Expansion purchased. If the stones are good until the 20th (do we actually have confirmation on that?), I think that'll give me enough time to level up a druid sufficiently (starting from 4) especially if I make use of the greater tome of learning you get for the purchase.
Edit: Can you stone a druid? Forum seems to indicate that you can't. In that case maybe I stone my barb and level up the druid for play in the regular group.
It's on the FAQ page that they're good through the 20th.
I believe my cleric's level 8... but now the question is should I stick with 8 for now, or just jump to 16?
Edit: Can you stone a druid? Forum seems to indicate that you can't. In that case maybe I stone my barb and level up the druid for play in the regular group.
Nope. Druid's fun though! A capable healer and nuker if you go caster, can swap between rogue-ish and barbarian-ish if you go animal. Great solo class too, if you take the augmented summoning feat (which I highly recommend).
AnimeJ wrote:On the subject of stones, I just rolled a Sorc for that express purpose. I don't suppose I could get a hand with getting her a level?
edit - even a quick go here, go there quest guide would be awesome.
I have a 7 monk I could run with you. My usual path from 7-8 (I've done it three times) is Delera's Tomb, Phiarlan Carnival, and a bit of Three Barrel Cove. Tonight's no good as I'm committed to play Syndicate, Friday after 5 eastern and Sat/Sun after 2 are good also.
Arovin wrote:Blind_Evil wrote:People with level 16 characters - any interest in trying to organize a night to play those characters?
If there are enough of us, we could dedicate one of the two nights to high levels.
I know at least 5 do - me (artificer), you (did they fix your wizard?), emlyn (bard), Zeezrom (wizard), Desandra (monk). I want to say there's one more I'm forgetting.
I have a level 16 cleric (Eldaron) i could play. Warning: I have discovered I'm not very GOOD at playing a cleric, but it's available.
I've got a lvl 17 Bard (Astir). First thing you realize when reaching level 16 is how undergeared you are (casters might not feel this as much).
I've found the Lordsmarch Plaza quests to be of great help gearing up
Diplomatic Impunity quest (F2P)
Frame Work quest (F2P)
Eyes of Stone quest (F2P)
And then continuing on with Stormreach Adventure Pack:
Assault on Summerfield
Blockade Buster
And when you have a decent weapon and such, Web of Chaos story arc,
The Lords of Dust (F2P)
Servants of the Overlord (F2P)
The Spinner of Shadows (F2P)
All the quests I listed have an end list quest of rewards which are awesome, although somewhat tedious to farm.
I just upgraded my Fury Blade to Maiming Fury Blade last night
Does the monk dilletante wisdom armor bonus kick in at level 2? I started a druid with monk dilletante that doesn't appear to have the bonus to ac whether wearing rags or nothing and with a sickle equipped and no weapon equipped.
Is it just that it doesn't show up in the character screen? It says +2 but I should be getting +2 from dex and +2(3) from wisdom but I only see one bonus.
I'm not positive, but I think that sickle is making you uncentered from a Monk perspective, thus forfeiting the bonus. Anything other than a quarterstaff, handwraps, shuriken, or kama uncenters you.
My druid also has the Monk dilettante, but more for the healing amplification than the AC bonus.
If you are un-centered, you should get a red exclamation point message in your icon list, saying you are not centered. Also happens if you are carrying too much stuff.
So after playing a bunch with a druid this afternoon, I've decided that, while I like the class, I don't really feel like devoting a bunch of time this weekend to catching the druid up to where we are now. As such, I'm going to forget about using a stone and keep my barb as he is in the main group.
Sorry I missed last night. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I need to get my cleric a level or so to keep up with the pack. That being said, my Wiz is 16 and I'd love to do that as one of the nights...
Just noticed this thread and I'm kicking myself for missing out! I'm not very good, but I'm at least funny and like playing. I'll be rolling up a new toon this evening after downloading the client. Anything in particular we're in need of?
Lately, healers seem to be the need du jeure. The bulk of us are between 7 and 9, so being able to roll at that level would be sweet, but if not, there's folks who play other than Tues/Thurs who would probably not mind helping ya out.
OK, I rolled up a cleric and have started working on quests since working today is somewhat iffy. Can someone send me a guild invite when they have the opportunity?
Toon name is Fogrob Thecleric (very original, eh?).
Thanks to people who stuck around after finishing up the Carnival to run Tangleroot. It scored me four ranks for my just-turned level 6 Rogue, who can now use Repeating Light Crossbows. I boosted my Spot and Search, so hopefully I can find those traps fast enough for our eager Wizards next time.
I have to say, I'm a little surprised that that quest line is Paid Content. It's pretty good XP, but I'm not sure I would be happy if I bought that quest line for what amounts to one dungeon over and over. Most of the rest of the paid content I have seen has been great: Three Barrel Cove, Delara's Tomb, Chronoscope, Carnival. I'm not sure how much I like the Sharn Syndicate (thanks Hightower for pulling our butts out of the fire at the end, there), but it's alright.
If there is interest, would people like to tackle Three Barrel Cove on Sunday?
I'm not sure how much I like the Sharn Syndicate (thanks Hightower for pulling our butts out of the fire at the end, there), but it's alright.
If there is interest, would people like to tackle Three Barrel Cove on Sunday?
No problem. And yeah Tangleroot kinda sucks.
Around what time Sunday?
OK, I rolled up a cleric and have started working on quests since working today is somewhat iffy. Can someone send me a guild invite when they have the opportunity?
Toon name is Fogrob Thecleric (very original, eh?).
You were AFK apparently so I mailed it to you. There isn't a mailbox in Korthos, so what you want to do is talk to the lady by the boat in town and ask her to take you to Stormreach. From there, check the map screen to find a mailbox (icon is an orange-ish scroll). Detach the invite from the mail, double click it and hit accept.
You talk to the person where you got off the boat to get back to Korthos. Welcome!
Atras wrote:If there is interest, would people like to tackle Three Barrel Cove on Sunday?
Around what time Sunday?
Probably around 2pm. It's still in the air for me if I am available, though.
Hmm.. so I am centered now. I found a quarterstaff and used some quest reward handwraps. But I am still not seeing the ac boost =(
Dunno if I will re-roll. I am having a lot of fun but fighter, rogue or barb might be a better dilettante. Though I should have taken augment summoning as my first feat too.
Blind_Evil wrote:Atras wrote:If there is interest, would people like to tackle Three Barrel Cove on Sunday?
Around what time Sunday?
Probably around 2pm. It's still in the air for me if I am available, though.
I can make it with my druid (level 5) if people don't mind me mooching a guest pass again (or, I suppose, with my barb if 5 is too low for some of the quests).
You caught me mid sandwich! Thanks for the invite.
Atras wrote:Blind_Evil wrote:Atras wrote:If there is interest, would people like to tackle Three Barrel Cove on Sunday?
Around what time Sunday?
Probably around 2pm. It's still in the air for me if I am available, though.
I can make it with my druid (level 5) if people don't mind me mooching a guest pass again (or, I suppose, with my barb if 5 is too low for some of the quests).
I should be available for some Three Barrel Cove on Sunday (7th level favored soul). I don't think I have anything else going on.
SO we are getting pretty close to hitting guild Lvl 25 which means we can buy the first ship that requires Astral Diamonds. Are people planning on chipping in and purchasing it, or are we going to skip it. It's slightly bigger and has a few more item anchor points then our current ship.
SO we are getting pretty close to hitting guild Lvl 25 which means we can buy the first ship that requires Astral Diamonds. Are people planning on chipping in and purchasing it, or are we going to skip it. It's slightly bigger and has a few more item anchor points then our current ship.
The bolt is 200 astral diamonds (which is 5000 turbine points). Costly! But the next level of ship above that is guild level 40. I'm saving points for buying Druid and the Forgotten realm dungeons. If I have anything left over, I could contribute...
Actually it is 120 AD since we would be upgrading from the Windspyre Sparrow.
It would give us 1 additional crew member, and additional 2 large & 2 small Amenities.
The large is wasted right now, you cannot get any large Amenities for in game gold at guild lvl 25. And hitting lvl 25 gives us only 3 small Amenities we can purchase for gold (Mailbox, Small Guild Chest, Tavern).
We have been having 3 crew members and having 4 would be nice, that's the only true benefit.
Rather than spending AD on upgrading the ship, can we instead pool our gold to get all 3 crews and 4 Amenities up and running.
I am going to keep "Training Dummy Blueprints" up and running cos it benefits most all characters unless you do absolutely no physical combat.
A bunch of quest packs are on sale. I've got my points from buying the expansion. Any recommendations on what I should pick up? I'm thinking probably Delera at the least (I very much enjoyed the run we did through that) and that leaves me with over 700 points to get other stuff.
Also, there was a patch yesterday, so allow some time tonight to get it if you haven't (took about five minutes for me, I think).
A bunch of quest packs are on sale. I've got my points from buying the expansion. Any recommendations on what I should pick up? I'm thinking probably Delera at the least (I very much enjoyed the run we did through that) and that leaves me with over 700 points to get other stuff.
Also, there was a patch yesterday, so allow some time tonight to get it if you haven't (took about five minutes for me, I think).
I would get,
Vale of Twilight *
Devils of Shavarath
Vault of Night
Path of Inspration and Dreaming Dark
If you have to pick only one, I'd get get Vale of Twilight.
*needed for Greensteal
FYI: there is patch to download.
Everyone is too busy playing GW2 to post...