Thanks for tending to the OP, Wayfarer. Looks good.
Flintheart Glomgold wrote:I'm not sure that is always true. If I'm at a station with high demand and there is a neighboring station that is trading to it I have found that becomes a legitimate trade route, although not the best trade route.
This is true, high demand is high demand wherever you go. But to get those really good 500-1000+ profits you still have to go off the grid and look for those untouched systems that don't have a lot of AI and player traffic.
Yes, this is why I spend so much time "away from the action" in the fringe stations. The only problem with that is that there are mostly extraction stations. I've been logging prices and find the lowest sellers and the (usually) single consumer of gold or other valuable metal. It ends up being an ore trip and a metal trip but I find the routes do not get played out.
The disadvantage (and occasional advantage) is that there are a lot of anarchy stations and systems.
Even when I was mostly doing open play I may only see a single other player the entire night.
The disadvantage (and occasional advantage) is that there are a lot of anarchy stations and systems.
#1 reason why I'm planning on selling my Type-6 and buying an Asp.
Here are three posts I made about joystick recommendations. The first would probably suffice, since it links back to the previous two.
and here is a mostly up to date google doc of how I have everything configured for my combination of CH Throttle, T16000M, TrackIR, and GlovePIE script:
Also, I made an alternate version of CMDR Nutron's spreadsheet. Less data, but more usable as reference for alt-tabbing. I might even add in a few extra alternative stops, unless I decide to move on the regular commodity trading before I feel the need to tinker with/optimize his route a bit more.
Oh, also this reference sheet about shield generators is quite helpful:
Yeah, they started planning well before launch, but, without the ability to be in two places at once with multi characters, I can't justify going that far outside of settled space. Kinda nerfs the exploration side of the game. It was a feature that was talked about before Beta, but I haven't seen anything official since.
Yeah, they started planning well before launch, but, without the ability to be in two places at once with multi characters, I can't justify going that far outside of settled space. Kinda nerfs the exploration side of the game. It was a feature that was talked about before Beta, but I haven't seen anything official since.
There was this a few days ago:
On the list, but not soon.
I think I figured the key to bounty hunting (apologize if this has been already posted and I missed it). Go into the Resource Extraction Points. I've been dancing around them looking for USS. Nah, there are full blown battles going on in the Resource Extraction Points. I've been making > 80k per trip into one from bounties.
I think I figured the key to bounty hunting (apologize if this has been already posted and I missed it). Go into the Resource Extraction Points. I've been dancing around them looking for USS. Nah, there are full blown battles going on in the Resource Extraction Points. I've been making > 80k per trip into one from bounties.
RESes are indeed, the shit.
I've been doing a lot of the bounty hunting missions against anacondas instead of fighting in RES sites. I just can't seem to find any with good bounties available. I've only seen one anaconda that wasn't friendly in days of looking and he kind of appeared in a strange spot. I was fighting cobras in open space quite far away from the actual RES point and I noticed a radar dot even further out from the asteroids. I went to take a look and it turned out to be a wanted anaconda, but then he jumped out before I could engage.
I've now visited over 1,000 systems.
I celebrated by upgrading my discovery scanner to Intermediate.
Finally got into my Cobra. That laser/machine gun combo really bodies people, doesn't it?
Finally got into my Cobra. That laser/machine gun combo really bodies people, doesn't it?
It's the bestest. *hugs Cobra*
Finally got into my Cobra. That laser/machine gun combo really bodies people, doesn't it?
Beam lasers+multicannons is widely considered the best loadout right now from what comments I've seen. It's certainly the most efficient because it has a nice balanced mix of damage. The more expensive weapons like cannons and rocket pods do massive spikes of damage, but are harder to use and the cost of ammo spikes dramatically. If you look up that "fastest way to kill an anaconda" video it has a great breakdown. You can mount 6 rocket pods on an asp and blow away an anaconda in a couple seconds, but you could spend over half of your bounty just on ammo!
Having watched a couple videos I'm willing to give the viper a second shot. I learned two things that could make it better than the Cobra in a straight up fight:
1. The number of charges you get per shield cell varies depending on the type. A is better than E, C and D are better than A and B has the highest capacity of all! B is also the heaviest and it's not entirely clear how much the rank and size of the shield cell determines how many shield points you get from each charge.
2. Because of size-weight ratios the Viper actually has a higher maximum shield strength than the Cobra does. The difference is almost +50%, so if you plan to never let your shield collapse the Viper is actually superior at taking damage.
The downside of the Viper is the very limited reactor rating, it maxes out at beam lasers and multicannons simply because you don't have the power to mount anything bigger. Cobras by comparison can get away with a single railgun or plasma accelerator.
Nice! I hit 300% heat in my sidey, got away with about 20% hull :/
So, uh, don't set your speed to zero in a RES while you go help your wife unload the groceries from the car. I came back to find that a NPC pirate was attacking me. He had specifically targeted and destroyed my thrusters so I had no control. Never got it back either. I lost over $200k in uncollected bounties including an additional $50k in replacing my viper. I was not happy.
So, uh, don't set your speed to zero in a RES while you go help your wife unload the groceries from the car. I came back to find that a NPC pirate was attacking me. He had specifically targeted and destroyed my thrusters so I had no control. Never got it back either. I lost over $200k in uncollected bounties including an additional $50k in replacing my viper. I was not happy.
You lose your collected bounties if your ship gets destroyed? That's good to know.
Save & Exit: takes seconds, puts you right back where you were when you come back. Use that if you need to pause the game.
So, uh, don't set your speed to zero in a RES while you go help your wife unload the groceries from the car. I came back to find that a NPC pirate was attacking me. He had specifically targeted and destroyed my thrusters so I had no control. Never got it back either. I lost over $200k in uncollected bounties including an additional $50k in replacing my viper. I was not happy.
Nah, seriously man, save and exit.
The ship outfitter supports Pythons now, by the way, so I added some builds to my post a few pages back. Man, are those things ever pricey.
The ship outfitter supports Pythons now, by the way, so I added some builds to my post a few pages back. Man, are those things ever pricey.
Yeah, sounds like the upkeep cost for that thing (and some of the other larger ships) can be damned prohibitive.
I'm not buying the more expensive stuff until I figure out how to make them worthwhile to pay for their upkeep.
Of course, if I figure out how to get enough cash to buy them in the first place, I suppose I'll have that part figured out.
From the department of random questions: Is the "Mercenary" livery for Sidewinders only? If not, what other ships are there versions for?
I like British racing green but am considering a new ship.
zeroKFE wrote:The ship outfitter supports Pythons now, by the way, so I added some builds to my post a few pages back. Man, are those things ever pricey.
Yeah, sounds like the upkeep cost for that thing (and some of the other larger ships) can be damned prohibitive.
I'm not buying the more expensive stuff until I figure out how to make them worthwhile to pay for their upkeep.
Of course, if I figure out how to get enough cash to buy them in the first place, I suppose I'll have that part figured out.
Yeah, I'm just assuming they'll have addressed that issue by the time I can afford one.
From the department of random questions: Is the "Mercenary" livery for Sidewinders only? If not, what other ships are there versions for?
I like British racing green but am considering a new ship. :)
I'm pretty sure it's also available for Vipers and Cobras.