This is unquestionably the best theme song.
Andy Griffith = best theme song
Andy Griffith = best theme song
Raise you...
fangblackbone wrote:Andy Griffith = best theme song
Raise you...
And I raise you...
BSG had the best opening song (not sure I'd call it a theme song). Also GoT.
Sorry folks. Absolutely the best sitcom theme song.
BSG had the best opening song (not sure I'd call it a theme song). Also GoT.
If you're referring to BSG images mixed with The Beastie Boys' Sabotage then yes.
I think we need to define what memorable means. For instance, I've never seen anyone sing along to the M.A.S.K. theme song. Cheers, a few maybe, but pretty much everyone has sung along to The Brady Bunch and Gilligan's Island.
Play it without singing along. Go ahead. I triple dog dare you.
And the unquestioned winner:
If we're going into Anime territory, Bebop is damn fine, but also may I also enter this into the best theme song competition:
So many good themes here... I'll have to second Game of Thrones and Cowboy Bebop. I can't count the number of times I've played Tank! (the live version with Yoko Kanno's big band) over and over on repeat.
Trachalio's video is blocked in the Uk in a way that I don't know what it is.
If we're going into Anime territory, Bebop is damn fine, but also may I also enter this into the best theme song competition:
Love Konya wa Hurricane
I raise you this though (makes me cry manly tears of manliness, every time)
(edit)Better version...
I happened to see this when searching for a Civ question and finding the answer on Reddit.
Don't @ me.
Love Konya wa Hurricane
I raise you this though (makes me cry manly tears of manliness, every time)
Ah.... Myung from Macross Plus
Here's the best theme song (with multiple variants):
Can we please put the videos on another thread and keep this one for its original purpose?
I happened to see this when searching for a Civ question and finding the answer on Reddit.
Don't @ me.
Is my culture a joke to you??!!!
Trachalio's video is blocked in the Uk in a way that I don't know what it is.
Oh man, that both weird and sucky! It's the opening theme to Bubblegum Crisis
I'm sad nobody posted Highlander.
I'm sad nobody posted Highlander.
I was going to before the Fun Police showed up ( just kidding Crowbar! ). I even owned A Kind of Magic on tape - yes, I am that old.
Bernie Sanders says hi...
There were these things called modems.