what's so bad about onscreen buttons, if they don't use much of the screen? There are examples where the buttons use 50 % of the screen (Square Enix did one)... but here, really?
I don't have a problem with on-screen buttons, but I do have a problem with on-screen d-pads. Because of the complete lack of tactile feedback, I find that my thumb frequently slips out of the center for the pad, and I end up either hitting the wrong inputs or not hitting anything at all. Something like Zenonia isn't that bad as the directions are clearly marked and light up when you touch them, but I still found that it regularly slipped out of my control. The worst that I've seen were the strange, floating d-pads of Doom Classic. I could never quite tell where the pads were supposed to be and when I had left them or re-entered them.
I don't have a problem with on-screen buttons, but I do have a problem with on-screen d-pads. Because of the complete lack of tactile feedback, I find that my thumb frequently slips out of the center for the pad, and I end up either hitting the wrong inputs or not hitting anything at all. Something like Zenonia isn't that bad as the directions are clearly marked and light up when you touch them, but I still found that it regularly slipped out of my control. The worst that I've seen were the strange, floating d-pads of Doom Classic. I could never quite tell where the pads were supposed to be and when I had left them or re-entered them.
Yeah, my problem lies mainly with the D-Pad that inevitably comes with on-screen buttons, for the same reasons that Adam stated - no tactile feedback means I'm constantly not pressing the buttons right.
With a controller, because you can feel where the buttons are, you don't have to look at them. With an iPhone, I feel like I constantly have to look at where the buttons are. In games like Spider, Flight Control, etc - where you're touching IS where you're looking, so it works. In Zenonia, I don't want to have to look at the DPAD to know where I'm going. And unlike Adam, I found Zenonia completely unplayable due to the controls.
It's like porting PC RTS to Consoles - just because the tech can handle it, doesn't mean the controls will work.
And unlike Adam, I found Zenonia completely unplayable due to the controls.
I haven't played far enough into the game to decide, yet. If it's has turn-based combat, a la Final Fantasy VI, and the d-pad is used mainly for moving around, it's not a deal-breaker. If combat is real-time, a la The Secret of Mana, then I'm out.
Dysplastic wrote:And unlike Adam, I found Zenonia completely unplayable due to the controls.
I haven't played far enough into the game to decide, yet. If it's has turn-based combat, a la Final Fantasy VI, and the d-pad is used mainly for moving around, it's not a deal-breaker. If combat is real-time, a la The Secret of Mana, then I'm out.
It's the latter, although for some reason it didn't really bother me. Zenonia has enough other problems that require greater attention.
I know on screen D-Pads suck. That's why I largely play puzzle or strategy games and not action games on the iPhone. I was just curious why that made it a disappointment, since we all knew that would have to happen.
Since we all knew that would have to happen.
Well, I guess your answer lies in the fact that I didn't know that would have to happen.
I picked up GTA: Chinatown Wars last night, and given I've only played the first few missions, I have been really impressed with the style and gameplay. I appreciate all the little touches in the game like the in-game PDA/GPS system and the touch screen mini games. They are well integrated into the main gameplay and have a lot of polish. I will admit to having some difficulty with getting used to the controls (especially positioning my character to aim at people), but after a few missions, I found myself improving.
The Creeps released some new level packs the other day, and I promptly fell right back into my addiction. I don't know what it is about that game, but I can't stop playing it.
So I'm feeling exceptionally challenged atm. I cannot find anywhere a place in which I can actually give my money for this pack of levels. Where is this "Level Pack Store"? They mention it in the game but the only link brings me to a youtube video of the pack.
Any hints would be extremely appreciated!
GTA:CW camera. Is. Terrible. Every time I turn, the camera swings in the same direction and my character ends up runing in a tight circle as I wait for things to settle down so I can find him again. What's wrong with tap-to-move-here, like Dungeon Hunter?
The 188MB download/600MB to install was a bit baffling, but was eventually sussed out.
Other than that, enjoying it very much so far. It's GTA, on my phone! O brave new world!
GTA:CW camera. Is. Terrible. Every time I turn, the camera swings in the same direction and my character ends up runing in a tight circle as I wait for things to settle down so I can find him again. What's wrong with tap-to-move-here, like Dungeon Hunter?
The 188MB download/600MB to install was a bit baffling, but was eventually sussed out.
Other than that, enjoying it very much so far. It's GTA, on my phone! O brave new world!
Double tapping the analog stick will reset the camera to your back. I find myself using that a good bit.
GTA:CW camera. Is. Terrible. Every time I turn, the camera swings in the same direction and my character ends up runing in a tight circle as I wait for things to settle down so I can find him again. What's wrong with tap-to-move-here, like Dungeon Hunter?
The 188MB download/600MB to install was a bit baffling, but was eventually sussed out.
Other than that, enjoying it very much so far. It's GTA, on my phone! O brave new world!
Double tapping the analog stick will reset the camera to your back. I find myself using that a good bit.
the controls are really tough, but I had problems with the DS too... the camera and everything is so ... touchy. I feel seasick already! but this time I will pervail..
I'm going to wait to see how it shakes out longer term. Lord knows I have enough iPhone games. I'm not wanting for another one. The iPhone really shines with games that I thought would appear on the DS. Games like iBlast Moki, Implode, Auditorium, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Zen Bound, Angry Birds and on and on. The iPod Touch / iPhone has become what I always wanted the DS to be. If it doesn't work out so well for action games, oh well.
Yeah, I've pretty much gone back to DS and PSP for traditional games. I stick to the iPod just for games where touch controls make sense, like sliding gems in a puzzle game. Not a fan of onscreen d-pads at all.
TheCounselor wrote:The Creeps released some new level packs the other day, and I promptly fell right back into my addiction. I don't know what it is about that game, but I can't stop playing it.
So I'm feeling exceptionally challenged atm. I cannot find anywhere a place in which I can actually give my money for this pack of levels. Where is this "Level Pack Store"? They mention it in the game but the only link brings me to a youtube video of the pack.
Any hints would be extremely appreciated!
Touch the "$" on the main menu. It's in the bottom left corner of the screen.
I haven't played far enough into the game to decide, yet. If it's has turn-based combat, a la Final Fantasy VI, and the d-pad is used mainly for moving around, it's not a deal-breaker. If combat is real-time, a la The Secret of Mana, then I'm out.
I'm still waiting for any kind of solid turn-based RPG for the iPhone. It baffles me that there aren't any yet, since RPGs are relatively easy to do, and they can use almost any set of controls that are available.
I would kill for a good Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior clone, or better yet, a real Tactics game. There are Fire Emblem/Advance Wars clones, but I'm not that into those.
Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
I would lose my job and quite possibly my life if they did that. Even the DS (GBA port) was far too tempting to whip out at red lights and even in traffic when I was playing that...God forbid if it was on my phone.
In other news, I don't think I've mentioned it here yet, but I've been playing and enjoying Fling for months now. It recently got a graphical update, and is just a fun simple puzzle game with a ton of (possibly randomly-generated) levels. It informed me today that by passing level 15 (which means beating a net of 8 games on that level; each time you use a hint or skip a level it adds one to that total) I'm in the top .001% of all Fling players, which I guess should make me happy. It probably just means I'm more anal-retentive than 99.999% of Fling players. Anyway, for a mere $.99, I'd definitely recommend it.
Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
I would be a happy man indeed.
In other news, I don't think I've mentioned it here yet, but I've been playing and enjoying Fling for months now. It recently got a graphical update, and is just a fun simple puzzle game with a ton of (possibly randomly-generated) levels. It informed me today that by passing level 15 (which means beating a net of 8 games on that level; each time you use a hint or skip a level it adds one to that total) I'm in the top .001% of all Fling players, which I guess should make me happy. It probably just means I'm more anal-retentive than 99.999% of Fling players. Anyway, for a mere $.99, I'd definitely recommend it.
Ha...I felt proud when I had the highest score on an endurance level for The Creeps. Granted, it was just after the new level pack came out, and I was quickly overtaken, but I was the best in the world at something, and I have the screen shot to prove it.
Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
That is the dearest dream of my heart. They have had FF1 available for some cell phones in Japan for YEARS; I would love to get some Square/Enix action.
Touch the "$" on the main menu. It's in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Ok I think it was an iPhone 3.0 issue. I was still running the 2.0 and that little "$" sign did nothing for me.
adam.greenbrier wrote:I haven't played far enough into the game to decide, yet. If it's has turn-based combat, a la Final Fantasy VI, and the d-pad is used mainly for moving around, it's not a deal-breaker. If combat is real-time, a la The Secret of Mana, then I'm out.
I'm still waiting for any kind of solid turn-based RPG for the iPhone. It baffles me that there aren't any yet, since RPGs are relatively easy to do, and they can use almost any set of controls that are available.
I would kill for a good Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior clone, or better yet, a real Tactics game. There are Fire Emblem/Advance Wars clones, but I'm not that into those.
I smell a business opportunity.
DSGamer wrote:Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
I would be a happy man indeed.
Wasn't there a Square Enix turn-based tactical game called "Song Summoner"? I believe it originally came out for the iPod Video but has since been ported over to the iTouch/iPhone.
One more recommendation for Sword & Poker. It's basically Puzzle Quest, minus the story, substitute the LotR motif for a Final Fantasy on DS look, and you're playing poker instead of Bejewelled against monsters. Not bad for a buck.
Thanks for the recommendation TheCounselor, The Creeps has been a lot of fun and easily worth the 99 cents.
Falchion - yes, and there's a demo. Need to check that out.
Shining Force is also supposedly coming.
Shining Force is also supposedly coming.
It should be downloadable on the official Sega Genesis emulator that is coming out in February. Space Harrier II will come free with it and you will be able to buy other games - Shining Force, Ecco the Dolphin, Golden Axe and Sonic so far have been announced.
Swat wrote:DSGamer wrote:Yeah. I've tried all the tactics games and none of them are polished enough yet. I'm surprised one hasn't come out yet as well. Heck, Squeenix could just port FFTA2 and I'd be happy with that for now.
I would be a happy man indeed.
Wasn't there a Square Enix turn-based tactical game called "Song Summoner"? I believe it originally came out for the iPod Video but has since been ported over to the iTouch/iPhone.
Yes and yes. It came out a few years ago for the iPod video and they've since ported it to the iPhone/iPod Touch. I bought it when it first came out but never really played it all that much. My impression was that it was very RPG-lite.