iPhone Games Catch-All


shoptroll wrote:
cyrax wrote:

While I'm here, I'd like to add my affection to Scurvy Scallywags. It's very well done, has story and presentation most match 3's don't, and that lovable charm Ron Gilbert is known for.

I'll nth that as well. Spent a good 1.5-2 hours playing it yesterday. Really fun!

I'm also finding it has a teeny bit of a rogue-like aspect to it as well. When you die, you keep your skills and gold, but can't keep progressing your skills until you advance back up the the level you were at when you died. (Keeping your skills and ships and gear makes the nth time through a little bit easier, of course. I saw a comment somewhere that you get XP at an accelerated rate until you get back to your max level, too.)

Lili - 99cts

Toy Defense HD - Free

Toy Defense 2 HD - $1.99

Poker With Bob - Free

Do you have an opinion or just posting random games?

Poker with Bob is straight-up 1v1 5-card draw and slow, just as a warning. Not slow because of my phone, rather because of the implementation: wait for animation/voice, press Deal, watch deal animation, wait for Bob-animation/voiceover, bet, wait for animation, etc, etc, etc. Don't know how good the heads-up poker is yet.

LeapingGnome wrote:

Do you have an opinion or just posting random games? :)

Too quick to have an opinion from the moment I post As I only post the ones that
are on sale. But I did play some poker and it's ok for what it is.
Lili I got to play with my daughters and that will be later this summer.
Toy Defense, only got the free version, still have to play it

Getting a bit tired with all those so called free games. Games that are broken and you fix it by in-app purchases.
Wish Apple would have a filter for those in their store. Or Appshopper.com.

cyrax wrote:

While I'm here, I'd like to add my affection to Scurvy Scallywags. It's very well done, has story and presentation most match 3's don't, and that lovable charm Ron Gilbert is known for.

And it's free right now!

Archangel wrote:
cyrax wrote:

While I'm here, I'd like to add my affection to Scurvy Scallywags. It's very well done, has story and presentation most match 3's don't, and that lovable charm Ron Gilbert is known for.

And it's free right now!


cyrax wrote:
Archangel wrote:
cyrax wrote:

While I'm here, I'd like to add my affection to Scurvy Scallywags. It's very well done, has story and presentation most match 3's don't, and that lovable charm Ron Gilbert is known for.

And it's free right now!


Pfff so much for buying it right when it comes out. Ah well....arrrrrrrrr

Sparhawk wrote:
cyrax wrote:
Archangel wrote:
cyrax wrote:

While I'm here, I'd like to add my affection to Scurvy Scallywags. It's very well done, has story and presentation most match 3's don't, and that lovable charm Ron Gilbert is known for.

And it's free right now!


Pfff so much for buying it right when it comes out. Ah well....arrrrrrrrr

No kidding. It's still worth the meager 99 cents paid though. Such charm! Such triple-matching prowess!

Sword & Glory is free and pretty great. The graphics are kinda meh, and it's a little buggy, but give it a shot and see if you don't get hooked in spite of that.

edit: add linky

merphle wrote:

No kidding. It's still worth the meager 99 cents paid though. Such charm! Such triple-matching prowess!

I'm totally digging it. The mutiple-direction match-3 is an interesting modification, and the piratical bits are enough to make it a bit more interesting than just playing Bejeweled.

I really like scallywags, but the golem boss is so tedious to fight, even when loaded up with attack spells.

Looks like Xcom plays well on the phone

I can't wait for XCom. Hopefully it drops tonight, as I have to be on a plane at 7AM tomorrow.

Infinity Blade II for 99cts till 30th of June

Seems also most of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog is on sale for 99cts each.
Sonic The Hedgehog 4™ Episode II seems to be the best deal, being the latest
of the series.

There's a Layton spin-off detective game for iOS now. Looks like first couple of cases free, pay for more.

edit: seems like the Layton connection is just branding, still it's free to try and it looks neat.

Infinity Blade II just bottomed out from their 99ct sale a couple weeks ago to completely free.

I actually got it for full price when it came out, but only played it for a couple hours before removing it from my phone. I felt unsatisfied since they hadn't really improved the formula as much as they said they did pre-release.

Still, free is free, and the game is gorgeous, so check it out!

jamos5 wrote:

Infinity Blade II just bottomed out from their 99ct sale a couple weeks ago to completely free.

There's some speculation that this is part of a fifth anniversary sale on Apple's part. I don't know where there's a complete list, but the linked article also mentions Tiny Wings and Sword and Sworcery.

Cross post form the iPad thread: Many many apps are going free. This guy is keeping track.

Ah wow, didn't realize how deep this sale went. Thanks for those links -- I've got some new games to download now

jamos5 wrote:

Ah wow, didn't realize how deep this sale went. Thanks for those links -- I've got some new games to download now :D

Beware the pile!

Infinity Blade II, Badland, and Angry Birds Star Wars are all free and all top rated IOS games.

Edit: Didn't realize Badland and IBII were listed in Athros's link.

For some reason I jumped back in to Jetpack Joyride and completed another 15 level set of missions and bought some more golden nonsense and laser jetpacks. That game is still the best.

I bought Joe Danger today since it was on sale for just $0.99. It's really fun! It's like a cross between Excitebike and Tony Hawk, with a bunch of collectibles thrown at you at every direction.

It seems to have a bit more depth than your typical iOS game. They also just added a huge update to better integrate touch controls, and from what I've played it works extremely well.

Highly recommended!

jamos5 wrote:

It seems to have a bit more depth than your typical iOS game.

That's because it was originally released on the PS3 for $15 as a downloadable game. I have it there and really like it.

mrtomaytohead wrote:
jamos5 wrote:

It seems to have a bit more depth than your typical iOS game.

That's because it was originally released on the PS3 for $15 as a downloadable game. I have it there and really like it.

Its not the same as the console Joe Danger games. You are always moving forward in this one like the "runner' games.

So, no idea if they've even announced a release date yet, but apparently Oceanhorn:

has lined up a couple of Japanese videogame composers you may have heard of.