Xbox 360 Marketplace Sale
Update June 18 2024:
1942: Joint Strike $0.99 90%
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars $2.99 85%
Batman: Arkham Asylum $4.99 75%
Batman: Arkham City $4.99 75%
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition $4.99 75%
Bionic Commando $1.49 90%
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 $1.49 90%
Bionic Commando: Rearmed $0.99 90%
Birds of Steel $7.49 75%
BLACK $0.99 90%
Brink $2.99 85%
Bulletstorm $1.99 90%
Burnout 3: Takedown N/A 90%
Burnout Crash! $0.49 90%
Cars 3: Driven to Win $4.49 85%
Choplifter HD $2.49 75%
DARK $2.99 85%
Darkstalkers Resurrection $1.49 90%
DarkStar One $1.99 80%
Dead Island $0.74 95%
Dead Island Riptide $0.74 95%
DEAD RISING $1.99 90%
Dead Rising 2 $1.99 90%
DeathSpank $1.49 90%
Devil May Cry 4 $1.99 90%
Devil May Cry HD Collection $1.99 90%
Dishonored $2.99 85%
DmC Devil May Cry $1.99 90%
Dustforce $0.99 90%
Fight Night Round 3 $1.99 90%
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition N/A 75%
Full Game – Alien Spidy $1.49 70%
Full Game – Anna – Extended Edition $1.99 80%
Full Game – Dollar Dash $1.24 75%
Full Game – Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $3.74 75%
Full Game – Mighty No. 9 $0.99 95%
Harry Potter for Kinect N/A 75%
Homefront $0.49 95%
Leedmees $2.49 75%
LEGO Harry Potter N/A 75%
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 $4.99 75%
LEGO Jurassic World $4.99 75%
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes $4.99 75%
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers $4.99 75%
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens $4.99 75%
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain $4.99 75%
Metro 2033 $0.74 95%
Metro: Last Light $0.99 95%
MicroBot $0.99 90%
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor $4.99 75%
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection $4.99 50%
NCAA Basketball 09 March Madness Edition $1.49 90%
Need for Speed Rivals $1.99 90%
NFS Undercover N/A 90%
Ninety-Nine Nights Ⅱ $7.49 75%
Omerta – City of Gangsters $2.99 85%
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare $1.99 90%
Puzzle Chronicles $2.49 75%
Red Faction: Guerrilla $0.99 95%
Remember Me $1.99 90%
Resident Evil $1.99 90%
Resident Evil 0 $1.99 90%
Resident Evil 4 $1.99 90%
RESIDENT EVIL 5 $1.99 90%
RESIDENT EVIL 6 $1.99 90%
Rocket Riot $2.49 75%
Rush’N Attack: Ex-Patriot $1.24 75%
Skyrim $4.49 85%
Spare Parts $0.99 90%
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition $1.49 90%
Street Fighter II’ HF $0.99 80%
STRIDER $1.49 90%
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix $1.49 90%
The Evil Within $2.99 95%
The Fancy Pants Adventures $0.99 90%
The LEGO Movie Videogame $4.99 75%
Tornado Outbreak $4.99 75%
Track & Field $2.49 50%
Tropico 3 $1.49 65%
Tropico 5 $4.99 75%
Warp $0.99 90%
Wing Commander Arena $0.99 90%
Yie Ar Kung-Fu $2.49 50%
Update May 16 2024:
XBox Marketplace 360 is dying for non-backwards compatible games July 29 2024.
The first Ante-Mortem sale is live now. Also, Shred Nebula, an old XBLA twin-stick space shooter is on sale for $2.49. Simple, almost antediluvian compared to some titles these days. Still fun though, but not delighting and is backwards compatible.
First Sale Drop on May 13 2024:
Alien Rage Xbox 360 90%
Alone In The Dark Xbox 360 75%
ArcaniA Xbox 360 75%
Black Knight Sword Xbox 360 75%
Bloody Good Time Xbox 360 80%
Child of Light Xbox 360 80%
Cloudberry Kingdom Xbox 360 80%
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements Xbox 360 80%
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon Xbox 360 75%
Dogfight 1942 Xbox 360 90%
Enemy Front Xbox 360 90%
Fantastic Pets Xbox 360 75%
Far Cry 4 Xbox 360 80%
Fighters Uncaged Xbox 360 80%
Final Exam Xbox 360 67%
Fireburst Xbox 360 90%
Geon: Emotions Xbox 360 85%
Handball 16 Xbox 360 90%
Hunter’s Trophy 2 – America Xbox 360 90%
Hunter’s Trophy 2 – Australia Xbox 360 90%
IHF Handball Challenge 14 Xbox 360 90%
Just Dance 2014 Xbox 360 80%
Just Dance 2015 Xbox 360 80%
Just Dance 2016 Xbox 360 80%
Just Dance 2018 Xbox 360 80%
Just Dance 2019 Xbox 360 80%
Just Dance® Kids 2014 Xbox 360 80%
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men Xbox 360 85%
Legend of Kay Anniversary Xbox 360 75%
Mini Ninjas Adventures Xbox 360 85%
Motionsports Xbox 360 80%
MotionSports: Adrenaline Xbox 360 80%
MX VS ATV Supercross Xbox 360 75%
My Body Coach 3 Xbox 360 90%
Panzer General Allied Assault Xbox 360 80%
PowerUp Heroes Xbox 360 80%
Puzzle Arcade Xbox 360 85%
Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show Xbox 360 80%
Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking Xbox 360 80%
Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox 360 80%
Risen 3 Titan Lords Xbox 360 75%
RISK Xbox 360 80%
Risk Urban Assault Xbox 360 80%
Rotastic Xbox 360 80%
Self-Defense Training Camp Xbox 360 80%
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Xbox 360 90%
Snipers Xbox 360 90%
Space Invaders Infinity Gene Xbox 360 85%
Star Raiders Xbox 360 80%
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Xbox 360 75%
The Escapists Xbox 360 85%
Thief Xbox 360 85%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Xbox 360 80%
Tomb Raider Xbox 360 75%
Trials Fusion Xbox 360 80%
Valiant Hearts: The Great War Xbox 360 80%
Voodoo Dice Xbox 360 80%
War World Xbox 360 80%
Watch Dogs Xbox 360 80%
Worms Revolution Xbox 360 50%
Worms: Ultimate Mayhem Xbox 360 75%
WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship Xbox 360 90%
Yar’s Revenge Xbox 360 80%
Zeit² Xbox 360 80%
Zombie Driver HD Xbox 360 75%
Catch-All Threads:
1 vs 100
Battlefield 1943
Monday Night Combat
Section 8
Shadow Complex
Snoopy Flying Ace
XBLA High Scores
Greed Corp
Last List Update: August 21 2013
The XBLA is soon to be dissolved into the XBox Indies and Games on Demand on the XBoxOne, become an all-in-one online game service. Sounds like a good idea, but the XBLA tracking will keep going as best as I can until it's officially dead.
Symbols, #s, A, B
0-D Beat Drop, 0 Day Attack on Earth, 1942: Joint Strike, 1 vs 100, 3D Minigolf 1&2, 3-on-3 NHL
Aces of the Galaxy, Aegis Wing, After Burner Climax, Age of Booty, Alien Breed Evolution, Alien Breed 2: Assault, Alien Breed 3: Descent, Alien Hominid, Alien Spidey, Altered Beast, American Mensa Academy, Apples to Apples, Aqua, Ancients of Ooga, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Arkadian Warriors, Arkanoid, Assault Heroes / Assault Heroes 2, Asteroids / Asteroids Deluxe, Astropop, A World of Keflings & A Kingdom of Keflings, Axel & Pixel
Babel Rising, Backbreaker Vengeance, Band of Bugs, Bang-Bang Racing, Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury, Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie, Bankshot Billiards 2, Basement Pool, Bastion, Battlefield 1943, Battle: LA, Battleblock Theater, Battlestar Galactica, Battle: Los Angeles, Beat'n Groovy, Bejeweled 2&3, Bejeweled Blitz Live, Bellator MMA, Ben 10 Alien Force, Beyond Good & Evil, Bionic Commando 1&2, *Black, Blade Kitten, Blacklight: Tango Down, Black Knight Sword, Blazing Birds, Bliss Island, Blood Bowl, Bloodrayne: Betrayal, Bloody Good Time, *Blowout, Bomberman Live, Bomberman Live: Battlefest, Boogie Bunnies, Boom Boom Rocket, Braid, Brain Challenge, Breach, Brothers, Bubble Bobble Neo, Bugs of War, Buku Sudoku, Burgertime World Tour, *Burnout 3, Bust-A-Move Live
C, D
Call of Duty, Capcom Arcade Cabinet (Ghosts 'N Goblins, Black Tiger, Avengers, 1943), Carcassonne, Capsized, Castle Crashers, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Harmony of Despair,
Catan, The Cave, Cellfactor, Charlie Murder, Chessmaster, Chime, Choplifter HD, Cloning Clyde, Cloudberry Kingdom, Coffeetime Crosswords, Comic Jumper, Commanders: Attack of the Genos
Commando 3, Command & Conquer, Comic Jumper, Comix Zone, Contra/Super Contra, Costume Quest, Counter Strike GO, *Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, Crash Course, Crazy Machine Elements, Crazy Taxi, Crimson Dragon Kinect, *Crimson Skies, Coffeetime Crosswords, Cyberball, Crazy Mouse, Crystal Defender, Crystal Quest, Cyber Troopers Virtual On
Darts vs Zombies Kinect, Darwinia, Dash of Destruction, Days of Thunder Arcade, Dead Block, Deadliest Warrior & Deadliest Warrior Legends, Dead Rising: Case Zero, Dead Rising: Case West, Dead Space Ignition, Death by Cube, Deathsmiles 2, Deathspank & Thongs of Virtue, Death Tank, Deep Black Episode 1, Defender, Defense Grid, *Destroy All Humans, Diabolical Pitch, Dig Dug, Diner Dash, Dogfight 1942, Dollar Dash, Domino Master, Doodle Jump, DOOM 1&2, Dorito's Crash Course, Double D Dodgeball, Double Dragon, Double Dragon Neon, Double Fine Happy Action Theater, Draft Tracker, Dragon's Lair, *Dreamfall: Longest Journey, Droplitz, Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project, Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale, Dust: An Elysian Tale
E, F, G
Earthworm Jim HD, Ecco the Dolphin, Eets: Chowdown, Elements of Destruction, Encleverment Experiment, Every Extra Extend Extreme, Exit 1 & 2, Expendables 2
Fable 2 Pub Games, Fable Heroes, Faery, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Fatal Fury Special, Feeding Frenzy 1&2, Fez, Fighting Vipers, Final Fight: Double Impact, Fireburst, Fire Pro Wrestling, Flock, Football Genius, Fret Nice,
Frogger 1&2, Frogger Hyper Arcade, From Dust, Fruit Ninja (Kinect), Full House Poker, Fusion Genesis, *Fuzion Frenzy, FunTown Mahjong
Galactrix, Galaga, Galaga Legions, Galaga Legions XD, Gatling Gears, Gauntlet, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, *Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, Gel, Geometry Wars, Geometry Wars 2, Geon Emotions, Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, Gianna Sisters, Gin Rummy, Go! Go! Break Steady, Golden Axe, Golf: Tee It Up!, *Grabbed By Ghoulies, *Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Greed Corp, Gripshift, Guardian Heroes, Guardians of Middle Earth, Gunstar Heroes, *Guilty Gear X2, Guwange, Gyruss, Gyromancer
H, I, J, K
Half Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax, *Halo
Happy Tree Friends, Happy Wars, Hard Corp: Uprising, Hardwood Backgammon, Hardwood Hearts, Hardwood Spades, Harm's Way,
Hasbro Games, Haunt, Haunted House, Heavy Weapon, Hell Yeah Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, Hexic HD, Hexic 2, Home Run Stars, Hybrid, Hydro Thunder Hurricane, Hydrophobia
I Am Alive, Ikaruga
ilomilo, *Indigo Prophecy, Inferno Pool, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, *Intellivision Lives!, Interpol: Chaos, Invinsible Tiger, Ion Assault, Islands of Wakfu
*Jade Empire, JAM Live Music Arcade, Jeremy McGrath's Offroad
Jewel Quest, Jetpac, Joe Danger, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Joust, Joy Ride Turbo
Karateka, King of Fighters 98 & 2002, King of Fighters Sky Stage, KrissX, Kung Fu Strike
Lara Croft & The Kingdom of Light, Lazy Raiders, Leedmees, Limbo, Lost Cities, Lucha Fury, Lucidity, Lumines Live!, Luxor 2
Madballs, Mad Tracks, Madden Arcade, Magic the Gathering & Magic the Gathering 2012 & 2013, Marathon: Durandal, Marble Blast Ultra, Mark of the Ninja, Mars, Marvel vs Capcom Origins, *Max Payne 1&2, Mega Man 9&10, Merv Griffin's Crosswords, *Metal Arms, Metal Slug 3,7,XX, Meteos Wars, Microbot, *Midway Arcade Origins, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, Military Madness, Millipede/Centipede, Minesweeper Flags, Mini Ninja Adventures, Missile Command, MLB Stickball, MLB Bobblehead Pros, Monday Night Combat, Monkey Island 2, Moon Diver, Mortal Kombat Collection (MK 1-3), Mr Driller Offline, Ms Pac Man, Ms 'Splosion Man, Mutant Storm Reloaded, Mutant Storm Empire
Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade, Narco Terror, Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise, NBA Jam, NBA Unrivaled, NBA 2K10 Combine, Neo*Geo Battle Coliseum, New Rally X, NFL Blitz, NiGHTS into dreams, Nin2 Jump, *Ninja Gaiden Black, Novadrome
Omega Five, Orcs Must Die, *Otomedius Excellent, Outland, Outpost Kaloki X, OutRun Online Arcade
Pacific Rim, PacMan, PacMan Championship Edition, PacMan CE:DX, Paperboy, Panzer General, Path of Go, Peggle & Peggle Nights,
Penny Arcade Episode 1&2, Perfect Dark, Phantasy Star II, Phantom Breakers Battlegrounds, Pid, Pinball Arcade, Pinball FX & Pinball FX2 +DLC, Pinball FX2 Epic Quest, Pinball FX2: The Marvel Collection + DLC (Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Vengeance & Virtue), Pinball FX2 Star Wars Pack #1, Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball, Planets Under Attack, Plants vs Zombies, Poker Smash, Polar Panic, Pool Nation, Portal: Still Alive, Power Up Forever, Prince of Persia, *Psychonauts
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords/Galactrix, Puzzle Arcade, Puzzle Chronicles, Puzzle Quest 2, Puzzlegeddon
QIX++, Quake Arena Arcade (offline), Quake Arena Arcade (online)
Radiant Silvergun, Raiden Fighters Aces, Raiden IV, Rainbow Island, Raskulls, Raw, Rayman HD, Rayman 3 HD, Raystorm HD, Red Bull Crashed Ice Kinect, Red Faction: Battlegrounds, Red Johnson's Chronicles, Renegade Ops, Resident Evil 4 & Code Veronica, Retro City Rampage, Rez HD, R.I.P.D, Risk: Factions, RoboBlitz, Robotron: 2084, Rock Band Blitz, Rocket Bowl, Rocket Knight, Rocketmen: Axis of Evil, Rocket Riot
Rocky & Bullwinkle, Roogoo, Root Beer Tapper, R-Type Dimensions, Runner 2, Rush'n Attack, Rush'n Attack Ex Patriot
Sacred Citadel, Sam & Max, Samurai Shodown 2, Schizoid, Score Tracker, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Scourge: Outbreak, Scramble, Scrapmetal, Screwjumper, Sea Life Safari, Secret of Monkey Island, Section 8: Prejudice, Sega Rally Online Arcade, Sega Vintage: Super Hang-On, Alex Kid in Miracle World, Revenge of Shinobi, Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe III, Monster World, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Monster World IV, Streets of Rage 1-3, Sensible World of Soccer, Serious Sam Double DXXL, Serious Sam First & Second Encounter, Serious Sam BFE, Shadow Complex, Shadow Assault: Tenchu, Shank, Shinobi, Shoot Many Robots, Shotist Shogi, Shred Nebula, Shrek n Roll, Shuggy, *Sid Myer's Pirates, Sine Mora, Skulls of the Shogun, Small Arms, Smash TV, Snoopy Flying Aces, Soltrio Solitaire, Sonic the Hedgehog 1,2,3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure, Sonic CD, Sonic 4 Ep:1 & Ep:2, Sonic Adventure, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection, Soul Calibur, South Park: Let's Go Tower Defense Play, South Park: Tenorman's Revenge, Space Channel 5, Space Giraffe, Space Invaders Extreme, Space Invaders Infinity Gene, Spare Parts, Spartacus Legends, Special Forces Team X, Speedball, Spelunky, The Splatters, 'Splosion Man,
SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam, Spyglass, *Spyro: New Beginning, Stacking, Star Raiders, Star Trek DAC, State of Decay, Storm
Strania: Stella Machina + DLC, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Street Fighter II Turbo HD, Streets of Rage, Street Trace NYC, *Stubbs the Zombie, STX
Sudoku, Super Meat Boy, Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix, Swarm, Switchball
Tecmo Bowl Throwback, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Turtles in Time, Tempest, Terraria 360, Tetris Splash, Texas Hold'Em
Texas Cheat'Em, The Fancy Pants Adventure, The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, The Simpsons Arcade, The Splatters, The Undergarden, Things on Wheels, Thunder Wolves, Ticket To Ride, Time Pilot, TiQal, TNT Racers, Toe Jam & Earl, Torchlight, TotemBall, Tour de France, Tower Bloxx, Toy Soldiers & Toy Soldiers Cold War, Track and Field, Trenched, Trials HD, Trials Evolution, Triggerheart Exelica, Tron & Discs of Tron, Trouble Witches Neo
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
Undertow, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Unbound Saga, Undergarden, UNO, UNO Rush
Vandal Hearts, Vigilante 8, Virtua Fighter 2, Voodoo Dice, Walking Dead Episode 1&2, Wallace & Gromit Episodes 1-4, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, Warlords, The Warriors, War of the Worlds, War World, Watchmen: Chapter 1&2, Way of the Dogg, Wik: Fable of Souls
Wing Commander Arena, Wits & Wagers, Wolfenstein 3D, World Gone Sour, Word Puzzle, Worms & Worms 2, Worms Revolution, WRC Powerslide, Wrestlefest
XBox 360 Arcade Controller, Xevious, X-Men
Yars Revenge, Yaris, Yie Air Kung Fu, Yo-Ho Kablammo, Yosumin, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Decade Duels
*Zapper, Zeit 2, Zeno Clash 1&2, Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone, Zombie Driver HD, Zombie Wranglers, Zuma
*denotes Xbox Original title / Retail 360 Title / Game on Demand*
About time we get some new Arcade games. Frogger is cool, but where is Lumines and Small Arms? Those are the XBLA games I want.
Looks like my girlfriend is going to take over my Xbox 360 on August 9th... Pac-Man!
Has anyone ever heard of Cloning Clyde? I never have.
Has anyone ever heard of Cloning Clyde? I never have.
According to Joystiq, it is from the developer of Outpost Kaloki X. Other than that, I know nothing about it.
Looks pretty fun actually.
Looks pretty fun actually.
It'd be better if it was Stem-Cell Sally. Or Aborted Fetus Alan.
I like the idea of XBLA Wednesdays. I'm still amazed how slowly games trickle on to XBLA - how hard is it to port Paperboy? Or any of the classic arcade games under discussion? Yeah, Street Fighter 2 has issues with net play that have to be resolved, but a lot of the games under development do not.
I've listened to Major Nelson's shows on this issue, but c'mon. XBLA should be overflowing with goodness by now.
how hard is it to port Paperboy?
It's more work intensive than you might guess.
Okay, but let me say this - there are emulators all over the net for old arcade games/consoles. My understanding is that the way back compat is handled, they basically use the same emulation code for multiple/all games (not clear on whether there's one or many Xbox 1 emulators under the hood). Why isn't there just, at least for ported arcade games, one or two master emulator programs that they use for many games? Maybe Paperboy is a one-off, and for some reason is so unique that it doesn't work on MAME or the like, but with all those emulators on the net having been made for free by people working on it in their spare time, it seems strange to me that there should be any hold-up on non net multiplayer ports. New games, I can understand. Don't ship the the Smash Brothers clone until it's ready, I'll wait.
There's also licensing rights and making it worth paying for. Why buy Street Fighter 2 on Live when its free on emulation? Because you can beat up your friends. Why buy Frogger? (Good question, Im not planning on it)
Who can tell me who has the Paperboy license? (Thats a rhetorical question, don't answer, Lobster)
Maybe Paperboy is a one-off, and for some reason is so unique that it doesn't work on MAME or the like
Emulating is NOT what Xbox Live Arcade is about.
Gauntlet isn't emulated. It's a new client that hooks into everything Xbox Live is about - friends, multiplay, scoreboards, support for HD resolutions, etc.
It's the same thing with any old game brought to Marketplace. It's not emulation. It's writing a new version of the old software. And that includes a shit-ton of seemingly little things (like, say, changing all assets that refer to the arcade buttons and making them reflect the Xbox 360 controller) that seem minor enough by themselves, but add up into a large amount of work that non-developers never think about.
And it's about QA and passing rigorous certification processes that many MAME emulated games would fail, even though they're "good enough" (for free, at least).
Efforts like MAME get things 95% there, but it's the last 5% that's as hard as everything else before it.
I stand corrected, then. Still, I think the release rate has been slow.
I stand corrected, then. Still, I think the release rate has been slow. :smile:
THAT, I will not argue over. I am surprised that there aren't more games hitting Live Arcade - not by way of speeding up output from those contributing, but by way of getting MORE contributors. We keep hearing how there are 100+ studios/publishers developing for Live Arcade, but they must have mostly gotten started pretty late, because what we've seen so far has been from a small group of publishers.
Has anybody stumbled upon Cloning Clyde in the Marketplace yet?
I'm downloading the trial version now.
Am I the only one that is struggling to wait for Galaga? They better have done it up right.
I'm really hoping that Galga on Live includes a version of Galaga '94. Both are great in their own respects.
I bought Cloning Clyde. It's pretty entertaining. The sense of humor and general just silly ideas involved in the game overcome the fact that I normally don't play platformers.
I needed something different from all my other games which all involve shooting things or driving things, or sometimes both, but not really anything else. This one seems to have at least temporarily filled that void in some small way.
I still can't wait for August 2nd.
I really wish they'd also include Galaga 88 in the Live Arcade package. The original is great, but Galaga 88 was the pinnacle achievement for those games in my opinion. Mostly because your ship didn't move so damn slow in 88. I'm sure it's just going to be the original, but hopefully they haven't created another disgusting half-emulation, half-crappily-updated version like they did with Frogger. It'd also be nice if you could switch on options in the main menu to add some of the hacks to the game that are available in MAME (for unranked games of course.) Here's hoping...
Anyone pick up Galaga? How is it?
I dont have the burden of nostalgia on me with this game. I tried the demo and it was probably the first time I'd played this game specifically. I actually thought it was going to be one of the side scrolling space shooters.
The demo was a yawn for me. Saw no reason to drop a fiver.
Are a lot of people here looking forward to the Street Fighter 2 Release? It was a little before my time, but it would be nice to have a decent fighter.
I downloaded it and played a few games. The lack of two person is bizarre and disappointing. Otherwise, pretty faithful. I still suck at the game after all this time.