If you haven't got it already, the Angry Birds update is out with the 40 new levels. Hooray!
It's also on sale this weekend for $0.99 as is Ingenious.
GTA: Chinatown Wars is also on sale for $6.99, Broken Sword for $4.99, most Namco games and quite a few others such as Catan.
4.99 isn't much of a sale for Broken Sword (usually 6.99) but the gameplay videos were so good that I just can't resist.
Double post
Low Grav Racer 2 is free today (2/12). It seems like a solid f-zero/wipeout type game.
EriktheRed wrote:If you haven't got it already, the Angry Birds update is out with the 40 new levels. Hooray!
It's also on sale this weekend for $0.99 as is Ingenious.
GTA: Chinatown Wars is also on sale for $6.99, Broken Sword for $4.99, most Namco games and quite a few others such as Catan.
GTA: Chinatown Wars is totally worth it if you haven't picked it up yet.
Plants vs. Zombies will be $2.99 when it comes out on Monday.
Plants vs. Zombies will be $2.99 when it comes out on Monday.
And I'll be all over it like a cheap suit.
Loving sword & poker. Almost done with it I think. Is there desktop version of this same mechanic? Or rules for a physical card game? Or should I just come up with them myself?
And it's a huge battery drain considering how light on the graphics it is.
EriktheRed wrote:If you haven't got it already, the Angry Birds update is out with the 40 new levels. Hooray!
It's also on sale this weekend for $0.99 as is Ingenious.
GTA: Chinatown Wars is also on sale for $6.99, Broken Sword for $4.99, most Namco games and quite a few others such as Catan.
Battle Bears is cheaper as well, 99cents vs. normal 1.99. Some more deals are listed here.
Katy wrote:Plants vs. Zombies will be $2.99 when it comes out on Monday.
And I'll be all over it like a cheap suit.
Review from TouchArcade.
[...]On the iPhone, Plants vs. Zombies only includes the main story and a quick play mode to allow you to revisit any level that is unlocked once you've beaten the game. The endless survival mode and other mini game modes from the PC version are nowhere to be found[...]
And a trailer:
Just purchased PvZ, and it plays very well. My son is going to love this.
Bought PvZ. It's a great port.
[...]On the iPhone, Plants vs. Zombies only includes the main story and a quick play mode to allow you to revisit any level that is unlocked once you've beaten the game. The endless survival mode and other mini game modes from the PC version are nowhere to be found[...]
I was disappointed by this too but I'm sure the extra modes will appear as DLC.
I showed the PvZ icon to my wife this morning on my iPod Touch. She's in the market for a new cell phone, and I think just showing her that the game was released on the App store might have tipped her over the edge in getting an iPhone.
The google mobile app and Doodle Jump sold me on it
If you picked up Plants vs Zombies, go to the achievement screes and continue to scroll down until you can't anymore. Why I love popcap!
If you picked up Plants vs Zombies, go to the achievement screes and continue to scroll down until you can't anymore. Why I love popcap!
That's the first thing I did too - brilliant
I picked up P vs Z and Doom 2 RPG today. I also finished the original levels of Angry Birds, and made a start on The Hoax. My 2 year old loves watching me play it ("Birdies, Daddy!")
The only problem is my tendency to shout "I am the King of Angry Birds!" when I 3 star a level, which is driving my wife slightly insane. I was playing at work today, and had to actually bite my tongue to prevent myself from shouting it. I am teaching my daughter to shout it for me, which may push my wife over the edge!
Also, has anyone played Space Miner? It got a great writeup on toucharcade and seems to be an asteroids type game with added rpg elements. Looks really interesting but I'm always a bit wary of how these types of games control. .
I was a little leary of it at first, especially because of $5 price tag, but it's really incredible. It controls well (though it does take some getting used to), it runs well on my 3G, and it's incredibly addictive. It's pulled me away from BioShock 2 on a night where I had a few solitary hours to myself. The heaps of praise it has received is well worth it.
Think Asteroids with some RPG mechanics and a fun Puzzle Quest-like story. Please, do check it out.
Wow, Plants Vs Zombies is incredible. The mechanics are dead simple and a great fit for the interface, the learning curve is very carefully managed and the humour is spot on. It gets really difficult half way through, but it's the perfect blend of frustration and achievement. Top marks.
Better not show it to the wife, she'll be away with my iPhone for a week the way she was with Peggle.
PVZ is awesome. I played some of it on the PC and enjoyed it, but it didnt grab me the way I thought it would. I find that playing it on the itouch is much more enjoyable. I think tapping the sun drops is alot more intuitive than having to right click on the mouse. The layout of the UI is perfect, especially when doing the bowling style levels with the conveyor belt on the right side of the screen. Popcap found a way to make a port that plays better than its PC counterpart, IMHO.
So I'm enjoying the heck out of Angry Birds, but I'm a bit stuck on 1-21 (the boss level). What am I missing? It seems that the best implementation of your starting scatter-shot (so to speak) is to bomb the first third of the pyramid to take it out, but I don't have enough yellows to whittle the rest away. I can't find the physics trap on this one. halp!
Anyone else seeing PvZ stutter on the 3G? It is by no means a slideshow, but it does slow down and stutter for me when there is a lot going on.
So I'm enjoying the heck out of Angry Birds, but I'm a bit stuck on 1-21 (the boss level). What am I missing? It seems that the best implementation of your starting scatter-shot (so to speak) is to bomb the first third of the pyramid to take it out, but I don't have enough yellows to whittle the rest away. I can't find the physics trap on this one. halp!
Actually this one is quite straightforward. There are three towers, so to speak.
Topple the first one with a scattershot, killing the pig. Helmet pig in the second one can be killed with a kamikaze. Topple the third tower and kill the third pig with a high-arc kamikaze. You should still have two kamikazes left for a nice +20 000 bonus.
I remember I learned high-arc shooting (shooting upwards to get to hard-to-hit places) only after world 1 and it did make the game much easier.
PvZ iPhone is great, but come on, what did you expect. EVERY popcap implementation on iPhone has been perfect. And at 3 bucks, how can you POSSIBLY avoid one of the best games of 2009 in your pocket.
Space miner = also the bomb.
Yeah, picked up Space Miner last night on the recommendation of this thread, and I'm finding it really compelling. It's hilarious, the gameplay changes constantly and I'm getting really fixated on upgrading my little ship.
Anyone else seeing PvZ stutter on the 3G? It is by no means a slideshow, but it does slow down and stutter for me when there is a lot going on.
Yeah, it slows down noticeably on my 3G when there are a number of zombies and projectiles on the screen. I'm a little worried about late-game performance given how hectic the roof levels can get. It's not unplayable by any means, but it does break immersion a little.
PvZ is fantastic. I am really enjoying it. I spent a lot of time last night playing. For $3 it's really tough to beat.
PvZ is fantastic. I am really enjoying it. I spent a lot of time last night playing. For $3 it's really tough to beat.
There's a surprising amount of diversity to the plants, and zombies. I've only just encountered the fog mechanic, and am quite looking forward to what it'll throw at me next.
I was a little leary of it at first, especially because of $5 price tag, but it's really incredible. It controls well (though it does take some getting used to), it runs well on my 3G, and it's incredibly addictive. It's pulled me away from BioShock 2 on a night where I had a few solitary hours to myself. The heaps of praise it has received is well worth it.
Think Asteroids with some RPG mechanics and a fun Puzzle Quest-like story. Please, do check it out.
They've put it on sale already -- $1.99, "for a limited time".
Shaq Fu Thug wrote:I was a little leary of it at first, especially because of $5 price tag, but it's really incredible. It controls well (though it does take some getting used to), it runs well on my 3G, and it's incredibly addictive. It's pulled me away from BioShock 2 on a night where I had a few solitary hours to myself. The heaps of praise it has received is well worth it.
Think Asteroids with some RPG mechanics and a fun Puzzle Quest-like story. Please, do check it out.
They've put it on sale already -- $1.99, "for a limited time".