Back on topic: play Threes!! I'd totally do that myself but I don't actually have an iPhone :P
I am hoping there will be an Android version soon. I don't mind playing on the iPad but I would love to have it on my phone.
For just a second there, I thought maybe you meant to post this in the Crusader Kings II thread.
For whatever reason, I continue to keep plugging away at a ridiculous treadmill-like free to play game, Brave Frontier. I guess there's technically a story, but the bits are disjointed and spaced far apart. It's basically a turned based RPG combat-only game, with some menus for unit/item management between the battles. Has anyone else tried this game?
Guys, he actually pulled it for altruistic reasons:
Indie developer Dong Nguyen revealed his reasoning behind the decision to remove Flappy Bird from both iTunes App Store and Google Play last week, telling Forbes he pulled the game because it became "an addictive product."
WipEout wrote:Back on topic: play Threes!! I'd totally do that myself but I don't actually have an iPhone :P
I am hoping there will be an Android version soon. I don't mind playing on the iPad but I would love to have it on my phone.
Yeah, Threes! is good. So, so good.
farley3k wrote:WipEout wrote:Back on topic: play Threes!! I'd totally do that myself but I don't actually have an iPhone :P
I am hoping there will be an Android version soon. I don't mind playing on the iPad but I would love to have it on my phone.
Yeah, Threes! is good. So, so good.
It's AT LEAST 3 times as good as Flappy Whatever
I'll third that Threes! is quite good.
I'll third that Threes! is quite good.
I'll third it again right next to you. Oop! Now it's sixing.
So Hitman GO was announced today for mobile. IO developing.
XCOM style TBS with a clean looking diorama game board / presentation.
Where do I sign?
Sounds interesting, though I've never played a Hitman game.
Looks nice, but I wonder how it plays. Sounds like we'll find out soon.
Aw, and here I was assuming that it was it was a Hitman-themed version of Go. Though it does have certain similarities.. Neat!
My new game Volodymyr, an endless runner, is now available in the iTunes App Store:
Starbucks has Machinarium as their free app this week. I have a spare code. First come first serve
Please post to let me know it has been claimed.
I tried, but it's US only. So, lucky for the next one
Starbucks has Machinarium as their free app this week. I have a spare code. First come first serve
Please post to let me know it has been claimed.
It's been successfully redeemed - thanks!
Ego Man wrote:Starbucks has Machinarium as their free app this week. I have a spare code. First come first serve
Please post to let me know it has been claimed.
It's been successfully redeemed - thanks! :D
I have several more of these- PM me to receive one.
I have a few more if anyone else is interested.
How much Starbucks do you drink??
You don't need to buy anything to get a code card; they're just sitting in a holder by the sugars and milks usually
I know I'm not the only one who enjoys nonograms. Color Cross is a decent multicolor implementation. It has IAP to unlock puzzles, but if you connect to Facebook (or a throwaway FB account), you unlock the daily puzzle (easy 10x10). Solving that seems to unlock a few random boards each day.
Zoom-in/zoom-out is a little fiddly on the small screen, so I've decided I'm not going to fret about the occasional fat-finger error.
It has a nice feature I haven't seen in other similar games that if you drag your finger across a row or column, it pops up a bubble showing you how many squares you've dragged across.
You lucky iPeople should get Drei.
Loved Drei, it reminded me a lot of Windosil, in a good way.
Monument Valley is out and pretty great.
Some may consider it too easy/short as I kinda breezed through the first 4 levels (of which there seem to be 10?), but it is just ever so pretty.
Cut the Rope 2 is a thing.
iPad only, EriktheRed
EriktheRed wrote:iPad only, EriktheRed
Oh yeah sorry. I forgot this was the iPhone thread. Carry on
You don't need to buy anything to get a code card; they're just sitting in a holder by the sugars and milks usually :)
Likely story!
Actually sometimes, the cards are near the register. Other times, near the milks and sugars. Depends on the store layout.
I spend way too much money and time at Starbucks, don't I?
Cross posting from ipad games thread:
EMPIRE: The Deck Building Strategy Game for $0.99 (iOS Universal)