Star Citizen Catch-all

Guys, I can't decide on what to call this game at this point. Is it Star Shittizen, or Shart Citizen? I'm stuck.

MilkmanDanimal wrote:

Guys, I can't decide on what to call this game at this point. Is it Star Shittizen, or Shart Citizen? I'm stuck.

Roberts Waste Industries

Roberts Scams Industries

That's better.

I thought this was interesting, so I figured I'd just post it as maybe a point about perspectives.

I was part of the initial son was 8 at the time. Good lord, 10 years ago...that's crazy. Anyways, at that point I told him about Wing Commander and Freelancer and that kind of thing. He and I are kindred souls around a lot of things. So during the next year I even got him his own Freelancer with the lifetime warranty. He did not have a PC that could play it, but it was something he knew about, and knew he had that waiting. Over the years we would poke in every now and then and look at the ship bay mode and see the Constellation I had and login to his account and check out his Freelancer.

So fast forward 10 years (WHIPLASH). He now has a decent system, still lives at home because good lord US rental rates are f%cking ridiculous. Anyways out of the blue a month ago he tells me he has downloaded and started playing with a bunch of friends and .... having a blast. He is totally separated from all of the media drama around it, just found running missions with a bunch of friends in the current build to be a ton of fun. Spent about 30 minutes telling me the highlights of a few missions and the emergent play that came out of folks fighting over scrap opportunities.

Anyways, that's all, just a random note that I thought was interesting. I definitely think there is huge mismanagement at CIG, I'm not sure it is a "scam" or just some level of incompetence at the project management level, but for fresh eyes, evidently there is something really fun there. He keeps going back to it.

Wayfarer wrote:

just found running missions with a bunch of friends in the current build to be a ton of fun.

Not trying to knock SC on this, but I find this draws me harder into games than anything else. I was playing Division 2 religiously because two coworkers and an online friend were all playing it. Three of us moved on to Destiny2 and I've been heavy into that since. And one of them is also playing Hell Let Loose, which is a frustratingly hard game, but it's still a blast with people to play with. We're trying to draw the other two in now, though Destiny2's expansion is loading in tonight for tomorrow's release...

Regardless of the game, finding a solid group that you have fun with online is pretty much always a win in my opinion.

Emergent gameplay is always the best imo, and i've enjoyed complete shitty games due to that element. None of that sadly changes the fact that they're fleecing so many people of millions of money...

ranalin wrote:

Emergent gameplay is always the best imo, and i've enjoyed complete shitty games due to that element. None of that sadly changes the fact that they're fleecing so many people of millions of money...

Indeed. What's currently playable may be fun (for a while, at least), but what's currently playable isn't the game that people were promised and that people have paid for.

Also, if I read Wayfarer's post correctly, then his son hasn't actually paid for his game himself; Wayfarer did. The son might not be "totally separated from the media drama" if he'd paid a couple of hundred of his own dollars for the game.

In other news, CIG released two new Star Citizen videos this week...

I don't judge when someone extracts joy from something simple but that also doesn't mean it is a good product.

detroit20 wrote:

Also, if I read Wayfarer's post correctly, then his son hasn't actually paid for his game himself; Wayfarer did. The son might not be "totally separated from the media drama" if he'd paid a couple of hundred of his own dollars for the game.

His package was like $40 bucks and was 10 years ago, I seriously doubt that is a factor. Keep in mind there are plenty of folks who have not "spent hundreds of dollars".

ranalin wrote:

Emergent gameplay is always the best imo, and i've enjoyed complete shitty games due to that element. None of that sadly changes the fact that they're fleecing so many people of millions of money...

Some of my favorite game experiences have been playing around in broken games with friends. It didn't make the games good, it was just the chaos that was fun. "Broken" often being much more fun than "working but mediocre" for that very reason.

I do look forward to SC's next free-play period, because I need to go look myself at what the current state of actual SC gameplay is.

New Citizen here. Looking to make friends. Been GWJ since 2004.

bjlightnin wrote:

New Citizen here. Looking to make friends. Been GWJ since 2004.

Jesus, you're not lying. Your account is 6 months older than mine, and you're still at Intern.

I can't imagine how many Choose Your Tag level accounts my post count could have generated in that time. I probably could have made one from posts about Blake Bortles alone.

I played WoW. Was recruited by Reaper when we were in Bosnia. I think you and I played WoW back then, Star Citizen has caught my fancy...

Like I said, looking for friends in game.

Hitting this again...anyone actively playing Star Citizen. I'm having a blast. Accidentally upgraded to a Redeemer. Would love to get together to kill, mine, and/or trade.

bjlightnin wrote:

Hitting this again...anyone actively playing Star Citizen. I'm having a blast. Accidentally upgraded to a Redeemer. Would love to get together to kill, mine, and/or trade.

recommend getting on discord and making a custom channel. If anyone is actively playing they may join you if they see you in a SC channel

About to DL the new build to play around

Star Citizen just hit a major milestone!

No, not an actual release, silly.

The project has reached the $500m mark in funding generated.

Half a billion, a whole decade (in another month), so many roadmaps, and still we wait.

*Legion* wrote:

so many roadmaps

By the time Star Citizen actually releases, the term "roadmaps" will feel so antiquated because nobody will use "maps".


Or "roads".

*Legion* wrote:

Star Citizen just hit a major milestone!

No, not an actual release, silly.

The project has reached the $500m mark in funding generated.

Half a billion, a whole decade (in another month), so many roadmaps, and still we wait.

We'll always be waiting. There's more money in milking the whales than actually releasing anything.

Veloxi wrote:
*Legion* wrote:

Star Citizen just hit a major milestone!

No, not an actual release, silly.

The project has reached the $500m mark in funding generated.

Half a billion, a whole decade (in another month), so many roadmaps, and still we wait.

We'll always be waiting. There's more money in milking the whales than actually releasing anything.

Eyeroll....yeah those currently playing the game must be imagining things.

It's all fine and good to say "this is a crappy way to do game development" or "I feel that promises have been repeatedly broken", but to claim nothing has been released is just pure trolling.

Edit/clarification...Not a whale here....only spent 60 bucks about 10 years ago

If you are excited about a decade and $500M later…then I have a bridge I need to sell.

Nobody is claiming nothing has been released; people are pointing out Star Citizen is a garbage fire of development and giant-ass scam preying on idiots, and it's never coming out in any form. The fact little bits of functionality drip out in order to placate backers and allow Chris Roberts to keep convincing people to gift him more money to set on fire.

If people feel like they're getting their $50 (or whatever) worth out of playing around inside of what's mostly still a tech demo at this point, more power to them.

But the fact is, after what will be a decade (a decade) of development time next month, we're talking about two games - Star Citizen and Squadron 42 - one of which is still in an Alpha state, and one of which isn't even that far.

At this point, this Reddit comment sums it up best:

>>> I don't get the hate for the game tho.

Well, I gave them my money almost a decade ago based on promises like this one, which never even got close to being fulfilled. It wasn't a 1 year delay, or a 2 year delay... the game was just never finished. Period.

I get that people who have pledged a couple of years ago may still feel differently, but to me it just feels like they lied to me, took my money and ran away with it. In other words: I got scammed. I wish I had never pledged, but I did, and I wish they would refund my pledge, but they won't.

Since I pledged, I've gone through 3 different PCs, I have a completely different life now and I don't even have the time to game that much anymore. I think it's simply not realistic to expect somebody to have the same level of interest in a product they were interested in 9 years ago. Humans have a finite lifespan, you know. We go through different phases in life, our interests and hobbies shift, etc. Luring a teenager into buying a game they may get to play when they have children, if it's ever released, is not very different to me than not delivering the game at all.

And I can't help but feel that people who have only pledged recently and are still supporting the game today will simply go through the same process I went through: years will go by, their interest slowly fading away, they'll move on to something else, and 10 years from today they'll remember about those 50€ they threw away on some online scam they saw when they were 20, and laugh about how stupid they were back then. Meanwhile, CIG will continue to amass those pledges, pretend they're actually planning to finish the game, and keep releasing more hype material, purchasable lore, merchandising, etc. to lure in new teenagers into the pyramid and keep new money flowing in.

I know this sounds pessimistic, but it's exactly how I feel. 9 years will give you that perspective. Luckily for me I only spent around 50€ on this... I can't imagine what people who spent thousands on it may feel like.

So yeah, I think a reality check by the press every few years is well deserved and necessary, if anything to at least try and give some much needed perspective to new pledgers, who may not be familiar with Star Citizen's full history of promise and disappointment.

Or, more succinctly, this one:

I got Star Citizen for free with my gpu (an AMD Radeon R9 280X) in late 2013. Nearly nine years later, it's still in ALPHA.

It's literally like this guy bought a PlayStation 4 and it came with a voucher for a free PlayStation 6 game.

*Legion* wrote:

It's literally like this guy bought a PlayStation 4 and it came with a voucher for a free PlayStation 6 game.

Wow, that's pretty optimistic of you.


For some perspective. In 2012, CRISPR-Cas9 had just been discovered and initial experiments demonstrated the protein could function in mammalian cells. Last week, Intellia (one of the first three Cas9 companies) announced data from their second human clinical trial (

Basically, an entirely new technology has gone from bacteria to humans in the same period of time as Star Citizen has been in development.

When the Star Citizen Kickstarter went live, Gangnam Style was just starting to peak at #2 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Kids will have been born and graduate college and this game still won’t be “released”. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a developer on this game and realize you won’t ever get done. MMOG’s get developed faster than this. The simple fact is nobody wants to spend a decade working on anything without some measure of completion.