Java version to Java 16.
Unfortunately, Minecraft 1.16 and earlier doesn't work with Java 16, so still might need to keep a Java 8 around, if you're bouncing between Minecraft versions.
I was just thinking about getting back into Minecraft, is there a time picked for the reset?
Not formally yet, no. Since no one else has, I'm going to suggest 9pm eastern on Friday. That'd be 6-10 across North America, which hopefully catches all the interested parties at a reasonable hour?
[Double post for some reason]
Not formally yet, no. Since no one else has, I'm going to suggest 9pm eastern on Friday. That'd be 6-10 across North America, which hopefully catches all the interested parties at a reasonable hour?
I might vote for a few hours earlier so I can (hopefully) get my niece a chance to play the First Night, but otherwise sounds good.
Update: does 6 PM EDT work for everyone? That's when Lucy and I can play.
I’ll be closer to 6:30, but go ahead and I’ll jump in when I get there.
We are rocking and rolling. Arid start. Acacia at spawn.
We’re early? It’s only 5pm eastern. :).
I’ll be on for a bit in an hour. Can I get a server info reminder?
We’re early? It’s only 5pm eastern. :).
I’ll be on for a bit in an hour. Can I get a server info reminder?
Click link in sig.
For the extra-lazy: GAME-USEAST-01.MTXSERV.COM:27240
I'm in now, thanks.
We’re early? It’s only 5pm eastern. :).
Yeah, I had to adapt to Lucy's homework/dinner/bedtime availability.
The first release of the Caves & Cliffs update doesn't include the new world-gen stuff, and so doesn't include the biomes necessary to access some of the new features, e.g., the wardens spawn in a biome that won't be generated until the second part of the update is released later this summer. As I understand it, anyway.
Just FYI. And stuff.
Yeah. The next patch is going to include the y-expansion too. That'll definitely be a new world gen. I thought it wasn't coming out until December though.
I'm okay with a short-lived world in the interim though.
Haven't seen anyone in a while, but if anyone's interested I found a Nether Fortress and am having a crack at making a Blaze Grinder.
There's a brewing stand and some Netherwart in my house.
I mostly play when I can get Buttons and/or Lucy on at the same time. Both of those got a bit harder with the arrival of summer break, but we should be on more soon.
Never mind, it resolved.
Server down? I get a timeout when I try to connect.
Server down? I get a timeout when I try to connect.
It's running now. It may have restarted recently though.
Merphle or Oddrune; do either of you happen to have the seed for the MP world handy?
I think it's 'Nickel'? Or did we switch?
I think it's 'Nickel'? Or did we switch?
It's Nickel
Feegle, thanks for the carrots (assuming that was you).
Lucy totally blamed you for stealing her nametags, even though it was me (I just moved them to the right chest). I threw you under the bus, naturally.
We made it to the nether tonight. Even found a fortress and got brewing going.
The carrots was me. I even left a sign next to the chest!
The nether fortress that seems to be near you is pretty nice on the overviewer map; the one I've been plumbing is obscured by the ceiling mostly, so it's hard to navigate.
I am not far from you in the nether, obvs, and if you're interested I have constructed a blaze grinder.
Right near your nether fortress on the overviewer are a bunch of lanterns, chests and gold bricks. Is that what a bastion looks like in the overviewer right now?
I am not far from you in the nether, obvs, and if you're interested I have constructed a blaze grinder.
Cool. Sounds useful. Is there enchanting there? Would you like there to be?
Right near your nether fortress on the overviewer are a bunch of lanterns, chests and gold bricks. Is that what a bastion looks like in the overviewer right now?
Probably. Dibs!
I haven't set up enchanting there, no. I need to close it off a little more, as the grinder is still sort of open to the rest of the fortress. Alternatively, I built a portal in the fortress that pops out at a little cottage in the Overworld, so we could build an enchantment room at that cottage.
Well, I've got both paper and leather rolling at our place. Bookshelves are easy now. Once I locate your fortress, I'll see about adding the enchanting.
I also have alchemy going now, so I'll be able to start curing villagers near my place to create a village. Soon there will be Mending.
Well, I spend the morning running a stone brick pathway from my portal to the fortress (so that ghast attacks don't muck up my pathway!), so if you head in the -z direction, you'll probably find the path at some point. If you find it, follow it to the -x and you'll hit the fortress.
I found (I think) four different ferry stops, but couldn't tell you which way to go from each. Needs more signage!
They are very handy though. Would boat again.