Arma 3 Catch All



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Back to the island it seems. Fine by me.

My favourite part of the press release:

Physical simulation & improved animations - take advantage of PhysX™ supporting the vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.

Very excited for this. I love me some Arma.



I hope this time, Bohemia releases something that doesn't need months of patches to reach a finished state. I tried to co-op ArmA II with Stylez but after multiple long missions where we couldn't progress due to broken scripting, I gave up on it.

The DRM put me off 2. Be interesting to see what they do with 3.

Malor wrote:

The DRM put me off 2. Be interesting to see what they do with 3.

The DRM is why I waited and paid more for the steam version. Given the amount of times I've reinstalled it's been worth it, otherwise I'd be down a few of those limited activations.

Really hope they put as much emphasis on "radical engine improvements" and animations as they're marketing. ARMA II looked great, but once you got into action the janky animations and graphics engine started got in the way of the immersion at times.

It's going to take a hell of a lot of convincing to get a day-one purchase out of me, though.

I really need them to make a decent SP campaign, whether it's dynamic mission generation or what, but I love Arma 2, but just don't get a lot of MP gaming in.

As someone who has played Arma 2 almost every Saturday for the past year and a half with an amazing online community, I really hope there are improvements made to this iteration in both the netcode and VON departments. Revamping the mission editor would also be appreciated. Frankly, if they dropped the whole campaign idea in Arma 3 (highly unlikely) I would not be disappointed as the community produces a great deal of the content I consume.

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I didn't see "Does not run like sh*t" in the Key Features.

El-Producto wrote:

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I was going to say the same thing!

Barab wrote:
El-Producto wrote:

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I was going to say the same thing!

Have you tried it recently? I think they've optimized their engine quite a bit in the latest set of patches. I know, it's no excuse and bad form, but I hope they carry over whatever they've learned into the new game.

doubleplusungood wrote:




Rexneron wrote:
Barab wrote:
El-Producto wrote:

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I was going to say the same thing!

Have you tried it recently? I think they've optimized their engine quite a bit in the latest set of patches. I know, it's no excuse and bad form, but I hope they carry over whatever they've learned into the new game.

Oh ya, it's certainly better and very playable.

El-Producto wrote:
Rexneron wrote:
Barab wrote:
El-Producto wrote:

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I was going to say the same thing!

Have you tried it recently? I think they've optimized their engine quite a bit in the latest set of patches. I know, it's no excuse and bad form, but I hope they carry over whatever they've learned into the new game.

Oh ya, it's certainly better and very playable.

My experience with Arma 2 really improved with the release of patch 1.07 in June of last year. I never did quite pin down if my issues prior to that update were relating to my 64-bit OS, my RAM or i7 processor.

The tentative release date for Arma 3 is Summer 2012. I just hope they keep it in the development incubator until it's ready.

pretty steep requirements:

Arma 3 system requirements:

* OS – Windows 7 / Vista
* CPU – Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster
* GPU – Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770, shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM, or faster
* RAM – 2 GB
* HDD – 15 GB free space
* DVD – Dual Layer compatible
* DirectX® – 10

For more on Arma 3, head over to the new Arma 3 site, or check out the Arma 3 Facebook page.

One way you could read that is that the sim/game is driving the requirements, rather than limiting what they want to do. I guess they know their community is the sort that will upgrade to meet the requirements, rather than the sort that struggles to run TF2/CSS on DX8 mode with everything turned off. ArmA isn't mass market, so it must be easier to know your market and that they value what you do in the game over stretching out older hardware, and possibly with the exception of the CPU, most of that spec is attainable with fairly old hardware.

Well Arma has always needed high specs to run good. Some due to poor optimization some due to the nature of the game. Hopefully this time around the specs is for pushing the games boundries and not cover up poor code.

I can hear next year's processors melting already:

doubleplusungood wrote:
El-Producto wrote:
Rexneron wrote:
Barab wrote:
El-Producto wrote:

My computer can barely run Arma 2.. I'm frightened at the prospects of Arma 3.

I was going to say the same thing!

Have you tried it recently? I think they've optimized their engine quite a bit in the latest set of patches. I know, it's no excuse and bad form, but I hope they carry over whatever they've learned into the new game.

Oh ya, it's certainly better and very playable.

My experience with Arma 2 really improved with the release of patch 1.07 in June of last year. I never did quite pin down if my issues prior to that update were relating to my 64-bit OS, my RAM or i7 processor.

Just curious, what kind of issues did you have with the game? I've gotten the demo running okay on medium settings with an i5, but I'm wondering what problems to look for.

Some in game footage from E3:

EDIT: Here are better versions of the same gameplay footage from GameTrailers: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Please let them hire some more voice actors.

RPS has an interview with Bohemia Interactive's Marek Spanel, talking about Carrier Command, Take On Helicopters, and Arma 3.

I can already hear my computer's terrified screams.

New video:

Tagged. I'm thinking this will be the game that gets me into PC gaming. Very exciting!

So I finally picked up TrackIR the other day.

It makes flying helicopters so much fun! Seriously, the Apache feels so great with head tracking that I can't imagine playing any other way now

Looking forward to ARMA 3 more now!

*Legion* wrote:

I didn't see "Does not run like sh*t" in the Key Features.

I forgot I had posted in this thread. Reading the first post, I formed almost the exact post above in my head, and scrolled down to write it, only to find it already there.

I want to love ARMA but I can't stand playing a shooter at 20 frames per second. And every new ARMA plays like that on my inevitably-midrange machine at the time. Only now can I actually play ARMA 2 well enough to stand it, and we're already moving on to 3.
