Space and Astronomy in general

merphle wrote:

Several months to get a workaround? Sheesh.

Takes 22 hours to send or receive messages each way. So yeah one instruction per day probably.

Hey they figured out what is wrong with Voyager and might be able to fix it!

I'm in the middle of a Star Trek: Voyager rewatch. Should I put it on hold until after they fix Voyager??

In case you haven't already read A City On Mars.

I LOVE the Weinersmiths and will listen to any show or podcast they are on.

Measuring the Universe With a 14 Billion Light-Year Ruler

Mixolyde wrote:

I LOVE the Weinersmiths and will listen to any show or podcast they are on.

They were excellent when they were guests on Sean Carroll's Mindscape podcast in November.

Thank you both for the last two videos!

If he's seeking the Creator, I'm out.

The story of the fix for that ol' fossil is just amazing.

Pretty, but I like this video better. I was surprised to learn that spaghettification is probably not a thing. But the massive amounts of radiation given off by everything orbiting outside the event horizon would not be healthy.

Europe right now:


Yeah, hopefully that's all that happens. And not widespread power outages and fried satellites.

I was able to see it. My phones camera saw it a lot better though. I'm just glad it wasn't localized entirely within my kitchen. I've replaced more than enough appliances already in the last 12 months.

Apparently I slept through what would have been my first sighting as there was a great show in a cloudless Seattle sky.

I've wanted to travel Iceland or some prime northern lights viewing spot my whole adult life, and then last night, right here in Western NC, we had an unbelievable show. All the colors, with pulses and shimmers and I'm still just speechless.


They're not even trying to not make these things look like phalluses anymore.

Ironically (appropriately?) one that you would be wise to avoid using -- without a base, without at trace, after all.

Call me when they start painting them flesh colored...
For reasons...

I was going to say they'd graduated from actual penises onto sex toys, but I'm not sure what the subtext of that would be - better gender ratio, actually finishes the job properly?

What's that image from? Looks like something from KSP.

Quintin_Stone wrote:

What's that image from? Looks like something from KSP.

Boing finally launched their space fleshlight

Chairman_Mao wrote:
Quintin_Stone wrote:

What's that image from? Looks like something from KSP.

Boing finally launched their space fleshlight

It'll be the telemetry feed from the vehicle.

So it's a visualization of the telemetry data, using KSP-like graphics.

For what it's worth, over my 25 years wearing an aerospace engineer hat, the graphics on these kinds of things always look like a videogame from 10 year ago. The lab I spent the late oughts/early teens in flying virtual 787s looked like MS Flight Sim from the 90s. For obvious reasons, there's no point spending the money to develop a fancier graphics engine, and in fact would be counterproductive to the utility of the tool, which should prioritize reliability, accuracy and simplicity of integration with the data system that's providing the telemetry, instead of graphics.

Rat Boy wrote:


They're not even trying to not make these things look like phalluses anymore.

If I were more talented in photoshop I'd add Kerbal Space Program UI around the image

It's fascinating to me how well x-ray and radio telescopes, and even the IR cameras on JWST can see through all the space dust that obscures visible light.

Reading the NASA article, it appears that these Chandra anniversary images are composites of visible light images from other telescopes and the Chandra observations. I have seen JWST images of the "Pillars of Creation" though and it's really cool how much hidden detail they reveal.

Hubble (left) vs JWST (right):


(NASA Pillars of Creation source)

Look at the pillars of creation rotated 90 degrees, I can't help but see it as a level up of the three wolves moon meme.