Haven't had a chance to try it yet but I grabbed Lost Echo just because it looks pretty.
only put in 15 minutes or so, but the environments are as pretty as the trailer/screenshots would have you believe. They skimped on character detail/animation and sound effects (which are nearly nonexistent), but the music is pretty great too.
Anyone else playing Pocket Trains? Would love to have some folks to trade parts with.
Anyone else playing Pocket Trains? Would love to have some folks to trade parts with.
I played it for an hour commute and realized it was just all busywork and stopped. I don't like it as much as tower, and planes. I think a lot of it has to do with the way track ownership is run.
Ascension (the base game) is currently free. If you've ever wanted to try it, now would be a great time to join us!
Thanks for the heads up... its still free (8-oct)
Here is some game play of Dragon Quest 8 on the iphone. I am not sold on how the locked vertical presentation will work on the iPad (where I will play it) but it sure does look pretty.
Anyone else playing Pocket Trains? Would love to have some folks to trade parts with.
I'm playing right now. So far, liking it more than Planes.
My Game Center ID is MistrPloppy. Feel free to friend me up.
Here is some game play of Dragon Quest 8 on the iphone. I am not sold on how the locked vertical presentation will work on the iPad (where I will play it) but it sure does look pretty.
What model of iPhone is this? Never saw those kinds of button there.
What model of iPhone is this? Never saw those kinds of button there.
Beats me but I got the video from Appspy's story here which says it is on the iPhone. Perhaps they simply meant it was coming out on the iPhone but the video is of Android.
Who knows? Stop complaining and just be excited an incredible RPG is coming out on a mobile device.
What model of iPhone is this? Never saw those kinds of button there.
Beats me but I got the video from Appspy's story here which says it is on the iPhone. Perhaps they simply meant it was coming out on the iPhone but the video is of Android.
Who knows? Stop complaining and just be excited an incredible RPG is coming out on a mobile device.
Ok ok! I believe you! I'm intrigue, tho, I'm still debating if I should change my iphone4 for a 5 soon, or wait again one more year.
They changed laws in Canada, and can't offered 3 years contract anymore, and the cell phone charges and monthly have raise because of that. So if I want a new phone, I'll need to buy unlock to maintain my plan with the limit cap I got.
Ok ok! I believe you! I'm intrigue, tho, I'm still debating if I should change my iphone4 for a 5 soon, or wait again one more year.
They changed laws in Canada, and can't offered 3 years contract anymore, and the cell phone charges and monthly have raise because of that. So if I want a new phone, I'll need to buy unlock to maintain my plan with the limit cap I got.
Seriously? As if they didn't overcharge already. Greedy assholes! lol So much for competition and open market.
Anyway....if you have the 4s, maybe wait or at leas switch to the 5s. If it is the 4, then it will be definitely a noticeable change.
Okay, it's maybe a bit niche, but if you like
a) stories with gimmicky typography (think House of Leaves)
b) room escape game puzzles
Simogo's new Device 6 is bloody amazing
I started playing Heroes of Loot today.
It's pretty good. The only thing is it's not a true dual stick shooter. You walk with left thumb, press shoot with right thumb, and your guy shoots in the direction he's facing. I much prefer Solomon's Graveyard.
Okay, it's maybe a bit niche, but if you like
a) stories with gimmicky typography (think House of Leaves)
I started playing Heroes of Loot today.
It's pretty good. The only thing is it's not a true dual stick shooter. You walk with left thumb, press shoot with right thumb, and your guy shoots in the direction he's facing. I much prefer Solomon's Graveyard.
I tried it a few weeks ago too. It's enjoyable but didn't really get its hooks into me. The characters don't have enough that differentiates them and there are no active use skills, which I miss from other similar games. And everytime I die it's in the blink of an eye. Not a bad game but not what I was hoping for either.
Not a bad game but not what I was hoping for either.
That describes 90% of the phone games I see.
How is Knights of Pen and Paper the only turn based tactical RPG with party building mechanics?!
I just updated to the 5S from 4S and am not getting the game center or text message lag when playing games. It is annoying how Apple makes these 2 year old devices feel obsolete by bogging them down with the OS.
I just updated to the 5S from 4S and am not getting the game center or text message lag when playing games. It is annoying how Apple makes these 2 year old devices feel obsolete by bogging them down with the OS.
As someone who just did the exact same thing I couldn't agree with this post more. When the 4S came out, it flew through the OS, within 18 months it was this ancient piece of junk that I resented.
And with the increased speed, I want to play games on it again since it doesn't become a flaming ember with an hour of battery life.
EvilDead wrote:I just updated to the 5S from 4S and am not getting the game center or text message lag when playing games. It is annoying how Apple makes these 2 year old devices feel obsolete by bogging them down with the OS.
As someone who just did the exact same thing I couldn't agree with this post more. When the 4S came out, it flew through the OS, within 18 months it was this ancient piece of junk that I resented.
And with the increased speed, I want to play games on it again since it doesn't become a flaming ember with an hour of battery life.
Offtopic FYI: Amazon just gave me $185 for my 4S (store credit). I know you can get more on eBay but not bad for a 2 year old phone that would just be collecting dust.
Any recommendations for games like "Spelltower" but geared towards kids? My son (7) loves playing but the constant upward creep of the letters, the words that have to be so long, etc. fustrates him. I would love to find one with the same basic concept but if you don't make a word in a certain time it gently give you hints. kind of like Bejeweled does.
Any recommendations for games like "Spelltower" but geared towards kids? My son (7) loves playing but the constant upward creep of the letters, the words that have to be so long, etc. fustrates him. I would love to find one with the same basic concept but if you don't make a word in a certain time it gently give you hints. kind of like Bejeweled does.
Do you have Bookworm? That should scratch a similar itch, and it is less restrictive on what words you can spell.
Stardock's Dead Man's Draw has dropped its price to free.
Stardock's Dead Man's Draw has dropped its price to free.
Sweet! Thx much for the heads up, I had been meaning to try this out anyway.
So I thought you guys might want to know that Sparkle Ponies is now available on iOS and Android.
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/secr...
Android: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00GZO...
There is a Christmas promotion that nets you a free Steam key with mobile purchase, in case you never received one as a gift in the past.
Apparently I've been on their mailing list since 'the incident'
Chaos Rings - $7.99 → $2.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Chaos Rings for iPad - $9.99 → $2.99 - [Forum Thread]
Chaos Rings Ω - $8.99 → $2.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Chaos Rings Ω for iPad - $11.99 → $2.99 - [Forum Thread]
Chaos Rings II - $15.99 → $3.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Chaos Rings II for iPad - $16.99 → $3.99
Chocobo Panic - $3.99 → $1.99 - [Forum Thread]
Crystal Defenders - $7.99 → $3.99 - [Lite Version] - [Forum Thread]
Crystal Defenders for iPad - $7.99 → $3.99 - [Forum Thread]
Crystal Defenders Plus - Free - (IAP $2.99 → $1.99, Full Unlock $7.99 → $3.99) - [Forum Thread]
Demon's Score - $4.99 → $2.99 - [Forum Thread]
Deus Ex: The Fall - $6.99 → 99¢ - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Drakerider Chains Transcendent - $15.99 → $6.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Drakerider Chains Transcendent for iPad - $15.99 → $6.99 - [Forum Thread]
Final Fantasy - $8.99 → $3.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy II - $8.99 → $3.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy III - $15.99 → $7.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy III for iPad - $16.99 → $7.99 - [Forum Thread]
Final Fantasy IV - $15.99 → $7.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy V - $15.99 → $7.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions - $15.99 → $6.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions for iPad - $17.99 → $7.99 - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Hills and Rivers Remain - $4.99 → $1.99 - [Lite Version] - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Lara Croft and the Guardian Of Light - $2.99 → 99¢ - [Forum Thread]
Lara Croft and the Guardian Of Light HD - $5.99 → 99¢ - [Forum Thread]
Secret of Mana - $8.99 → $3.99 - [Forum Thread]
Sliding Heroes - 99¢ → Free - [Forum Thread]
Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes - Encore - $9.99 → $4.99 - [Lite Version] - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
Vanguard Storm - $3.99 → $1.99 - [Lite Version] - [Forum Thread]
Voice Fantasy - $2.99 → 99¢ - [Forum Thread] - [Review]
The World Ends With You: Solo Remix - $17.99 → $8.99 - [Forum Thread]
The World Ends With You: Solo Remix HD - $19.99 → $9.99 - [Forum Thread]
I grabbed Chaos Rings 2.
So KotOR is surprisingly pretty playable on a phone (also currently on sale and has been long enough since I played it that I don't remember everything).
Needless to say, if you'd shown it to me on a phone when it originally came out, it would have blown my everloving mind.
edit: it does eat batteries something fierce on my iphone 5. Not near as bad as xcom which is the worst out of all the things I've played, but not good.
The Room 2 went universal/playable on iphone this week if anyone had been waiting for it like me. $3 at the moment.