Porque no los dos?
(insert adorable Hispanic girl gif)
That headline is one word too long.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Fantastic science
I will say it is comforting since we will one day run head first into epidemics of effectively antibiotic immune bacteria in the next decade or two. And it will hit us from multiple angles because it won't just effect humans, but our food sources too. Add in mass migrations from extreme weather and the future ain't so bright
I will say it is comforting since we will one day run head first into epidemics of effectively antibiotic immune bacteria in the next decade or two. And it will hit us from multiple angles because it won't just effect humans, but our food sources too. Add in mass migrations from extreme weather and the future ain't so bright :(
I mean yeah... but could we feel good for 2 more minutes about the wife that hacked science to save her husband before we get all depressed again?
Apologies. I just found out yesterday that after 3 great rounds of interviews, roblox decided to "due to an abundance of applicants, pursue other candidates"
So I have very much the opposite of rosy glasses right now.
Adding Salt To Food at Table Can Cut Years Off Your Life, Study Finds
Adding salt to meals at the table is linked to an earlier death, according to a study of 500,000 middle-aged Britons. From a report:
Researchers found that always adding salt to food knocks more than two years off life expectancy for men and one-and-a-half years for women. This does not include seasoning during the cooking process. The study did not definitively rule out other factors, such as salt consumption being a proxy for a generally less healthy lifestyle, but the team behind the work said the evidence was compelling enough that people should consider avoiding seasoning their meals."To my knowledge, our study is the first to assess the relation between adding salt to foods and premature death," said Prof Lu Qi of Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, who led the work. "Even a modest reduction in sodium intake, by adding less or no salt to food at the table, is likely to result in substantial health benefits, especially when it is achieved in the general population." The findings were based on research involving more than 500,000 participants in the UK Biobank study, who were followed for an average of nine years. When joining the study between 2006 and 2010, they were asked, via a touchscreen questionnaire, whether they added salt to their foods and how often they did so.
I can trade about two years of my life for salt? Good trade.
US Crosses the Electric-Car Tipping Point for Mass Adoption
Once 5% of new-car sales go fully electric, everything changes — according to a Bloomberg analysis of the 19 countries that have made the EV pivot.
For the past six months, the US joined Europe and China — collectively the three largest car markets — in moving beyond the 5% tipping point. If the US follows the trend established by 18 countries that came before it, a quarter of new car sales could be electric by the end of 2025. That would be a year or two ahead of most major forecasts.
Gang hires farmers to run fake Indian Premier League Cricket Scam
*Alexa, play "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin*
See even the existential threat of global warming has a silver lining, allowing children to finally play without worry of getting limbs blown off so that they instead can die slowly when the A/C fails.
Dare I upgrade?
I just love the title.
How Is Your Electricity Generated?
Happy that 55% of Iowas is from wind. Better than I expected.
We need to get those handful of midwest states off of coal, sheesh
Nursing Home in Taiwan forced to apologise after stripper hired for its’ residents
I see no reason they should have to apologize
If they all knew what the show was and wanted to be there then I see no harm in it. Good advertising.
Scientists have calculated how many ants are on Earth. The number is so big it’s ‘unimaginable.’
It’s the ants’ world, and we’re just visiting.A new estimate for the total number of ants burrowing and buzzing on Earth comes to a whopping total of nearly 20 quadrillion individuals.
That staggering sum — 20,000,000,000,000,000, or 20,000 trillion — reveals ants’ astonishing ubiquity even as scientists grow concerned a possible mass die off of insects could upend ecosystems.
In a paper released Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists from the University of Hong Kong analyzed 489 studies and concluded that the total mass of ants on Earth weighs in at about 12 megatons of dry carbon, a standard way of measuring animals’ biomass.
Put another way: If all the ants were plucked from the ground and put on a scale, they would outweigh all the wild birds and mammals put together. For every person, there are about 2.5 million ants.
I wonder how that population fluctuates over time?
Or is the ant population constantly increasing?