GWJ bugs, feature requests, and updates

Deleting the spam comment will automatically delete all replies to it. So if lunchbox replied to the spammer, their comment gets nuked as well.

Cool. I'm not worried my response is gone. It was all snark.
Just wanted to make sure the spammer got his.

mudbunny wrote:

Deleting the spam comment will automatically delete all replies to it. So if lunchbox replied to the spammer, their comment gets nuked as well.


Something I’ve been wondering about for a while. I can see the like counts for a post on my desktop and on my iPhone - but not on my iPad. Why?

I toggled some settings for viewing options on mobile devices, including something about tablets, has that changed anything?

We are working on rolling out a new site design next year since our version of drupal is entering end of life, if scaleability for different browsing devices isn't resolved with moving to drupal 9, that is something we can def take a look at!

Amoebic wrote:

I toggled some settings for viewing options on mobile devices, including something about tablets, has that changed anything? :D

Nope, still no likes on iPad.

I can see them on iPhone. Do you have a content blocker on Safari or another browser that might be zapping Facebook like buttons or something?

Happy Dave wrote:

I can see them on iPhone. Do you have a content blocker on Safari or another browser that might be zapping Facebook like buttons or something?

I can see them on iPhone too, just not on iPad. I'm using the same ad blocker on both (1Blocker). I can't find any settings in 1Blocker that might be making a difference.

CaptainCrowbar wrote:
Happy Dave wrote:

I can see them on iPhone. Do you have a content blocker on Safari or another browser that might be zapping Facebook like buttons or something?

I can see them on iPhone too, just not on iPad. I'm using the same ad blocker on both (1Blocker). I can't find any settings in 1Blocker that might be making a difference.

That’s strange. I can see likes on iPad just fine. I’m also using 1Blocker, but only for ads.

Maybe consider disabling it and all extensions temporarily?

Are you logged into your GWJ account on your iPad? I think likes are hidden if you're not logged in.

Works fine on my iPad Air as well (running the latest iPad OS), and I have no blocker enabled in Safari.

Turning off 1Blocker made likes visible. Strangely, they're still visible after I turned it back on again. No idea what's going on there, or why it didn't happen on iPhone, but it seems to have fixed itself now.

When I worked in web development, this was the kind of thing that earned a universal shrug and everyone saying ‘I dunno, caching I guess?’

I don’t know if this a forum bug or something with safari / iOS 15.4 but it only happens here.

At random when I click to view unread posts it’ll instantly go to the first unread message then back to the main forum with thread in reference now marked as all read. If I click on the last page of the thread to find those unread posts I can’t back page to the main forum.

Can we get the eye roll emoji back, but only in D&D? We really need it when linking to certain political BS.

Videos under 60 seconds that are uploaded to Youtube are now called shorts and are given the following URL

This breaks the YouTube integration option for posting.

The good news about YouTube Shorts is that it's just a URL change. If you replace the /shorts/ portion of the URL with watch?v= it will take you to a normal video page.

So, for example:


So, it should be possible to code the YouTube button to recognize the Shorts URL and change it to the standard YouTube URL.

If, like me, you hate the Shorts feature, you can also get a browser plugin to do this for you on YouTube proper (although this doesn't do anything about the forum bug). The plugin, however, will take you to the actual video URL, so you can just copy that, which should still work fine with the YouTube site integration.


Non-critical feature request: A new report button labeled "I need an adult/mod!".
Basically, let's you report a thread instead of one post that has gone off the rails and a note with why for context.
Joking on the name, but not the feature.

lunchbox12682 wrote:

Non-critical feature request: A new report button labeled "I need an adult/mod!".
Basically, let's you report a thread instead of one post that has gone off the rails and a note with why for context.
Joking on the name, but not the feature.

Comment option 1000% yes! Flagging a whole thread instead of the post means you're forcing the mod to have to sift through the whole thread instead of the specific instance though. In general, for most things less specific tools are less effective than specific ones. better that there's just a comment feature within the reporting function - It's been on my wishlist for the new site, it's one of the few things I've verbalized to Shawn on more than one occasion. If you can say why you're reporting that's the important part.

I get that you're sort of making a joke here, however I wanted to note that the "these people need an adult" is infantilization of bad behavior and a form of othering to absolve and reduce the association from people within that group and reduce the culpability of those discussed by removing decisive agency. It suggest that the behavior is not as much a result of poor or selfish decisionmaking as it is an innate lack of maturity. Let's be clear that when people are being rowdy or assholes online that it's a conscious decision those people are responsible for and not innate to their being. Especially since it's a pretty good bet to assume there isn't anyone under 25 hashing it out on our site.

Though I've felt the urge to tell people to grow up in the past, I'm really trying to work on not doing that, and I do apologize if I've ever said as much or treated people like children or called them that to their digital faces. I think it's good to recognize that the way people behave online is a choice and something I'm working to be better about.

It's okay for things to go off the rails from time to time and have it get back on eventually. Where it becomes a problem is when it stems from petty interpersonal attacks and skirting the rules on "technicalities" while still alluding to going against the Coc. Walking right up to the line but not crossing it while doing things in the gray area that the thin line represents is a calculated effort to do the thing while still not "technically" breaking the rules, and something we have called out folks on from time to time, however that's usually a private conversation. Most of the mods here have been mods here for a while, and a few have been mods for near decades before coming to GWJ and aren't new to this behavior and aren't fooled by it. Even though it may not always be called out in thread, if it's reports are noted to help establish patterns of behavior.

Bad takes, unpopular opinions, conspiracy theories, and crackpot schemes are not violations of the CoC. That doesn't mean we agree with them, it just means it doesn't violate the CoC. I think part of social responsibility it being able to dismantle bad ideas to show people why they're bad so others can learn from them. Attacking the person or making assumptions about their character is a derail and does nothing to discredit or counter a bad idea, it just turns into character assessment and doesn't address why the bad idea was bad.

Feature request: When editing a post, please re-label the "Post" button to instead display "Edit" or something like that. This would help me confirm that I'm actually editing a previous post, and not attempting to create a new post.

Quote is not edit.

Yeah happens a lot


I'm skeptical that, even with the giant "Edit comment" text, and moving the Edit button so it's not next to the Quote button, that further adding more text somewhere else would actually make a difference.

Is there any update on getting embedding image links to work for things like Twitter images?

Hey, the search doesn't seem to be working. I get no results after multiple searches.

Oh yeah I saw that a day or two ago and figured it was just a glitch. Still down, not good.

Error message shows on desktop: refused to connect.

Veloxi wrote:

Hey, the search doesn't seem to be working. I get no results after multiple searches.

wait it was working once?

Veloxi wrote:

Hey, the search doesn't seem to be working. I get no results after multiple searches.

I would just replace the page with a link to google and this bit of instruction

Use the syntax "site thing you want to search"

That works perfectly.

farley3k wrote:
Veloxi wrote:

Hey, the search doesn't seem to be working. I get no results after multiple searches.

I would just replace the page with a link to google and this bit of instruction

Use the syntax "site thing you want to search"

That works perfectly.

Need a colon:

Use the syntax " thing you want to search"

farley3k wrote:
Veloxi wrote:

Hey, the search doesn't seem to be working. I get no results after multiple searches.

I would just replace the page with a link to google and this bit of instruction

Use the syntax "site thing you want to search"

That works perfectly.

It pretty much was an embedded custom google search right?