Yeah iDracula is cool, already got my $1 value out of that. GeoDefense, ditto. The difference in play style to other TD games makes it interesting.
The thing I was most impressed with in iDracula was how solidly it controls. Fairly subtle finger/thumb movements transfer quite intuitively to character movement and aiming. Definitely worth $1.00 (heck I'd pay 2.) Graphics are quite decent and though it is lacking in depth it has a certain Geometry Wars with Werewolves vibe going for it that is pretty great.
Also these may have been mentioned before but if you haven't tried the Toy Bot Diaries games they are well worth the price of admission. Nice crisp graphics with an decent art style and a fairly well implemented grappling mechanic that makes nice use of the accelerometer (plus if you collect 25 "collectibles" in each of the three games you can enter to win $10,000 - creative incentivizing if nothing else)
Zen Bound was released today. It's a puzzle game revolving around wrapping wooden sculptures in rope to cover them. A pretty unique concept and what looks to be great controls. I've downloaded it but have yet to put any time into it.
On a whim, I picked up the Monopoly game today. It's the "Here and Now: World Edition", which plays the same, but all of the property names are different. It's a really good implementation of the game, with nice 3-D graphics and a well done interface. However, it serves to underscore the fact that Monopoly is a game best played with live people. Not that the AI is bad, but you just don't get the personal interactions with trading of properties and everything. There's a WiFi play option that I haven't tried yet, due to not having a 2nd iPhone hanging around the house these days, but that could add some additional value to the game if you have a few iPhones in the house.
So Zen Bound looks great, and controls very good. One finger spins the object around, two fingers handles rotation and physically rotating the ipod moves the direction of the rope. It can get quite difficult to get 100% in a level when they start introducing sculptures with smaller and more angled parts (the physics ensure that your rope will slip right off 45 degree angles if you're not careful.) The music is fantastic as well, if you visit the Secret Exit website from the in game link they'll even be an offer to email you the soundtrack in 320kbps for free. I'm not quite sure at the number of stages, theres at least 15, but perhaps there are more to be unlocked the further up the tree you climb. I'm sure that more levels could and probably will be added later down the line as well.
On a whim, I picked up the Monopoly game today. It's the "Here and Now: World Edition", which plays the same, but all of the property names are different. It's a really good implementation of the game, with nice 3-D graphics and a well done interface. However, it serves to underscore the fact that Monopoly is a game best played with live people. Not that the AI is bad, but you just don't get the personal interactions with trading of properties and everything. There's a WiFi play option that I haven't tried yet, due to not having a 2nd iPhone hanging around the house these days, but that could add some additional value to the game if you have a few iPhones in the house.
It doesnt have some kind of pass and play option? Scrabble does, I had thought Monopoly did too
bennard wrote:On a whim, I picked up the Monopoly game today. It's the "Here and Now: World Edition", which plays the same, but all of the property names are different. It's a really good implementation of the game, with nice 3-D graphics and a well done interface. However, it serves to underscore the fact that Monopoly is a game best played with live people. Not that the AI is bad, but you just don't get the personal interactions with trading of properties and everything. There's a WiFi play option that I haven't tried yet, due to not having a 2nd iPhone hanging around the house these days, but that could add some additional value to the game if you have a few iPhones in the house.
It doesnt have some kind of pass and play option? Scrabble does, I had thought Monopoly did too
It does have a pass and play option.
Monopoly pass and play. I work in an auto detail shop where we're constantly working, so its nice to be able to play a couple rounds with my friend on break. It saves right where you left off, so we have an ongoing game. Which, I'm winning....
I think I'm going to buy Zen Bound on your recommendation, Asz. I watched the video on that link and it looks great. Thanks.
Katamari demo is out!
Does anyone have any kind of guess as to when Galactrix will be released on Iphone? That's the game I really want, and I refuse (for now) to buy it on any other platform, b/c it would be perfect (for me) on the Iphone.
Considering the reported problems on the DS (load times) there is absolutely no harm in waiting I'd say. Also the iPhone version can be patched far easily than the DS.
The Toy Bot Diaries trilogy has dropped to $0.99 per game. If you haven't picked them up yet, now is time to do so.
Also, Mecho Wars is scheduled to drop this month. From what I can tell, it's the first real TRPG out on the system. It looks like it has some pretty solid art design if you can get over the bizzare creatures and characters. I'd like to hear some praise before I pick it up, but I might get it just for being the only TRPG for the iPhone available.
I don't usually care for Advance Wars / Fire Emblem type games, but I might try that one just because I long for an iPhone game that measures up to at least a DS type game (or hell, GBA). I would pay $50 for a quality Tactics game, if one is ever made.
What is this toy bot diaries?
Btw update on Katamari Lite: Seems like genuine Katamari, the way GTA on the PSP is. Controls are not as precise as a Dual Shock, but the graphics and game seem intact. I plan to buy it and will report more.
The demo for Katamari was pretty good but I couldn't get a good enough hang of the controls to really warrant a purchase yet. I might have to try again.
Toy Bot Diaries is a fun platformer, 2d side scrolling with tilt controls and some pretty ingenius puzzle designs based on magnetizing the bot's feet and using his little grappler. Good art and stuff too.
I'd like an iPhone tactics game too... and Galactrix but as far as I know, Galactrix for iPhone hasnt been discussed at all. Doesnt mean it isnt happening, but not in the very near future anyways.
I like Katamari in theory, but i've always had issue with the controls. The iPhone version only exacerbates those problems for me, I found it way too difficult to control the katamari enough to have any fun with it.
There is a demo for the first Toy Bot game if you're really apprehensive about dropping $1
It is well worth dropping a dollar to at least try the first game, $3 for all three of them is a great deal.
Does anyone have any kind of guess as to when Galactrix will be released on Iphone? That's the game I really want, and I refuse (for now) to buy it on any other platform, b/c it would be perfect (for me) on the Iphone.
Have you played Puzzle Quest on the iPhone? I tried the demo, but the game itself says "chapters 1 and 2," and it's not entirely clear to me how much of the full game that actually is. (iTunes link)
Toy Bot Diaries is a fun platformer, 2d side scrolling with tilt controls and some pretty ingenius puzzle designs based on magnetizing the bot's feet and using his little grappler. Good art and stuff too.
Thanks! I was the art director on those games.
If you're a fan of pinball, we've got a new game coming out soon that was just announced, Freeballin'.
BWRyan wrote:Does anyone have any kind of guess as to when Galactrix will be released on Iphone? That's the game I really want, and I refuse (for now) to buy it on any other platform, b/c it would be perfect (for me) on the Iphone.
Have you played Puzzle Quest on the iPhone? I tried the demo, but the game itself says "chapters 1 and 2," and it's not entirely clear to me how much of the full game that actually is. (iTunes link)
Its the full original game (without the expansion). Originally it came across as a sloppy port split up into 3 parts to gouge us on the price, but they've cleaned it up somewhat and threw in the second chapter for free, so I'll give the game a thumbs up at this point.
Yeah, there are some occasional text overlapping problems during the story parts (who really cares about that anyway), but otherwise I'd say it's now the best version of the game. Very good value at the current price if you haven't played it (something like $8?).
Yeah, there are some occasional text overlapping problems during the story parts (who really cares about that anyway), but otherwise I'd say it's now the best version of the game. Very good value at the current price if you haven't played it (something like $8?).
Yes, it was $7.99. And boy does it eat battery life. I won't play it unless I'm near a charger... although part of the problem is no doubt the fact that I'll sit down and play it for an extended time...
After listening to the latest ListenUP podcast, I grabbed Word Fu. I love word games, and this one is going to replace Word Jong as my lunchtime time killer.
That is, if I can stop reading a book using the Kindle Reader for long enough.
Has anyone jumped on the Watchmen MMO? I went to download it today but it seems to have been removed (presumably from the vast reports of server connection issues.) A one dollar MMO based on Watchmen for iPhone? Color me intrigued.
On a related note, are there any good web-based games that work well in Safari?
(I'm enjoying X-plane. Yea, it's $10, but it's a better flight-sim in the palm of my hand than the first one I got 23 years ago. If you like flight sims, it's a fun little toy.)
Katamari update: I'm totally getting my money's worth so far. The controls could probably be slightly better, but they aren't bad at all. Some of the reviewers suggest that it needs more levels, but for $8 it's probably close to fairly priced.
Everyone should try the Lite version for free. If you've liked these games before, you'll like this one enough to buy it, imho. If you've never played one of these games, give the Lite a shot and see what you think. For me, I enjoy that they are kind of mindless fun - they really are "games".
Good stuf, well satisfied.
polypusher wrote:Toy Bot Diaries is a fun platformer, 2d side scrolling with tilt controls and some pretty ingenius puzzle designs based on magnetizing the bot's feet and using his little grappler. Good art and stuff too.
Thanks! I was the art director on those games.
If you're a fan of pinball, we've got a new game coming out soon that was just announced, Freeballin'.
You did good
I love Pinball! and the iphone screen is PERFECT for the game. I have one of the early pinball games called Inferno but its really unoptimized and a badly designed table. I've been thinking of Pinball Dreams, the port of an old amiga (or somesuch) game that I've heard good things about. More pinball is always welcome. It hasnt been done to death on the platform yet. (unlike carpenter's levels and yo mamma joke apps)
I always forget that 0kelvin works for IUGO.
If you're a fan of pinball, we've got a new game coming out soon that was just announced, Freeballin'.
Any chance you can subtitle the game: Going Commando?
Games and apps on my iTouch:
Saisuke: decent calendar app to track appointments
Blue Attack! and Blue Defense - definitive arcade space shooters for the app. Cheap
IGN, Bloomberg, NYT - how I get news these days
Instapaper - the biggest timewaster ever. Save every web page for reading on the go
eReader - for free books
Twistism - cheap. Textwist on the go. Loses nothing from porting
DropShip - old school 2D shooter with 80's style "3D" graphics. Cute
Dramacon - decent romantic manga on the iPhone; want to get Batman Black and White
Shakespeare - free lit on the go
AllCountries - so I don't get basic facts about foreign countries embarassingly wrong.
Pixelcross and Beseigement are both on sale for a dollar.
Pixelcross and Beseigement are both on sale for a dollar.
What are they?
So Metal Gear for iPhone is getting decent reviews "if you like the series" even though it looks to be a light gun game with no light gun. How could that be worth $8 to anyone, regardless of their interest in the series? Seems like a lazy cash-in to me.
Pixelcross is like Picross on the DS. You have to uncover a picture based on hints given to you. Besiegement is a pretty well rated tower defense game. Only jet downloaded it myself so haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
Besiegement is a pretty well rated tower defense game. Only jet downloaded it myself so haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
I looked at the screens and passed. There's a ton of tower defense games for the iPhone, enough that I'll happily pass on one because the art looks amateur.