Star Citizen Catch-all

A lot of the gameplay segments looked rough in terms of performance, so there better be some significant optimization still ahead of them.

*Legion* wrote:

We’ve been here before.

7 years. Holy shit

Veloxi wrote:

I'm looking forward to its release in 2027.

You are ever the optimist here.

*Legion* wrote:

We’ve been here before.

How is Roberts not sitting in a jail cell for fraud?

Because legally he hasn't committed fraud.

strangederby wrote:

Because legally he hasn't committed fraud.

That we know of…I’m still in the money laundering scheme.

Rezzy wrote:

Came here to check in about this.
Watching the youtube video about it. Uncanny valley faces to the extreme.

From a production design standpoint, it looks like a cross between Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and Killzone: Shadowfall. There was very little action-focused gameplay so it's hard to tell whether that aspect of the game represents a significant evolution of the FPS.

But I agree with the general scepticism about the actual release date. At least another year, I suspect.

Re: faces. They took the time to bring in known faces and then made them plastic. It looks like they put their expressions through some kind of normalizing pass so that the facial movements of the models doesn't break the limits of their animation engine.

"Try it again, but this time remember that you are a grizzled veteran of space wars and your eyebrows and forehead are paralyzed because of space shrapnel."

Nevin73 wrote:

Got this in an email update today:

Attention Recruits,

We are excited to announce that Squadron 42 is now feature complete!

As we move into the polishing phase, we’re fully focused on optimizing and fine-tuning all aspects of the gameplay experience to deliver an unprecedented cinematic adventure. To celebrate this milestone, we have gathered our core development leadership from around the globe to share what this means.

Thank you for your continued support of Squadron 42.

I'm not sure I understand "what this means" means.

We got 2 emails from them. The one listed here and another selling ships

detroit20 wrote:

From a production design standpoint, it looks like a cross between Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and Killzone: Shadowfall. There was very little action-focused gameplay so it's hard to tell whether that aspect of the game represents a significant evolution of the FPS.

Sure it looks like Infinite Warfare because it looks dated when compared to the current versions of CoD...

Here's last year scenes, and this year is supposed to be even better. The only noticable thing here are the major names that are involved in SC

"Feature Complete" in game development parlance usually translates to coming out of Alpha. That leaves Beta, which is supposed to be mostly bug-fixing, but never is, and then preparing for launch. It's also not really how developers talk about development anymore. It speaks to the 'waterfall' approach where you know exactly what you're making and in what order. No one really does that anymore.

Also apparently they're making HalfLife Episode 3? Boats and FPS cover shooting? Gravity gun? Sure I guess but they could have saved it for Squadron 43 which also could have been done by now. Everyone who backed 42 wanted Wing Commander.

polypusher wrote:

Everyone who backed 42 wanted Wing Commander.

Yeah I was wondering about that - I thought S42 was intended to be a "pure" space dogfighting game. This looks like a lot more than that. Personally, that makes me MORE interested, if they can actually deliver.

I think it looks great, but I also have not followed the history at all. If it comes out and looks like they claim I will be happy if not there are tons of other games to play.

merphle wrote:

Personally, that makes me MORE interested, if they can actually deliver.

It's not the game I backed, but I've played the game I actually wanted out of this already (Rebel Galaxy Outlaw), so anything 'new' I get out of this will be fine with me at this point. My main fear is that they'll crowbar in some kind of 'must be online' functionality.

Veloxi is an optimist.

Wait, why are there boats? Did anyone want Wing Commander with boats?

Nevin73 wrote:

Wait, why are there boats? Did anyone want Wing Commander with boats?

Roberts misunderstood the requirement "ship combat".

Nevin73 wrote:

Wait, why are there boats? Did anyone want Wing Commander with boats?

The same people that wanted Wing Commander with HL2 gravity gun physics puzzles, I guess.

detroit20 wrote:

There was very little action-focused gameplay so it's hard to tell whether that aspect of the game represents a significant evolution of the FPS.

Forget "significant evolution", it's probably a coin flip at best if the FPS gameplay is even good. That's a very specific gameplay loop that has been pushed forward by teams who endlessly iterate on nothing but that, and the idea that CIG is going to even come close to matching that quality as a side feature in their space game is pretty questionable.

If the gunplay manages to be better than mediocre, that's a success.

I'm curious as to how the game development industry will look on this thing. Like, will S42 or SC be something someone wants to highlight or hide on their resume?

Depends on if the name at the top of the resume is Chris Roberts

I would have a problem with Project Managers and Producers but anyone below Executive Producer I'd still give a look at. Everyone else is just a worker getting a pay check.

I'm getting a strong eurojank energy off this new footage. Some things that may end up good/great and some stuff that just plain old doesn't end of working, but it's jammed in there anyway. See navigating laser beam traps in zero g. Yikes.

They could have shown anything while they talked about their great AI soldier behaviour, and they still just showed someone cowering behind crates and jabbing health syringes into their arm while enemies ran back and forth between cover.

The boat part, physics, and framerate remind me of some of the old JoWood games with an unlimited budget. I honestly think game performance is going to be a huge hurdle. They're trying to do so much under one roof here.

"2012 to, uh... 2025? Right. I, uh, I learned a lot of tools...".

"Tools? I mean, you list them here, but what were you actually working on?"

Thinking fast, picking the lesser evil...

"Well, I was in Federal prison, and they, uh, had a lot of courses... Still, I've paid my debt to society."

"Haha, yeah, not like you were working on Star Citizen or anything! Welcome aboard."

I have to say, if I see somebody who worked on Star Citizen, I'd hire them in a minute. Imagine the level of focus you'd have to have to survive the endless utter chaos of that development shitshow. Think of how much these people have learned about shifting priorities, being willing to change, and just plain having patience. These people are just unicorns at this point.

I would only hire the guy that was responsible for creating the roadmap for the roadmap.

*Legion* wrote:

I would only hire the guy that was responsible for creating the roadmap for the roadmap.

I'd hire the guy who made procedural eggs.

I suppose the other thing worth mentioning is that EVE Online's latest first person shooter, Vanguard, is due to be released in December. Like it's predecessor, Dust 514, it is connected to the EVE universe.

Dust was given poor to average review scores when it was released a decade ago, so who knows where Vanguard will land. However, it does increase the competition for the two Star Citizen games. Squadron 42 gets a squeeze from Vanguard... and from the Call of Duty, of course. Star Citizen proper would find itself occupying a similar space to EVE Online and Elite: Dangerous.

It'll also be contending with Starfield 2:Armillary Boogaloo when it comes out

Free to play 2 weeks.

If you’re looking to give Star Citizen a try the free period runs from Friday, November 17 to Thursday, November 30

Does it come with a ship or can you just run around the station like a peasant?

Nevin73 wrote:

Does it come with a ship or can you just run around the station like a peasant?

I'm right there with you on the snark, but unfortunately they will "let you test fly over 100 spaceships and vehicles for free".