Location map for GWJ members. Add your city today!


Inspired by Blotto's post, I decided to put together a GWJ member map using Google Maps. It's not the same as a built-in site utility, but it should work pretty well all things considered.

Now, this is an opt-in kind of thing, meaning you have to add your own location to the map. I'm not going to put anyone on there who doesn't want to be.

Also, no address details allowed. You'll want to put yourself in the correct city, but no closer than that. This is a public map, so anyone can read it.

To keep the map working well, here's a brief set of instructions on the proper way to add your city.

1 - Use the search function to find your city on the map.

2 - A city that's already been added to the map will have a colored icon in the search results. If your city has a colored icon (like Cedar Rapids in the photo below), select it and skip to step #6. (Note that the colored icon may not always be a red pin; it can be customized).


3 - A city that has not been added to the map will have a grey icon. If no colored icon appears, select the appropriate grey icon.


4 - Once the new city is selected, it will appear as a green pin on the map. Select the green pin and click the "+ Add to map" link.


5 - There will now be a red pin on the map representing your city. Select this new red pin and click the edit (pencil) button.


6 - Click in the "goodjers" box for your city and add your name. Separate multiple names with commas.


7 - Click save and you're done!

That's it! Let's see if we can keep this map clean and useful. Since anyone can edit it, it's up to all of us to keep it that way.

Usability notes:

- To change a city icon, hover over the city name in the list and click the paint bucket icon.
- Leave the "style" option set to "Individual styles". Changing it will erase the custom icons that people have setup.
- Click the "data" link at the top of the list to bring up a searchable spreadsheet of all map data. If you want to find a specific person, this is the way to do it.
- Much of the data on the map was copied over manually, so if you see an error, feel free to fix it.
- There's no restore function yet on this new map interface, so please don't delete anything!

Finally, click here to access the map!


Ha! My data-mining friends will love this!




NSMike wrote:

Is there a general radius we should be considering? Like if you're within 30 miles of a major city, you should just use that, rather than the respective townships and boroughs surrounding it?

I added my suburb. I suppose I could make it Chicago instead, but I like the specificity.

NSMike wrote:

Is there a general radius we should be considering? Like if you're within 30 miles of a major city, you should just use that, rather than the respective townships and boroughs surrounding it?

Whatever you prefer. If you don't feel comfortable specifying your suburb, feel free to put yourself in the major city.

Is there a general radius we should be considering? Like if you're within 30 miles of a major city, you should just use that, rather than the respective townships and boroughs surrounding it?

Also, for some reason when I open the map link, it immediately and automatically redirects from the GWJ map to the H1N1 outbreak map. Might be something with my google account, not sure... But that's weird.

Just added myself.

I seem to be one of the few in TX so I added myself.

Can only one person edit at a time?

Added Pittsburgh. Put the marker right on the confluence.

NYC represent

I'm on the map. Good idea.

Radical Ans wrote:

Added Pittsburgh. Put the marker right on the confluence.

I changed the marker to a rain cloud to represent the 60 days of sun we get per year.

lostlobster wrote:

NYC represent


I thought someone already did this a while ago.

Added myself to Pittsburgh n'at.



Put myself in there.

TheGameguru wrote:

I thought someone already did this a while ago.

I think you're right.

I don't see an edit button. Do we need to have a google account?

General Crespin wrote:
TheGameguru wrote:

I thought someone already did this a while ago.

I think you're right.

You're both right, but I can't find the thread.

misterglass, I didn't see one at first but I reloaded a few times and got it eventually.

Done. Very neat!

Added myself. You also have to sign in first.
Cool plan

Do you need a Google account? I can't find the edit button anywhere.

Thin_J wrote:
General Crespin wrote:
TheGameguru wrote:

I thought someone already did this a while ago.

I think you're right.

You're both right, but I can't find the thread.

I believe Fletcher created it, but that was for Google Earth. I think I still have the file saved on my home PC somewhere.

I can not add myself

Added mine as Dulles, VA. It's close enough and more people will probably recognize it for the airport.

Yeah I can't get the edit button to appear no matter what I do.
