iPhone Games Catch-All

Plants Vs zombies 2 is more Plants vs Zombies. Plant food is pretty cool but so far it's just more of the same.

You say that like it's a bad thing

I don't have an iPhone/iPad/Any Apple product, really, so I never frequent this thread. But I thought I'd stop in and suggest you all check out my buddy's game, Pivvot. It's a fun score-chasing game of "strategic avoidance." It's been compared to Super Hexagon on serveral occasions. Very addicting-- I've got a beta build for my Android.

He also made Polymer, which I haven't played, as much as I would like to. Cool-looking puzzle game.

TempestBlayze wrote:

Plants Vs zombies 2 is more Plants vs Zombies. Plant food is pretty cool but so far it's just more of the same.

In other words, it's great.

Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised that while PvZ2 is free-to-play, they've (so far) done a good job of balancing the game without any need for IAP. I've been playing the crap out of it so far, and it's a lot of fun, just like the first.

WipEout wrote:

I don't have an iPhone/iPad/Any Apple product, really, so I never frequent this thread. But I thought I'd stop in and suggest you all check out my buddy's game, Pivvot. It's a fun score-chasing game of "strategic avoidance." It's been compared to Super Hexagon on serveral occasions. Very addicting-- I've got a beta build for my Android.

He also made Polymer, which I haven't played, as much as I would like to. Cool-looking puzzle game.

You know Whitaker, eh? I didn't much take to Polymer, but I'd probably enjoy Pivvot. I'm watching my spending right now, so I'll pick it up when it's on sale.

The WW2 plane game, Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders is free today. It's a little cramped on the iPhone but probably a lot of fun on the pads.

Super Stickman Golf 2 got a huge update recently. Two entire new tours. Eight new courses!

Yeah, and clean ball turned based multi-player. I have been experiencing quite a few bugs that came with the update though.

So is there an 'ending' to Middle Manager of Justice? I finally cleared out all the zones, but have 2 villains left on the most wanted list. I haven't recruited that one who shows up yet.

There's no proper ending and the game keeps going once you've cleared the final boss. I also have two guys left on the Wanted list which makes me think there's a bug (and this game has several bugs) with that system, although it could just be the RNG.

shoptroll wrote:

There's no proper ending and the game keeps going once you've cleared the final boss. I also have two guys left on the Wanted list which makes me think there's a bug (and this game has several bugs) with that system, although it could just be the RNG.

Which 2? I've got the top left and top right (Mugging Director and Meathooks).

I think 3 and 4 from the left on the top row are my last two. I've fought all the rest, some multiple times even and all my heroes are max level. Just kinda plinking away until the next update or I manage to craft enough bling tier gems of the splash damage meteorites

oceanhorn gamescom teaser (there's a tiny bit of gameplay after the trailer fades to black):

So... do you need a second iOS device to hear Tingle?

Been obsessed with Blackbar (
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blac...), from Neven Mrgn of The Incident fame. It's more story than game, but something about filling in words redacted from letters is keeping me hooked on the story.

I know my phone is super outdated (3Gs), but to be honest there's only been like 3 games that didn't perform right on it. Disappointed that PvZ isn't compatible (requires a front facing camera), though it's certainly valid for any dev to move away from supporting older models.

demonbox wrote:

I know my phone is super outdated (3Gs), but to be honest there's only been like 3 games that didn't perform right on it. Disappointed that PvZ isn't compatible (requires a front facing camera), though it's certainly valid for any dev to move away from supporting older models.

I don't think it actually requires a front facing camera. I've read it's just a codeword they end up using because Apple doesn't let them explicitly say it only works on newer models. (the other version of this I've read is "requires iOS x or newer" where x only works on the newer hardware revisions you want to support.)

But that could be nonsense, I dunno, it's just what I remember reading somewhere.

You could well be right, but I would assume this is a small change in their policies. I know I've seen in the past where it's listed what models a game will run on- unless my memory is failing me. Anyway, disappointed that I can't play the game with my phone but I certainly acknowledge their right not to support older models.

A little delayed with this recommendation, but Major Magnet is current free. It's one of the few apps that's remained since it was first installed. The production is something you rarely see in mobile titles, especially action/fast-paced games. You use magnets, and other means of momentum, to get to the exit of short levels. My issues with the game are the low FOV and occasional unbounded area. Neither of those work great with how fast your character can get, but they're only a few blemishes on an otherwise ace game.

A friend of mine recently released an iOS game. It's called StarLicker and it's an asynchronous multiplayer game that's kind of like an RTS meets a schmup.

Just trying to help spread the word on it.

It's free to play and universal.

App Store link.

Made a post on Reddit that got a lot of traction.

And everybody loves gifs right?


And everybody loves gifs right?

The pain!! Make it stop, for the love of all that is good!

Is there issues with playing YouTube links in safari on iOS? Is there a tech help thread for iPhone?

I can't play YouTube links since the last YouTube app update in safari. I noticed an option for the chrome browser to send all YouTube links to the app. Could there be something to do for safari as well?

Oh, and it's YouTube links from all website, getting an unavailable message all the time, but if plug it into the YouTube apps, it goes smoothly.

I've read that a lot of that is bandwidth providers de-prioritizing (throttling) some sources of packets to cut network utilization. So Youtube directly is probably not a problem, since providers expect that to use a lot of bandwidth, but if you start a video through a link on another random site, it'll likely be throttled. I've seen that many times.

Found it, and fix it.

You need to got to YouTube.com/html5 and unsubscribe from the beta, then reset your cookies and data in the preference of Safari.

Now, it's back to normal.

My friend's game, Pivvot, is free this week on iOS. It is a rad game.

Will give it a try thnx

Saw Wario64 tweeted about it- but couldn't dl it earlier. Thanks for reminder to give the game a try!

Ascension (the base game) is currently free. If you've ever wanted to try it, now would be a great time to join us!

Chumpy_McChump wrote:

Ascension (the base game) is currently free. If you've ever wanted to try it, now would be a great time to join us!

Thanks for the heads up: never got around to getting it.

Tower of Fortune 2 is out, and it's every bit as slot machine lizard brain addictive as the original.