Stardew Valley: A Spiritual 'Successor' to Harvest Moon

Do you have a quest related to them?

Nope. Oh wait does it end up being something to do with the letter Q?

strangederby wrote:

This play through I got incredibly lucky. Very early on in Year 1 of spring I fished both a glow ring and an obsidian sword out of the ocean. The sword was such a high level that it saw me through to the bottom of the mines. Still not worked out what to do with the dino bones in the desert. No direct spoilers please there an object I need to feed them? And if so is it intuitive?

Do you mean the skeleton or the pillars?

The Skeleton:
The skull is associated with a late-game questline. It’s very obvious what to do when you have this quest.

The Pillars:
It’s not very intuitive but does make sense. You basically bring a specific item to them during a time of day and receive a different item. It’s completely optional and I don’t think anything directs you there.

strangederby wrote:

This play through I got incredibly lucky. Very early on in Year 1 of spring I fished both a glow ring and an obsidian sword out of the ocean. The sword was such a high level that it saw me through to the bottom of the mines. Still not worked out what to do with the dino bones in the desert. No direct spoilers please there an object I need to feed them? And if so is it intuitive?

As others said, when you get the quest, it will be fairly obvious what to do with those bones. Yes, Q is involved.

Vector wrote:

The Pillars:
It’s not very intuitive but does make sense. You basically bring a specific item to them during a time of day and receive a different item. It’s completely optional and I don’t think anything directs you there.

Time of day is irrelevant. It's completely optional, but extremely beneficial. Funny enough, there's a bug in the PC version so that instead of the specific item, you can use a specific wallpaper...

Damn it. Obviously I misunderstood instructions. I thought that if I planted my ancient seed on the first day of fall it would be ready on the last day of fall.

strangederby wrote:

Damn it. Obviously I misunderstood instructions. I thought that if I planted my ancient seed on the first day of fall it would be ready on the last day of fall. :-(

Oh, whoops. Did you confuse it with Rare Seed? You should save Ancient Seeds for Spring 1 (if not your greenhouse).

Vector wrote:

The Pillars:
It’s not very intuitive but does make sense. You basically bring a specific item to them during a time of day and receive a different item. It’s completely optional and I don’t think anything directs you there.

I'm pretty sure there's a hint in the graveyard that tells you what to do... unless I have no idea what you're talking about (I have yet to find the object mentioned to complete this event).

False alarm It bloomed just it time. In other news...


My giant wild mushroom grove is doing well.

woah, may I ask how did you start growing those?

Total luck. It's a random chance event during fall that can spawn a mushroom. I just left it alone and cleared round it a bit and it multiplied.

You can put a tapper on the mushroom tree.

Good idea. Might be an easy way to get purples for potion's.

Sweet! I just killed a slime in the hidden forest and it dropped the last dwarf scroll I needed.

I do wish Clint would spend a bit more time DOING HIS ACTUAL JOB! I need my hoe back sometime this year dude!

I need this as a phone game... PC was fun for a bit, but I feel like on the Switch or a phone it would be a perfect fit. I don't have a switch so I want it on my phone.

manta173 wrote:

I need this as a phone game... PC was fun for a bit, but I feel like on the Switch or a phone it would be a perfect fit. I don't have a switch so I want it on my phone. ;-)

I hear Vita release is almost ready

The vita version is indeed coming which is great. Unfortunately it won't be getting the multiplayer update.

manta173 wrote:

I need this as a phone game... PC was fun for a bit, but I feel like on the Switch or a phone it would be a perfect fit. I don't have a switch so I want it on my phone. ;-)

I don't think Stardew Valley is really conducive to touch screens. Some of the scrolling is clumsy enough in the Switch version.

strangederby wrote:

I do wish Clint would spend a bit more time DOING HIS ACTUAL JOB! I need my hoe back sometime this year dude!

And some days he's just not even f*cking there!

Yup. Day before the Halloween festival he up and disappeared, day of the town is getting ready. Took like 4 or 5 days to get my gold hoe back. Not like I needed it for anything, but come on.

Also, the number of days Marne quits for the day at like 9:30 is hilarious.

Jolly Bill wrote:

Also, the number of days Marne quits for the day at like 9:30 is hilarious.

Hilarious until it's Sunday night and your silo is empty and your chickens are so hungry they're considering you as an alternate food source, but it's winter with not a blade of grass to be seen, and the only thing standing between you and being devoured by a pack of ravenous barnyard animals is Marnie's insanely overpriced hay but shit she's closed on Monday for God knows why and apparently has to Jazzercise for eight %@&$% hours on Tuesday so but the time you actually can feed your eggless poultry your farm looks like the opening to Mad Max.

Seriously, Marnie, stop schtupping the Mayor and get your ass to the register.

Speaking of which, why couldn’t he just ask her for his “shorts?” It’s not like they’ve broken up or anything!

Also, note you get disqualified (but with a good number of points) if you put them in the grange display.

That is awesome, I'm gonna have to get that.

sometimesdee wrote:

Also, note you get disqualified (but with a good number of points) if you put them in the grange display.

0.0. OMG!

strangederby wrote:
sometimesdee wrote:

Also, note you get disqualified (but with a good number of points) if you put them in the grange display.

0.0. OMG!

Yes, but it's the easiest 750 stars.

I thought of doing that, but the color wheel game is horribly rigged (one color comes up 75% of the time) so there's really no need to do the shorts thing.

I'd already upped my fishing score by enjoy that I could easily get any points I need above the grange display at the fishing tent. No need to gamble.

Also, the slingshot implementation is terrible on the switch.

Jolly Bill wrote:

Also, the slingshot implementation is terrible on all platforms.

FTFY. I despise the slingshot.

After ~50 hours of Stardew on PC, I finally picked it up on Switch a few weeks ago. And for Christmas, I got the Guidebook and man is that thing a great package! Useful info, good reference, and beautifully designed. I think I first read about it in this thread? In any case, highly recommended.

strangederby wrote:

The vita version is indeed coming which is great. Unfortunately it won't be getting the multiplayer update.

Nice, I have it on PS4 and having a look now, it seems that it'll cross-buy so I'll just be able to download it, no further cash required. Not immediately sure on the cross-play, but being able to take my save over would be tidy.