So what are folks playing consistently? I discovered Lux last night thanks to Souldaddy and I hadnt heard of it before (risk-like game) so I figure there are more.
The one I fall back to consistently when I'm sitting waiting somewhere or have a few minutes is Trism. Challenging, balanced, and easy to pick up and set down.
Poly turned me on to Field Runners, best $ I've spent on the iPhone so far. I enjoy the simplicity, the variety comes from the enemies, not the towers.
I suggest staying away from SimCity unless you are an absolute freak for the franchise. The controls ruin an otherwise great game, laying a single line of road can require 3-4 adjustments to get it right. Other than that, it's SimCity 2 with some of the gameplay advances of SC3.
Does anyone know if there is Peggle (or somthing similar to it) on the Iphone app store?
Just got Sim City, and I'm very happy with it. I've done most of my Sim City playing in SC2K, with a little of SC3K, and it's a nice half-way between the two. It looks like 3K, plays more like 2K.
I've put in about 2 hours, and as far as I can tell, it's Sim City. Doesn't seem to be cut down at all, you still have to manage RCI demand, pollution, services, can set funding rates and taxes, etc etc. It also has a few features added since 2K like waste managment (you have to zone trash dumps) and city ordanences, though fewer of them than 3K, so the ticker isn't constantly nagging at you. Has handy city overlay and graphing tools to let you see what's going on.
When I first started playing, the controls seemed very fiddly (maybe I have fat fingers) but you get finger-sized resize/move buttons to finalise the placement of everything, so it's really not bad at all. After about 30mins I wasn't noticing the controls at all. Pinching zooms the view, and two-fingers scrolls the map. Sometimes selecting the right building with the inspect tool is a little tricky.
- It's Sim City on the bus / train / staff break room / toilet
- Fiddly controls for sausage fingers
- Slightly too long start up time (at least on my 1st gen iPod Touch, YMMV)
- Battery hog
EDIT: just saw souldaddy's comment. Perhaps I should add that I loved this series: loved 2K, less love for each sequel after that. The fact I still bought them all (including Societies which I actually quite liked) I guess makes me a fanboi :P)
I saw that Lux DLX was just recently released (I havent seen it on any of the iphone game sites yet) Its a risk-style game that Souldaddy showed me. They've had a free version, Lux Touch out for a while, which was a lot of fun but limited to just 1 map and it was very easy after a few tries.
The new one boasts harder AI, something like 75 maps, multiplayer on a single phone (no online) and actually being able to continue a game when you close the app.
I haven't tried it yet, as Im out of iPhone gift-money but I should have more in a few days and this will be the first thing I buy.
It's $8
Oh and iPhone Peggle would be awesome. I dont think PopCap has warmed up to the iPhone quite yet (dumbly, in my opinion, as they have so many games that would be well suited to the platform and audience)
Edit: I have a question for anyone who picks this up. Have they moved the volume control away from the 'Ringer' volume? I missed some calls because I turned the game volume down without remembering to turn it back up after play. Most games use a volume slider or toggle. (Ive turned to switching to vibrate to kill the game sounds but that can be just as bad for missed calls)
I saw that Lux DLX was just recently released (I havent seen it on any of the iphone game sites yet) Its a risk-style game that Souldaddy showed me. They've had a free version, Lux Touch out for a while, which was a lot of fun but limited to just 1 map and it was very easy after a few tries.
The new one boasts harder AI, something like 75 maps, multiplayer on a single phone (no online) and actually being able to continue a game when you close the app.
I haven't tried it yet, as Im out of iPhone gift-money but I should have more in a few days and this will be the first thing I buy.
It's $8
I love Lux on the PC, and I got Lux DLX today. As far as I can tell, the AI is the same one that the PC version uses, and you can get a buttload of maps. So far, thumbs up.
Oh and iPhone Peggle would be awesome. I dont think PopCap has warmed up to the iPhone quite yet (dumbly, in my opinion, as they have so many games that would be well suited to the platform and audience)
Yeah, peggle would be perfect for this...
Edit: I have a question for anyone who picks this up. Have they moved the volume control away from the 'Ringer' volume? I missed some calls because I turned the game volume down without remembering to turn it back up after play. Most games use a volume slider or toggle. (Ive turned to switching to vibrate to kill the game sounds but that can be just as bad for missed calls)
Hm, not sure about that. A number of games I've used say ringer when you're adjusting the volume, but it's actually adjusting the game volume and my ringer goes back to whatever it was outside the game. Maybe I'm imagining it though.
For anyone that wasn't aware, I Love Katamari was recently released on the iPhone. There were some rough points initially, like framerate, they've ironed a lot of them out with the latest patch, and it's actually pretty good, and totally fits the iPhone's control capabilities.
Are there any chess games on the iPhone that can be played with non-iPhone owners?
You know, I was just struck by the fact that the iPhone/iPod Touch app store is operating under some totally "unfair" pricing practices that destroy the crap out of anything being made available for the DS or PSP.
Games from A-list developers for less than $10? Many solid games/apps for under $2? Why do we get nothing even remotely in this price range for the other gaming handhelds? Is it because Sony and Nintendo are afraid of pissing off the B&M stores?
It constantly amuses me when people on iTunes give negative reviews because of the ridiculously high "$4.99" price of games. Sheesh! I WISH I could get some solid PSP downloads for that price. It would certainly decrease the need for CFW and also encourage some of these homebrew developers to put more time and money into developing Apps.
FYI: Rolando = awesome.
I knew I was forgetting something when I got my fixed phone. Woo!
From shots in the AppStore, Rolando looks a lot like Loco Roco for the PSP. I don't suppose there's any connection?
From shots in the AppStore, Rolando looks a lot like Loco Roco for the PSP. I don't suppose there's any connection?
Other than the fact that they copied LocoRoco, no.
Rolando is a ton of fun, totally worth it.
Puzzlequest is out on the App store. It's $9.99, which includes the first part of the game. I think the developer said there would be 2 more sequels to cover the remainder of the original game and the first expansion, with the total price under $30. I guess that's a way to make the $10 ceiling work for these kinds of games, I just hope it's not a trend.
It's still Puzzle quest, and if you haven't tired of the original, its pretty much the same and as addicting as before. It does feel like a rushed port though. The graphics look like they were just scaled down and the text looks fuzzy. On the screen before you enter battle, the pictures of the monster gets cut off, which is where it's most obvious it was ported from a different system. The controls are ok, you slide the pieces in the direction you want to swap it, but I find I'm making more mistakes, which is annoying because the game penalizes you for making improper swaps. Hopefully they'll make refinements and spend some more time optimizing it for the platform.
Still, it's workable, and it's nice to have in a portable form factor, for those of you without a DS.
Both Rabbit and Certis speak the truth: Rolando is a great game and definitely worth checking out. Personally, I think it's better than Loco Roco, but to each his own.
Also from ngmoco, I'd recommend checking out Dr. Awesome. It has a very Phoenix Wright aesthetic, but plays alot like Qix, only you're excising viruses by tilting the iPhone / Touch. At $0.99, it's an absolute no brainer.
I bought the SquareEnix game Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders, and over all I like it. Think Final Fantasy meets old school Tower Defense, where the monsters follow an obvious path through the screen. Characters, music, and graphics are straight from SNES era Final Fantasy games, with your "towers" being generic FF character jobs like the black mage. There is some interesting FFT strategy but overall the basics aren't much different then what Blizzard created in Warcraft 3. There are 300 stages, 3 maps, a hard mode for each map - lots of game for your money.
The only negative - and its a big one - is that the controls emulate a mobile phone d-pad which takes up fully half of the screen. It's stupid and unnecessary. The game is still a lot of fun but you'll want to kick Square in the junk for forcing you to play this way. Try the lite version before you buy.
Rolando is effing great. Apple should totally buy the rights and make Rolando the mascot of iPhone gaming.
Suck it Mario.
I've been playing Lux DLX and finding it mostly unplayable on the new maps (Not the original world map from Lux Touch). The performance is ROUGH on those. Definitely needs a patch before its worth the money. I do like having all the AI options though, and to answer my own question, there is an audio toggle option but no slider, so no more missed calls at least.
Theres another game I wanted to plug. Orions: Legend of Wizards
Its a sort of card battle game like Magic the Gathering only you don't have any randomness in the cards you get, so you can set a more concrete strategy without getting screwed over by bad luck of the draw. It has great art and production value for a first year iPhone game. It really shows you the potential of the platform (and its a fun game. Bonus)
Keep the recommendations coming - I get my iPhone next Monday!
iMob Online (Free) is strangely addictive. GPS used to locate fellow mobsters within range.
Have a iPod touch now and should not have read this thread!
Costing me money already, and not just dollars.. but euros lol
I have these games so far :
Monopoly: here & now World edition. I love it, but AI could be better.
Some trades are just game killing. A monopoly for not much back between
tow AI's = Game over basically. Nice 3D setting though and the camera views
are well done. Interface is very easy to get used to.
Tiki Towers : Constructing bridges and towers so monkeys can get
to their bananas. What's not to like? The bamboo that you have to build with
does bend etc, making it hard. Well worth playing!
Bejeweled 2 : Just had to get it..... bite me
SimCity : Didn't have enough time yet to play that much with it. But plenty
of options (did some tutorials) and it has the look and feel of the original SimCity!
Fieldrunners : So yes, bought into the hype. As stated...it is limited. Still
lots of fun though. Should be cheaper!
2079 : I got this one for free. Now it's a paid version. Space shooter. You
are in a box / rectangular field. Move the iPhone to move in the field. Aim where to
shoot on a sort of gamepad on the screen. Nice shooter!
Free Games !
Topple : Really funny game. Stack blocks like Tetris. But, it's wacky and if you
move your iPhone/Touch, the stack will bend in that direction. Love the faces!
Cannongame : Old fashioned artillery shooting. Lots of games alike. Nice version!
Reign of Swords Free : There is a paid version. Nice strategy game, a bit hardcore.
Space Deadbeef : Side scrolling shooter. Just tap the targets to shoot at them. Nice graphics!
I just got 7 Cities and am really liking it. Its another Tower Defense game, $5
What I like about this one is the art and the design of towers leveling up on their own on top of upgrades you can do manually through a sort of currency other than gold, and also skill upgrades based on their levels.
Also, its not a game but I got a free program called SnapTell. You take a photo of the cover of a book, movie or CD and it recognizes it. It then finds you links for wikipedia, local prices, online prices, reviews, etc etc. Pretty nifty for shopping. You can also search for these things if you'd rather not take a photo or your upload is slow (Edge)
Just bought 7 Cities as well.
I really should stay out of the app store for a while.
Am I the only one to think it's too damn easy
to buy these things on a whim? Damn you Apple!
And of course, One Click Buy is the only option
given... awesome marketing!
Just bought 7 Cities as well.
I really should stay out of the app store for a while.
Am I the only one to think it's too damn easy
to buy these things on a whim? Damn you Apple!
And of course, One Click Buy is the only option
given... awesome marketing!
What's with the frequent carriage returns in your post? It makes the whole thing come off like poetry...which actually is a cool effect. Was it intentional?
My brother has been telling me how great Fieldrunners is.
I think I'm gonna try to PC demo of Crayon Physics and if I like it, I'll get it on the iPhone.
Edge has high reviews on app store. Anyone have a more detailed opinion?
I went ahead and bought Crayon Physics based on the web demo, and downloaded FF Crystal Defenders Lite - hooray for demos!
I would kill for a fully-featured tactics game on the iPhone. What would be REALLY cool, but would never happen, is a port of Jeanne D'Arc, which can only be played right now by folks owning a PSP. That's far less of an audience than the game deserves. I'd totally play it again on the iPhone.
Edge has high reviews on app store. Anyone have a more detailed opinion?
Edge is Fantastic. I can't praise this game enough. First of all, it is gorgeous. The screenshots don't do it justice. Silky smooth. The game play, while it may look puzzly, is actually a platformer mostly. You just tool around the levels, picking up the glowing blocks. This game is super hard to explain, but I urge you to just go for it. It is one of the most polished and original games on the app store right now.
Having not read all 7 pages of the thread, I apologize if it's been mentioned before, but I have to recommend Cube Runner. It's a free solo racing game thing, quick to download. Tilt the phone to guide a triangle past obstacles. ZERO graphics, but you'll figure out pretty quick if you like it.
iMob is also surprisingly fun, using a kingdom of loathing style system to hard limit how much you can play it. It's like a casual game whether you want it to be or not.
Cube runner is cool to show off to your friends the tilt functionality. Its also not bad to waste a couple minutes on your own. And free doesn't hurt either.
Cube Runner seemed more like a tech demo to me. Kind of neat, but it didn't last on my iPhone for more than about 5 minutes. The game I've most recently tried is Dr. Awesome, which had me laughing just from going through the intro dialog. Very well done so far.
As for Topple, I think the animation is good and it's a fun idea, but the interface is either terrible or I have the coordination of a Pseudopod. Try as I might, I simply can't rotate the blocks without using two hands--the interface simply doesn't register that my second finger is even on the screen. Perhaps I have poor circulation or something, but this makes it a no-go for me. Installed and removed the next day.