"Why, oh why can't I find POTABLE water?!"
If you cross your eyes properly, the two pics in the bottom become 3D.
I've never seen a pool that small with a liner.
Unless that's a GIANT corgi!
What is this? A corgi for ants?
Corgi Gibb!
Is that a Golden Corgi?
I love how every time a corgi is bred with a different dog, you basically get a corgified body shape with all the other characteristics from the other breed.
I love how every time a corgi is bred with a different dog, you basically get a corgified body shape with all the other characteristics from the other breed.
My initial reaction was, "huh, that's a good point, I wonder why that happens?" And after thinking about it a minute, I realized: when they come out like normal dogs, we never see the pictures. It's only when you get a corgi body and a texture job from another breed that it's notable enough to spread on social media.
Is that a Golden Corgi?
Golden corgtriever.
I didn't get a pic unfortunately, but I encountered the longest corgi I've ever seen the other day. Like, it looked like someone took a regular corgi and stretched it out so the middle bit was super long but everything else was normal corgi proportions.
My only guess is that maybe it was some sort of corgi + dachshund mix or something, but it looked like pure corgi just really really long. It was amazing.
The tongue really sells it.