Considering the popularity of the pics thread, we might do well to corral the "entertaining" videos into one place as well.
Such as Cone Juggling, Downhill Couch Racing, or conspiracies about Rogue Helicopter Pilots.
This one was sent to me today
The helicopter video was awesome...
The helicopter video was awesome...
Did he say Mount St. Ellen?
Man flies down mountain and becomes my hero.
Lot's of cussing - but OMG this is funny....
"Are you laughin' Beyotch?! You find it funny?! You find it funny?! Huh?!"
I can tell already, this thread is going to be a keeper...
I highly recommend the racing cough video. Damn, that was a nasty crash.
The flying dude is completely nuts. A real life Icarus.
Man flies down mountain and becomes my hero.
Holy crap. The video is amazing. How'd that guy manage to fly with balls the size of grapefruits?
And that Vader video is classic. The glee he takes in his wife's fear is something you have to be married to appreciate. Cause you know he's going to suffer for that. He knows he's going to suffer for it, and he did it anyway.
Oblivion madness. And someone with way too much free time.
Oh man, I love WRC. Thank you, YouTube
A couple of the clips _might_ have a part or two with NSFW lanuage, but I don't recall hearing any off hand. You should probably just turn down your speakers just to be sure.
WRC Rally Finland 2003
WRC rally the best of 2002
monte carlo 2006 on board camera
WRC -Turkey 2005
WRC the best of 2003
Best of WRC, 2004
WRC 2005 Highlight - that last one ends on a sad / serious note, but it's well worth watching.
Oh man, I love WRC. Thank you, YouTube
A couple of the clips _might_ have a part or two with NSFW lanuage, but I don't recall hearing any off hand. You should probably just turn down your speakers just to be sure.
I don't understand how NASCAR can exist at all when this far superior form of racing exists.
Besides cussing some of those also need a cr*ppy music warning.
A NSFW (because of language and bear-f*cking) historically accurate cartoon about George Washington. Apparently he's got a wig for his wig and a brain for his heart. He'll kick you apart, he'll kick you apart. The original G.W. rocks.
Rejected, a series of cartoon shorts that were rejected. NSFW if your coworkers would object to the repeated phrase, "My anus is bleeding."
I humbly request that videos come with a NSFW where necessary and perhaps a warning when horrid music is present, along with at least a vague description of what the video is.
And just so I can say one of my links can be appreciated by coworkers, Where The Hell is Matt? A video postcard of Earth featuring Matt dancing poorly all over the world. I can't decide if it's stupid or genius.
I found a bunch of those "30 second Bunnies Re-enactment Theatre" flash videos here. Some may have NSFW language.
That was quite possibly the best and funniest review I've ever seen. GameTrailers continues to amaze. It's even better in quicktime since you can skip the ad at the beginning and it's buffering doesn't suck.
Girl It's Allright. You know what, he's not bad at all. Plus, watch out for Aikido reference at 1:20 mark !
Wow... what a perfect thread.
I just had this song pop up on my playlist, and looked up the video from "Tommy" on youtube.
And just so I can say one of my links can be appreciated by coworkers, Where The Hell is Matt? A video postcard of Earth featuring Matt dancing poorly all over the world. I can't decide if it's stupid or genius.
I'm gonna go with genius on that one. I mean, he went all over the world on a gum company's tab.
I need to get out more.
Where The Hell is Matt is awesome.
1. The hilariously over-the-top hairband, Nitro. Look out for the awesomeness at 2:17.
2. A quite possibly mentally ill guy "performs" his song on public access tv.
3. Someone from the video game mixing community plays Castlevania songs on the piano.
4. Japanese mousetrap-like video, The Incredible Machine.
5. Starcraft replay of Boxer vs. Pusan.
That son of Female Doggo is dead.
Animated short, Burning Safari. I want one of those droids for a pet.
That's sooo not right