Yes please.
And by way of contrast:
Honest Trailers | Twisters
'The Big Lebowski's' TV Edit Has The Funniest Censorship Moment Ever Broadcast
This is the first version of the film I saw and honestly I still quote that line occasionally. It’s better than the original in my opinion.
Thing is, it's not really preposterous. The Coen bros. ADRed that specific line for TV broadcast!
In other Stranger in the Alps news, Phoebe Bridgers named her first album Stranger in the Alps.
Ghostbusters didn't do ADR for their TV broadcast version, they went and actually refilmed scenes with different PG -rated dialog.
Probably half of all my viewings of the movie was the TV version we had taped on VHS.
Ghostbusters didn't do ADR for their TV broadcast version, they went and actually refilmed scenes with different PG -rated dialog.
Probably half of all my viewings of the movie was the TV version we had taped on VHS.
I am hugely intrigued by the idea that there was a family friendly version of the ghost performs oral sex scene.
Possibly the most epic cat play along of all time.
Possibly the most epic cat play along of all time.
At 0:52 (and in the thumbnail) is that Malinda (of the former Google Translation Sings channel)?
I knew that was based on a Kiffness tune even before I read the video description.
The TikTok credits read: "Credit goes to: @harrythedrummer @jaredbrake @malindamusic @melic6354 @otterchaosuk @samthehorn @sherzodergashevofficial"
I am hugely intrigued by the idea that there was a family friendly version of the ghost performs oral sex scene.
Pretty sure it was edited out completely.
I thought this was pretty funny. They've got more on their channel.
And yes, that is the voice actor for Sokka.
No big deal, just Queen with Annie Lennox and David Bowie in 1992 rehearsing Pressure, with George Michael watching from offstage and singing along!
While smoking a cigarette? Incredible.
Where has Ghetto Spider been all my life.
His Michael Jackson's videos he performs in Walmart's are really good.
TURTLEZILLA (sound recommended)
Nooooo Gamera is friend to all children!
Otter has an existential crisis after eating the last of the cheese.
Huh, I didn't know anything of College Humor had survived:
Huh, I didn't know anything of College Humor had survived:
It’s actually at a high point right now- a few years ago one of the employees managed to buy the brand out from the holding company that was stripping it for parts and hired back a lot of the former writers and cast with full profit sharing. Everything they do now is published on their streaming service Dropout.
Yeah, they're doing some really fantastic stuff. So much fun, and they're treating everyone right.
Yeah, I had a very productive rest of my day at work finding that out. I might even go subscribe, right after I finish watching this clip about...twenty more times.
If you're not subscribing to Dropout.TV yet... what is WRONG with you? It's so god damned gooooood.
If you're not subscribing to Dropout.TV yet... what is WRONG with you? It's so god damned gooooood.
Well, I am now, but I thought I was perfectly clear: I had important thirsting to do and needed to hit the replay button 200 more times.