iPhone Games Catch-All

I need a new game so I'm calling a vote.

Should I get Space Invaders IE or Worms?

I can't seem to find a FAQ or manual for GeoDefense Swarm anywhere. The tutorial levels don't explain what each tower does, nor what you can expect in upgrades. Is this information compiled anywhere?

TempestBlayze wrote:

I need a new game so I'm calling a vote.

Should I get Space Invaders IE or Worms?

I don't know anything about Worms, but I was kind of underwhelmed by Space Invaders Infinity Gene. It got lots of good reviews, so it's pretty well liked generally, but it didn't do much for me. I might be bitter because I bought it for $5. If it's in the $0.99 range now it's probably worth a play.

TempestBlayze wrote:

I need a new game so I'm calling a vote.

Should I get Space Invaders IE or Worms?

I say iblast moki

The trailer for iBlast Moki looked pretty cool, and I've got some time to kill, but... dammit iTunes, why do you have a 10 MB limit on 3G downloads? *sigh*

Now I'm going to try to remember to download it at home tonight, but I'll inevitably get busy and forget, and then about this time tomorrow I'll think about it again...

MyBrainHz wrote:
TempestBlayze wrote:

I need a new game so I'm calling a vote.

Should I get Space Invaders IE or Worms?

I don't know anything about Worms, but I was kind of underwhelmed by Space Invaders Infinity Gene. It got lots of good reviews, so it's pretty well liked generally, but it didn't do much for me. I might be bitter because I bought it for $5. If it's in the $0.99 range now it's probably worth a play.

I don't know anything about Space Invaders IE, but I was kind of underwhelmed by Worms. I mean, it's worms, but I just don't like the controls. They make the game a lot harder then it should be, and are a general obstacle to the ridiculous fun that is worms. Instead of doing a straight port, they should do a remake that's better suited to the iPhone controls.

I'd go with Auditorium - best iPhone game I've played yet.

Crouton wrote:

I can't seem to find a FAQ or manual for GeoDefense Swarm anywhere. The tutorial levels don't explain what each tower does, nor what you can expect in upgrades. Is this information compiled anywhere?


It's not much, but it's got a little info. there's a wiki page too, with even less.

I picked up iBlast Moki and played the first half-dozen levels or so. It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

IUMogg wrote:

I picked up iblast moki. So far it is fantastic. The art style reminds me of world of goo. It's a physic based puzzler. The best part is how easy it is to experminet and reset the level. It has a level creator and I read it allows online level sharing. I think it was only $2.


I bought this game awhile ago and it has provided nothing but a fun challenge for me, especially when I have some down time at work.

Crouton wrote:

I can't seem to find a FAQ or manual for GeoDefense Swarm anywhere. The tutorial levels don't explain what each tower does, nor what you can expect in upgrades. Is this information compiled anywhere?

I think it's kind of assumed that you've play GeoDefense. The blaster, laser, missile and vortex towers are exactly the same. The thumper towers are still a bit of a mystery, but as far as I can tell, they're still mostly useless. I'm still stuck on Nucleotide, so I might be wrong.

BreechLoad wrote:
Crouton wrote:

I can't seem to find a FAQ or manual for GeoDefense Swarm anywhere. The tutorial levels don't explain what each tower does, nor what you can expect in upgrades. Is this information compiled anywhere?

I think it's kind of assumed that you've play GeoDefense. The blaster, laser, missile and vortex towers are exactly the same. The thumper towers are still a bit of a mystery, but as far as I can tell, they're still mostly useless. I'm still stuck on Nucleotide, so I might be wrong.

Since the patch, thumpers are quite useful. In fact, there's a level on hard where that's all you get, so it's good to figure them out.

The towers all stick to the typical TD style: green blasters are short-range, low-damage rapid-fire shots. Missile towers are slow but pack a wallop. Laser towers have medium damage, but huge range (they hit everything in the line, so they're good to lock at the corners of long straightaways). Thumpers have AoE that grows as you upgrade, and they now have a capability to "shock" the target to stop them for a second. Thumpers + shock towers = mass destruction!

All of these towers change a bit as you upgrade, and change rather considerably as when you hit level 7; but IIRC the game is reasonably accurate in its upgrade descriptions. Just mess around, you'll figure it out.

From my oddly skewed perspective, 7 Cities and Defender Chronicles are the best tower defence games on the system, I also wasn't much of a fan of Fieldrunners. Although it had a great graphic aesthetic, I didn't feel much depth to the gameplay.

7C and DC are a bit of an amalgam of Tower Defence+Experiential RPG aspects. Towers in 7 cities gain experience based on kills, and you can buy overworld upgrades to allow for variant towers as well as branching specialty upgrades. It also looks pretty great as well.

Defender Chronicles has taken up far too much of my time with a side view vertical scrolling tower defence game with a fantasy RPG bent to it. You even have character development and equipment to manage.

If you're bored of the standard tower defence formula, check these out..

jonnypolite wrote:
Crouton wrote:

I can't seem to find a FAQ or manual for GeoDefense Swarm anywhere. The tutorial levels don't explain what each tower does, nor what you can expect in upgrades. Is this information compiled anywhere?


It's not much, but it's got a little info. there's a wiki page too, with even less.

I wish I knew before how to lock those Laser Towers. Thanks, this should make it easier.

Pac-Man C.E. is out today. I think I may give it a whirl.

Having a ton of fun with the "____ with friends" apps. They're free with ads, so if anyone wants to play scrabble or chess, start a game with me! I'm "AndyHigh" on both words with friends and chess with friends. You play at your own pace, and they push you a notification when the other person's played. Just make sure you PM me or something so I know who you are...otherwise I decline random games. I have 7 games of "scrabble" going right now, but I'm aiming for ten.

Has anyone played the remake of the original "Driver" on the iphone? That was one of my favorite PC games from when I was younger, and I'm curious to see how the port holds up.

Grubber788 wrote:

Has anyone played the remake of the original "Driver" on the iphone? That was one of my favorite PC games from when I was younger, and I'm curious to see how the port holds up.

I didn't but I've read only positive things about it, so I guess they were at least competent with porting it.

SirRockford wrote:

Pac-Man C.E. is out today. I think I may give it a whirl.

I bought Pac-Man C.E. last night, and it's a blast. Sure, there is the DLC thing, but you get a lot of content for the original price. The way I looked at it, it was $5 for a reasonable facsimile of the XBLA game on my iPhone. The controls aren't perfect, but they are passable. No online leaderboards is a disappointment, though.

With Pacmac CE, you really get MORE content in the DLC pack than comes with the base game. Other than that gripe, it's awesome to have on my iPod. I use the D-pad controls and they work really well for me. Worth the base price, definitely, and the DLC is almost definitely worth the price if you find yourself playing it a ton like I have.

Has there been any word on the release of Chinatown Wars? It was set for "this fall" and the year is pretty much up, whats the deal Rockstar?

I've been addicted to Flight Control, HarborMaster, Scrabble and I discovered an excellent adaptation of Zooloretto. I'm hoping to see more boardgame adaptations - I'd also love to see Dominion.

Minarchist wrote:

Having a ton of fun with the "____ with friends" apps. They're free with ads, so if anyone wants to play scrabble or chess, start a game with me! I'm "AndyHigh" on both words with friends and chess with friends. You play at your own pace, and they push you a notification when the other person's played. Just make sure you PM me or something so I know who you are...otherwise I decline random games. I have 7 games of "scrabble" going right now, but I'm aiming for ten. :)

I'll echo this as well. Although I have Scrabble, my wife and I also play Words with Friends. Its a great game to be able to pick up in a spare moment in the day to play a turn.

Bejeweled 2 has been my go-to app (finally replacing Drop 7, thank god) since I discovered that they added Bejeweled Blitz to it.

Yellow5 wrote:

Bejeweled 2 has been my go-to app (finally replacing Drop 7, thank god) since I discovered that they added Bejeweled Blitz to it.

Bejeweled 2 is in the regular rotation, along with The Creeps. I can't get that game out of my head. I'm only about five stars away from 100 percenting it. I'm even going after the stupid in-game achievements. It's so bad I've even got the owner of a restaurant I frequent asking me if I've mastered it yet.

Has anyone played a non-RTS strategy game they would highly recommend? I love Civ and Catan and am looking for more kinds of strategy games. City building and trade games come to mind. I havent seen more than Sim City yet but maybe I've missed something. I havent tried any trading game yet either. I don't get the feeling Galaxies on Fire will run very well on my first gen iPhone.

polypusher wrote:

Has anyone played a non-RTS strategy game they would highly recommend? I love Civ and Catan and am looking for more kinds of strategy games. City building and trade games come to mind. I havent seen more than Sim City yet but maybe I've missed something. I havent tried any trading game yet either. I don't get the feeling Galaxies on Fire will run very well on my first gen iPhone.

You might want to try Romance of Three Kingdoms. Other than that, nothing springs to my mind.

Some of the RTK reviews were pretty dodgy, though. For pure strategy, do a search on "Reiner Knizia".

polypusher wrote:

Has anyone played a non-RTS strategy game they would highly recommend? I love Civ and Catan and am looking for more kinds of strategy games. City building and trade games come to mind. I havent seen more than Sim City yet but maybe I've missed something. I havent tried any trading game yet either. I don't get the feeling Galaxies on Fire will run very well on my first gen iPhone.

The first game that sprang to mind for me was Uniwar, it's turn based though more of an advance wars type of game. How about The Settlers? It is a RTS, but it's far more focused on the city building than the combat.

With Implode, is it possible to get an A rating on every stage?

Both UniWar and MechoWars were bought by me and then recieved very little playtime. I checked out one called Strategery. Turns out it's Dice Wars for iPhone. Can't go wrong with that

In a similar vein, there's Lux DLX which is sort of a risk-like with lots of custom maps.

I haven't found a scratch for the city building itch yet. Been playing Tropico 3 on the pc so I guess Im taken care of for now.

Edit: looks like Sim City is down to $3. How well does it run on first gen iPhone hardware?

Robear wrote:

With Implode, is it possible to get an A rating on every stage?

I think so, Robear. I only have 2 levels in zone 8 to get an A in, The rest are A and A+.