For all Beethoven lovers and shortwave spies, here is a brief video of a videogame vignette made by me.
Are there any Hungarians in the forum here? It is also for you
You can also enjoy the game without buying. Check out the Lite version. The game has some subtle mysteries hidden. ...
Oh, nice. I'll make sure to check it out and let you know what I think.
And no, no Hungarians. Although we've got one Pole (that would be me), Slovak and Latvian. So, welcome to European crowd ;]
Meteor Blitz has really surprised me. It's a lot of fun, the 2-stick simulation is surprisingly accurate and even though it's a blatant ripoff of super stardust at 59p/99c I'm not going to complain.
Yeah, I guess I would recommend it too... but blatant ripoff is no exaggeration. I suppose for $1 I wish they would rip off more quality XBLA and PSN games.
I have been totally addicted to Canabalt which came out recently. It's so simple, but I just keep playing it over and over and over. You can play the flash version here.
I dont know what is new/added or pretty much anything about the game other than it is the sequel to Galcon and it is the same price as a whopper junior. There is no way I won't get more enjoyment from this game than a crappy BK burger.
And, you won't have to worry about waking up on the floor, screaming for your mother.
I have been totally addicted to Canabalt which came out recently. It's so simple, but I just keep playing it over and over and over. You can play the flash version here.
The flash version is very fun but not $2.99 fun.
weirdNumber wrote:I have been totally addicted to Canabalt which came out recently. It's so simple, but I just keep playing it over and over and over. You can play the flash version here.
The flash version is very fun but not $2.99 fun.
Yeah it is a bit more expensive than other stuff. It cost less than my lunch today and I have been playing it loads so I'm ok with it I guess.
More on Meteor Blitz. For a game on a platform with no tactile buttons, having extra virtual buttons for bomb and boost is just annoying. Bomb might have been better implemented as a double tap anywhere on the screen area. For boost, I think it's a pretty unnecessary feature, just design the gameplay such that it's not needed. Apart from that, the virtual stick just doesn't give me the feedback I need to comfortably control the speed of my ship. So I almost always die in the game just from enemies coming up behind me and me assuming I had moved my finger far enough to speed up my ship to get away, but in fact hadn't.
The game does have some cool basic features, like not touching the screen is an instant pause game. All twitch action games should work like this. Also, the save state on exiting seems flawless. However, I think due to the lack of fidelity in virtual controls, whether they be sticks or buttons, pretty much demands a game which isn't instant kill (or 2 hits if you include your ship's shield). Twin (virtual) stick shooters like iDracula or Alive 4 Ever work great because they are very forgiving in terms of getting hit by the enemy. In fact, occasionally getting munched on is a pretty natural event in the setting of those games.
So, regardless of the impressive amount of polish for a .99c game, Meteor Blitz will be going in the trash.
I thought I remembered being able to shake the device to use a bomb and double-tap your left stick to boost?
I'm actually finding the controls with the virtual sticks a lot easier to get a grip on than using the nub on the psp which I've never seemed to be able to master. They don't work well in a lot of games but I found them surprisingly accurate in Meteor Blitz (although my hands start hurting if I play long than 30 minutes or so)
I just started playing a game called Soosiz. Its a beautifully crafted 2D platformer that resembles the love child of Mario and Rolando. It is 2.99 and well worth the price with an art style and music that really engages the player. It is definitely one of the best games I have played on the Ipod touch.
I thought I remembered being able to shake the device to use a bomb and double-tap your left stick to boost?
I'm actually finding the controls with the virtual sticks a lot easier to get a grip on than using the nub on the psp which I've never seemed to be able to master. They don't work well in a lot of games but I found them surprisingly accurate in Meteor Blitz (although my hands start hurting if I play long than 30 minutes or so)
Ah, I missed or forgot those features so it's good to know. Although, I'm a bit adverse to using shake as a control method when I'm commuting. Just feel like a bit of an idiot.
Ah, I missed or forgot those features so it's good to know. Although, I'm a bit adverse to using shake as a control method when I'm commuting. Just feel like a bit of an idiot.
Agreed, although at least it's better than shouting into your DS
I just picked up Cash Cow which is currently 99c in the introductory sale. It's a bit like a match 3 game, except you are matching coins to make larger up larger values (e.g. 5 1c coins to make a 5c coin). It's definitely a casual game but I'm finding it a lot of fun, the production values and controls are great and after playing all the way through the main mode they changed it up on my 2nd playthrough which seemed a nice touch.
I also picked up Hook Champ (can't resist these 99c introductory sales) but haven't played enough to say what I think. It's got a great old school platformer look to it though and swiinging through the levels at high speeds with the hook seemed to be a lot of fun with the touch controls working much better than I'd have expected. Seems to have been received really well so far with the comparison being bionic commando crossed with sonic.
Hook Champ is way good. There is definitely a very Sonic/Bionic Commando feel as Thowky noted. The controls are pretty damn solid for what there is: tap where you want to grapple, then while swinging, tap anywhere to re-grapple and keep swinging along. There is an upgrade system for better hooks, longer ropes, clothes, and power ups which uses the coins you collect in levels. The art direction is very retro/NES and works really well while still maintaining a newness to it (i.e. particle effects, physics for objects, etc.)
Again, for a dollar, it's well worth it. Regular price will be $3 once the introductory sale is over and it's well worth that even.
I too really liked Hook Champ. My only gripe is that there is an occasional hiccup in the controls since you tap to walk forward and tap to use the hook and this can lead to some misinterpreted intentions. Besides that though, the light RPG aspects, leader boards, and the multiple paths that you can take through the levels make this enjoyable to replay.
I'm trying Rock Band now. I played Alive4ever co-op with a friend, and that is a great game!
EDIT: Rock Band is good! The audio sounds nice on the phone's speaker, the tapping is more entertaining than expected, load times are a little long, and the timing is slightly off but does not break the game. The song list is groovy, I dig the nods to 70s arena rock. This game certainly rocks.
Suggest me some iPhone games! (Free is preferred!)
I have:
Ruben & Lullaby
Hi How Are U?
Hook Champ is up to full price now, in case anyone was planning on getting it.
Suggest me some iPhone games! (Free is preferred!)
I've spent more time on GeoDefense and GeoDefense Swarm than anything else...probably the best per-dollar fun I've had in a long time (each was $.99 when I bought it). Boxed In isn't too bad, and I got it for free...dunno if it still is. Same with Geared, both puzzle games. Uniwar is a must-have for turn-based strategy. UnBlock Me is a fun and quick puzzle game, and the free version alone comes with something like 600 puzzles. Oh, and paper toss: best free timewaster on the system, I think.
I also got Rock Band, and am loving it.
I've spent more time on GeoDefense and GeoDefense Swarm than anything else...probably the best per-dollar fun I've had in a long time (each was $.99 when I bought it).
I know GeoDefense is the more popular tower defense but I have to say I've had a lot more fun with The Creeps! myself, which is still $.99.
Suggest me some iPhone games! (Free is preferred!)
I have:
Ruben & Lullaby
Hi How Are U?
Some of my current fav's are Cartoon Wars, Peggle, Flick Fishing, Civ Revolution, Geo defense swarm, and Alive4Ever
I've given up on Geo defense swarm. I've tried levels over and over again and still fail. So it's no longer fun. Im back to my CiV Rev addiction. Deity difficulty has been kicking my ass. Everyone wants to start a war with me!
Worms! It is all I play anymore.
I've given up on Geo defense swarm. I've tried levels over and over again and still fail. So it's no longer fun. Im back to my CiV Rev addiction. Deity difficulty has been kicking my ass. Everyone wants to start a war with me!
Really? I found it easier than the original by a considerable margin. I've still completed less than half of the hard levels in the original and only recently finished the mediums (after discovering that fully-upgraded blaster towers really are useful), but I've been able to do well in every level in Swarm. The only level I have yet to complete is that damnable "Lovely Flowers". I just went back and tried it again with a new tactic and easily took out every creep with no lost lives. Considering I've probably attempted it two dozen times, I don't know why I was so dense as to have not tried this solution yet. Oh, well.
I suggest liberal use of thumper towers since the update; the shock power and upgraded area of effect makes a huge difference.
I have about 40 games and the game I play the most is Word Ace.
Eurogamer just did a review of several games at the 59p ($.99) price point. Good stuff.
This might put me over the edge in getting an iPhone:
That looks pretty darn good. Definitely worth checking out.
Oh. Ohhh. Ohh yeah.
Looks alright. While I love me some Star Wars there doesn't seem to be much meat on that bone.
See, I look at that and I think "I remember playing that game in vector graphics in a supermarket, and it was SO AWESOME IT HURT." This one does not have vector graphics, but it still looks pretty sweet.