Dominic, are you done with Last Exile yet? 'Cause I'm still in my gushing holding pattern here and it's starting to sting a bit!
Or should I just post another big white gushing box to go with that little ranting box above?
Well, break will give me time to watch Last Exile. I should have it finished before we see each other again. XD Hopefully.
I just finished watching Baccano!. I highly recommend it. For those who aren't too squeamish (a couple scenes made me cringe), the characters are really good, and the story is pretty interesting. Although it is a very violent pseudo-mafia story, it is very fun.
I'm going to date myself horribly by suggesting my choice. When I was a kid I was really hooked on Star Blazers or as it's known in Japan Space Battleship Yamato. It came out in the seventies so it incredibly dated but it's still cool in a retro sort of way. It still has this sick rabid following in Japan.
Old or not, Star Blazers still darn good!
I'll one up you on the dating bit. I used to watch Star Blazers every afternoon on an independent UHF station that, several years later, turned into a Fox affiliate.
Asked for and got Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles for Christmas and watched it. I was actually pleasantly surprised. While the CGI at times is horrible, for the budget you can't expect too much. The animation drawn is pretty good and I thought the voice acting was pretty decent. The story is a continuation of after the Invid Wars but doesn't really touch on Sentinels at all. It's at least worth a watching. It's no Macross Zero but it's still entertaining.
Finally sat down and watched Samurai 7 last night. Interesting way to end a harried Christmas Day, but it works for us. We watched the first 16 episodes and we're going to finish it off when I get home from work.
Two thumbs way way up from me and all the kids. It's been interesting to compare and contrast the characters/plot/etc with the original film.
I just finished watching Baccano!. I highly recommend it. For those who aren't too squeamish (a couple scenes made me cringe), the characters are really good, and the story is pretty interesting. Although it is a very violent pseudo-mafia story, it is very fun.
Thanks for the heads-up, danny. I ended up watching it all over the past two nights. I think I got ten seconds into the intro and I was hooked. Definitely some grizzly, graphic violence, but it didn't feel like they were trying to go over the top - which depending on how you look at it perhaps made it even more wince-inducing then it may have been in another context.
Anywho, Baccano! gets a solid thumbs-up from me. Excellent recommendation.
On a side note, I've been able to watch more Ghost Hound and it's staring to feel more like a solid recommendation. It might still turn some people off, but it really is a quality series. The work put into the sound design alone has continuously left me impressed.
I am actually behind on my anime watching. >.< I've gotten into this habit of watching these Japanese TV dramas. They're really good and the actors are good looking. I can't deny that. Way better looking than many US actors I might add. But I'm working on catching up to my anime list, which is ever growing XD As always.
It made me laugh, one of the guys in the Jdrama was playing his DS and was playing Flash Focus. I started laughing when I figured out what he was playing.
This may seem kind of dumb, but I just finished the 5th episode of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi yesterday, and I really liked it. It's definately not a serious series, but its fun, and well animated so far. About a perpetual victim of bullying randomly bumping into a new girl at school and when he tries to protect her from some local thugs, finds out she needs no protection. Then, he goes to train at her dojo/home with the greatest masters of each art. Yeah, its as cheesy as it sounds, but I found it enjoyable.
This may seem kind of dumb, but I just finished the 5th episode of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi yesterday, and I really liked it. It's definately not a serious series, but its fun, and well animated so far. About a perpetual victim of bullying randomly bumping into a new girl at school and when he tries to protect her from some local thugs, finds out she needs no protection. Then, he goes to train at her dojo/home with the greatest masters of each art. Yeah, its as cheesy as it sounds, but I found it enjoyable.
Kenichi definitely gets a nod as a fun series. Always came across as a light Street Fighter, in a good way. I think I watched a few seasons before the show started to wear on me a little.
Woo, new season!
Rozario + Vampire - Wasn't sure what to expect going into it, but it didn't take long to tell where things were going. Pantsu shot practically before the show even starts. While it looks like it will be a light ecchi / harem show, they did manage to throw just enough stuff into the mix to make it a fun watch. It could either reduce to drivel or turn into the guilty pleasure of the season.
Shigofumi - Another series I knew nothing about going in. Interesting setup so far. Going have to wait and see how they follow up the first episode. Looking forward to what they do with it.
Gunslinger Girl - Il Teatrino - - I'm afraid to report that the new season of Gunslinger Girl gets of to a jerky start. It would seem as though the only way the project saw the light of day was by way of a shoestring budget. Here's hoping they still manage to tell a good story, but it's a disappointing start.
Persona - Trinity Soul - - Based off the video game series of the same name. I'm guessing it's related to Persona 3 (characters look familiar) but I can't say for sure as I personally haven't played any of the games. :p Either way, it looks to be a little interesting.
edit to add:
Spice and Wolf - (Or Wolf and Spice depending on what title you're looking at) Local kami hitches a ride with traveling merchant in middle age europe? Sold.
If you haven't had a chance to check out Macross Frontier do so at you earliest opportunity. First ep was excellent, especially with the remixed Do You Remember Love song for the ending credits.
I started watching Monster over the weekend. Everyone must see this! Its a suspense thriller type show, though on one hand it actually has a kind of Bill Bixby-era Inredicble Hulk feel to it at times (the main character specifically). There's information here at the Anime News Network, and an older review of the Monster manga on this podcast, Anime World Order, which if you've never heard, is a great podcast for anime.
Hey, I'm looking for a movie/series that I saw 10 minutes of, but didn't catch the name. About a kid they call lil'slugger who goes around beating people with bats. Anyone heard of it?
Hey, I'm looking for a movie/series that I saw 10 minutes of, but didn't catch the name. About a kid they call lil'slugger who goes around beating people with bats. Anyone heard of it?
Yep, Paranoia Agent. It's a great series.
Hey, I'm looking for a movie/series that I saw 10 minutes of, but didn't catch the name. About a kid they call lil'slugger who goes around beating people with bats. Anyone heard of it?
Mousou Dairinin, or Paranoia Agent by the US release. And Lil' Slugger was a {ableist slur} re-name on Geneon's part, and comes nowhere close to indicating the sinister nature of the character.
Dominic, is there a secret to Lucky Star I'm not finding yet? 'Cause right now it feels like that one trip to summer camp when I rode with three certain girls we both know jabbering and flirting on their cell phones all the frickin' way to Battleground. Seriously. Someone drew being trapped in a phone booth with Amanda.
Dominic, is there a secret to Lucky Star I'm not finding yet? 'Cause right now it feels like that one trip to summer camp when I rode with three certain girls we both know jabbering and flirting on their cell phones all the frickin' way to Battleground. Seriously. Someone drew being trapped in a phone booth with Amanda.
Really the only entertaining episode that I like to rewatch is the Comikit episode. XD There really is no secret. But if you can't stand to finish it, I can understand. I find it amusing because I am very similar to Konata. Unfortunately the show is rather slow. It makes me laugh that it was very popular with the guys in anime club. Strangely enough... And then they didn't really like Last Exile. >.<
That would suck being trapped in a phone booth with Amanda.
That's what I'm saying. I love the girl to death but can she talk! I'll finish it just because I'm a masochist like that, but it's not going to happen this week.
And somehow I find it comforting that my taste in shows is directly opposite the guys in the club. XD
The guys in the club have the weirdest taste in anime that I have ever seen. I mean granted, the vp when I was a sophomore really liked a lot of the cutesy anime and shows that the little kids liked. But he was cool in a lot of ways. XD
Have you seen Mai-Hime? Or are you interested in it at all?
That's what I'm saying. I love the girl to death but can she talk! I'll finish it just because I'm a masochist like that, but it's not going to happen this week.
And somehow I find it comforting that my taste in shows is directly opposite the guys in the club. XD
I liked Lucky Star. The catch is in all the in-jokes, and especially Lucky Channel. Beyond that, it's standard slice of life fare.
Uugu! I'll try it again when I'm not so old and grumpy. I survived Nayuki, I should be able to survive this.
I hadn't heard about Mai-hime. I'm totally behind on all this sailor-suit stuff; I've always been a hardcore mecha/action girl. If there weren't aliens, swords the size of garage doors, and robots the size of houses it was off my radar until this last year or so. The wikipedia entry makes it look like DragonballZ for girls. Does that sound about right?
What was that fan-art and cosplay you showed me with that blonde girl in the stylized armor? I've been trying to remember the name of that.
Persona - Trinity Soul - - Based off the video game series of the same name. I'm guessing it's related to Persona 3 (characters look familiar) but I can't say for sure as I personally haven't played any of the games. :p Either way, it looks to be a little interesting.
You are correct. From what I've read, the anime is a sequel to Persona 3, but takes place ten years after the events of the game. I'm interested in it, but I haven't even finished the game yet. Besides, I doubt they'll dub it for the western audience, and I hate subtitled anime and fansubs/dubs.
Uugu! I'll try it again when I'm not so old and grumpy. I survived Nayuki, I should be able to survive this.
I hadn't heard about Mai-hime. I'm totally behind on all this sailor-suit stuff; I've always been a hardcore mecha/action girl. If there weren't aliens, swords the size of garage doors, and robots the size of houses it was off my radar until this last year or so. The wikipedia entry makes it look like DragonballZ for girls. Does that sound about right?
What was that fan-art and cosplay you showed me with that blonde girl in the stylized armor? I've been trying to remember the name of that.
Mai Hime is more mecha action than sailor fuku.. it just so happens that it takes place at a school, with schoolgirls.
The Persona anime is okay so far. Only one episode out (fansubbed, thankyewverymuch) and it's... interesting. I have a feeling this series is going to be like Lain and a few others where its strangeness will either be a blessing or a curse depending on how they handle it. But it'll be strange regardless.
Mai Hime is more mecha action than sailor fuku.. it just so happens that it takes place at a school, with schoolgirls.
What doesn't?
momgamer wrote:Uugu! I'll try it again when I'm not so old and grumpy. I survived Nayuki, I should be able to survive this.
I hadn't heard about Mai-hime. I'm totally behind on all this sailor-suit stuff; I've always been a hardcore mecha/action girl. If there weren't aliens, swords the size of garage doors, and robots the size of houses it was off my radar until this last year or so. The wikipedia entry makes it look like DragonballZ for girls. Does that sound about right?
What was that fan-art and cosplay you showed me with that blonde girl in the stylized armor? I've been trying to remember the name of that.
Mai Hime is more mecha action than sailor fuku.. it just so happens that it takes place at a school, with schoolgirls.
Definitely more mecha; healthy chunk of angst included. But also very well executed if I might say so. Mai-Otome, its sequal of sorts, is my favorite of the two, but derives a good amount of its fun with playing around with the characters from Mai-Hime.
And don't feel too bad about Lucky Star. I really enjoyed it, but never finished. The pacing was really making hard for me to watch after a while. If you like some of the anime in-jokes and such, I highly recommend Hayate no Gotoku as an alternative in-joke / spoof series. Given, it's not exactly a slice 'o life kind of show, so it's a little but apples-and-oranges to compare them, but Hayate's pacing at least keeps me awake.
AnimeJ wrote:momgamer wrote:Uugu! I'll try it again when I'm not so old and grumpy. I survived Nayuki, I should be able to survive this.
I hadn't heard about Mai-hime. I'm totally behind on all this sailor-suit stuff; I've always been a hardcore mecha/action girl. If there weren't aliens, swords the size of garage doors, and robots the size of houses it was off my radar until this last year or so. The wikipedia entry makes it look like DragonballZ for girls. Does that sound about right?
What was that fan-art and cosplay you showed me with that blonde girl in the stylized armor? I've been trying to remember the name of that.
Mai Hime is more mecha action than sailor fuku.. it just so happens that it takes place at a school, with schoolgirls.
Definitely more mecha; healthy chunk of angst included. But also very well executed if I might say so. Mai-Otome, its sequal of sorts, is my favorite of the two, but derives a good amount of its fun with playing around with the characters from Mai-Hime.
And don't feel too bad about Lucky Star. I really enjoyed it, but never finished. The pacing was really making hard for me to watch after a while. If you like some of the anime in-jokes and such, I highly recommend Hayate no Gotoku as an alternative in-joke / spoof series. Given, it's not exactly a slice 'o life kind of show, so it's a little but apples-and-oranges to compare them, but Hayate's pacing at least keeps me awake. :)
Hayate no Gotoku is pure, comic genius.
Hayate no Gotoku is pure, comic genius.
Speaking of Hayate, have you caught the first episode of Kimiaru ('They are my noble masters') yet? I just got done watching, and I'm not sure how to describe how I feel about it other than 'I feel traumatized.' It's another butler show, only with a slightly older female cast. Had me laughing, but man did it feel wrong.
If you like some of the anime in-jokes and such, I highly recommend Hayate no Gotoku as an alternative in-joke / spoof series.
I just picked up a copy of Otaku No Video recently, and I'd recommend it for similar reasons.
The guys in the club have the weirdest taste in anime that I have ever seen. I mean granted, the vp when I was a sophomore really liked a lot of the cutesy anime and shows that the little kids liked. But he was cool in a lot of ways. XD
Have you seen Mai-Hime? Or are you interested in it at all?
Well, I try not to judge too harshly until I've seen a few episodes. That's how I was suckered into watching Myself,Yourself. It was "cutesy" and then spiraled into "f*cking insane," and only my morbid curiosity kept me going til the end.
I read some Mai-Hime. Looked cool, but it didn't keep my interest for long, but sometimes it just doesn't happen for me. For instance, I love Naruto, but never watch or read either Bleach or One Piece. Statistically, I should love them all.