Space Sims/Strategy Games Catch-All

Carlbear95 wrote:

Any thoughts on Rings of Saturn?

This looks like one of those games I say "wow that's cool", I buy it, play for about 15 minutes think about how much time I'll spend on it , and never do..

in other words 100% buy.

It's amazing.

Carlbear95 wrote:

Any thoughts on Rings of Saturn?

This looks like one of those games I say "wow that's cool", I buy it, play for about 15 minutes think about how much time I'll spend on it , and never do..

in other words 100% buy.

That has been my exact experience with it.

Would buy again, because in some other universe I'm playing the heck out of that game.

I also had exactly that experience. Loved my one play session, still occasionally think about how lovely it is, and Im ok with not really playing it again.

I have a lot of space games that fit that description

Carlbear95 wrote:

Any thoughts on Rings of Saturn?

Jumplight Odyssey just launched today and if you ever thought to yourself "What if they re-did Battlestar Galactica but crossed it with She-Ra and the Princesses of Power?", have I got good news for you.

Is that Jumplight Odyssey, or is there another Jumplight I don't know about?

Odyssey, Galaxy, whatevs.

Rat Boy wrote:

Odyssey, Galaxy, whatevs.

Makes a pretty big difference if you're Super Mario.

Also launched is not really accurate. It's early access. Another beta game asking for money. I'll wait for reviews of the finished product

I bit the early acces on The Fermi Paradox - and still waiting for some kind of update...

Rat Boy wrote:

Jumplight Odyssey

I may or may not have at some point yesterday said, "Which one of us is wearing the Command Tiara, buddy boy?"

Rat Boy wrote:

Jumplight Odyssey just launched today and if you ever thought to yourself "What if they re-did Battlestar Galactica but crossed it with She-Ra and the Princesses of Power?", have I got good news for you.

Lol great description. It's on my wishlist but Baldur's Gate is too busy Baldur's gating at the moment. Then I need to check all those Stars in the Field, followed by Punking some Cybers??

...I'll let myself out.

Budo wrote:

Lol great description. It's on my wishlist but Baldur's Gate is too busy Baldur's gating at the moment. Then I need to check all those Stars in the Field, followed by Punking some Cybers??

...I'll let myself out.

Liberate some Phantoms while Punking them Cybers?

The Fermi Paradox devs said in mid-July that they were working on a very large update, which is why it is taking longer than usual. Personally, I've only got a few hours in but I like the game.

Carlbear95 wrote:

Any thoughts on Rings of Saturn?

I went to go look at what this was and found I already own it. I guess it came in a bundle at some point? Looks cool, will check it out.

Anyone heard of Dust Fleet?

Looks interesting but not much info.

As for Rings of Saturn. It's a bit one note but it plays the one note very well. If hyper realistic space mining/flying is your jam then you'll have a good time. I got bored fairly quick personally.

Dust Fleet seems pretty good from one of my podcast co-hosts' time with it. I hope to get a key soon.

I found Rings of Saturn incomprehensible and boring. Maybe I should give it another shot.

When I first tried Rings of Saturn in March 2022 it was okay, no more. I like space mining but this seemed a bit grindy. Since then though there have been a bunch of updates. I haven't gotten back into it yet but it looks to have made a lot of progress since then.

I believe it came in a Ukraine support bundle at the time.

I was searching for a game I saw on steam. Story as I remember, you were one of the crew, but your mind have been transfert to the computer's ship, and you need to help rebuild the ship.

You could wake up crew member to help you, or use robots to get task done on the ship.

I think I saw a game similar, but can't find the exact promo video of it.

Anyone might have an idea what could be that game ?

EDIT : I think it could be this one, but the story seems to have change somewhat in the trailer :

That vaguely reminds me of Infocom's Suspended, although that was on a colony and not a ship.

Stardeus does have you 'wake up' on a truly f'd ship and you rebuild it with bots and wake up colonists. You need to re-establish human necessities first. It's a Rimworld-like with a pretty cool beginning. Having a lot of supplies to reconstruct a ship is a cool way to start, rather than 'here's a guy and a copper patch, go'.

Something that bugs me about Factorio-likes and base builders in general is that you have to make do with some crappy tools to start with so you end up with a frankensteiny base as you gain new tech and options. Rarely is it convenient to tear down what you built first, so its either Frankenstein, or build a base to build a base to build a base to build a base.

Stardeus gives you a nicer starting point. You even have some tech that's beyond your abilities to start with, just not much of it, so you can get a sense for what's coming. It's a cool game, worth a try.

Yeah I played stardeus' demo and wish-listed it after. Needs more TLC but I liked what I played. Plus I think there's ship to ship combat too. So lots of cool ideas in it.

I swear there's another space game like stardeus with the same plot. Maybe space haven or the last starship. I just can't remember it.

edit - on the plus side googling accidently rediscovered another tiny game that I could not remember. MegaFactory Titan. Not really space related but on mars. Factorio ish game.

I also can't recall the game Manach is looking for. It's tickling the edge of my brain but I can't get there yet.

Just popping in to say that I appreciate the consistent evangelizing for Bloody Rally Show. It's a great little game, a perfect fit for the Deck, and a steal at that previous sale price. Loving my time in it!

Kronen wrote:

Just popping in to say that I appreciate the consistent evangelizing for Bloody Rally Show. It's a great little game, a perfect fit for the Deck, and a steal at that previous sale price. Loving my time in it!

Yay, so glad to hear it!

And to keep it relevant, the BRS dev is now doing the previously-mentioned Stardeus!

Star Trek Infinite is having a terrible launch. Many people reporting that they can't even get into the game, others crashing on various things. I can get the splash screen but then it hangs.

I think maybe Paradox underestimated interest in the game and didn't size their servers correctly.

Robear wrote:

Star Trek Infinite is having a terrible launch. Many people reporting that they can't even get into the game, others crashing on various things. I can get the splash screen but then it hangs.

I think maybe Paradox underestimated interest in the game and didn't size their servers correctly.

That's too bad. I picked it up despite seeing some flaws in the reviews. Hopefully it just needs some time for them to fix it up. A Star Trek strategy game based on my favorite time period of the franchise - instant buy.

I refunded it for now. Money is tight.