http://www.filefactory.com/file/b0c0... - Quickly uploaded, in case you still want to try it.
Scroll all the way down.
That worked. Thanks to you sir.
That does look really nice. Do we know if it's going to break every time Valve updates the client?
He said he's pretty committed to updating it every time they do, so yeah, it's probably going to glitch a bit. But it's very easy to turn off, so there's not much to lose.
I have only been playing with it for probably about 20-30 minutes but its seems a little chaotic. I will probably get over that in a few days. Apart from that, they did some things I have been wishing for since I started playing on Steam, and that is the way to view screen shots, I really didn't care that they used IE on the back end, but that it opened up in a new window was a little annoying, I love how it is based in the client. Overall I think it is extremely slick, and is what Windows 7 is to XP. Some features I also really like is how when you are looking at purchasing a game it will tell you how many of your friends have played it and for how long.
Tried this for a couple of days and have had no problems. Then, today, whenever I try to get into Steam I get an "Updating" box then, a few seconds later, it tells me "Steam is currently unavailable." It doesn't even give me an opportunity to launch in off-line mode. So right now I'm locked out of Steam.
Were they tired of Ubisoft having all the fun or something?
steam is fine, the beta is currently bugged (or something server side related to the beta). run "steam.exe -clearbeta" to go back to the stable version.
edit: Nevermind. Google is my friend.
steam is fine, the beta is currently bugged (or something server side related to the beta). run "steam.exe -clearbeta" to go back to the stable version.
Thanks. It's working again this morning but I'll keep that handy in case it happens again.
Odd, I had the ui update running, saw the free weekend for Modern Warfare 2 and tried to click to pre-load from the Steam news pop-up. It just did nothing. It didn't even try to load. So I went to the store page and it was in the upper right had corner and I clicked the pre-load now link and it just thought for a second and nothing else. Everything else responded great. So I restarted and all a couple times to no avail. I then re-booted to the original Steam interface, clicked via the news pop-up and boom, it starts pre-loading. Starting the pre-load and switching back to the UI update made the download disappear.
Check your bandwidth usage outside of steam and your steamapps\common folder, my MW2 preload was invisible by the steam interface but it was happening.
iaintgotnopants wrote:MoonDragon wrote:I still dislike the new Library views. The "here's some shiny, pretty Steam games" vs "oh and some other ugly ass games you also linked to" display is really annoying me.
This actually seems a little mean-spirited to me. Sort of like "how dare you buy a game from someplace that isn't steam". Bioshock 2 has a tiny little picture because I got it for cheaper on amazon. I realize that it's kind of shallow of me to care about the aesthetics of steam but damn it I like pretty things.
Then don't add it into Steam and run it through the games explorer where you see the picture of the little sister. I mean, of course Valve wants to make Steam more enticing to gamers to purchase products through the store. I cannot fault them for that.
Stupid Steam question: when I run an added game through Steam, do my friends see that I'm playing that game? I picked up Company of Heroes off of D2D and linked it up with Steam. No fancy pictures but I'd like people to see what I'm playing so we can get a game on.
Not sure if you just messed your quotes up or not, but yes. You can add any *.exe to the Steam client as a non-Steam game, and most games will work with the in-game overlay. Even if the game doesn't work with the in-game overlay you'll still show up as playing the game.
Check your bandwidth usage outside of steam and your steamappscommon folder, my MW2 preload was invisible by the steam interface but it was happening.
It may or may not have happened. I just switched to the old UI until it went live and then the whole thing didn't work for a while until i restarted my computer at which point it decided it wanted to download a further 7+ GB.
It may or may not have happened. I just switched to the old UI until it went live and then the whole thing didn't work for a while until i restarted my computer at which point it decided it wanted to download a further 7+ GB.
I downloaded 3.something gig of MW2MP yesterday, which it claimed was 100%, then this morning it decides to download more.
mrtomaytohead wrote:It may or may not have happened. I just switched to the old UI until it went live and then the whole thing didn't work for a while until i restarted my computer at which point it decided it wanted to download a further 7+ GB.
I downloaded 3.something gig of MW2MP yesterday, which it claimed was 100%, then this morning it decides to download more.
BTW, I actually purchased the game, so I could play with a friend and after purchasing, I clicked to install the single player and it took less than 30 seconds. So basically it downloaded the single player first by accident. I hope for your sake you can find and delete that extra 3-4GB.
Not a problem. MW2 isn't staying.
I've been running the beta again for a few weeks. Every couple days, Steam tells me it wants to download a client update from March 2nd. Anyone else get this?
Yes! Just this morning I got it for like the 10th time. I decided to try opting out of the beta program, then back in to see if it "resets".
Just want to say, so far Valve has taken one of my ideas. I was one of the folks who asked that we could start Steam at our Library, and it would remember a custom group first. Currently I am starting at me "Now Playing" game group. That is handy and saves a load of time.
I also have to say, this browser loads so much faster, I am loving it.
Odd, I had the ui update running, saw the free weekend for Modern Warfare 2 and tried to click to pre-load from the Steam news pop-up. It just did nothing. It didn't even try to load. So I went to the store page and it was in the upper right had corner and I clicked the pre-load now link and it just thought for a second and nothing else. Everything else responded great. So I restarted and all a couple times to no avail. I then re-booted to the original Steam interface, clicked via the news pop-up and boom, it starts pre-loading. Starting the pre-load and switching back to the UI update made the download disappear.
the same thing happened to me. I switched back to the old UI and the link worked properly.
I've also had an issue with wishlists in the store. I can add one game just fine, but after that I can't add anymore unless I restart steam.
I've been running the beta again for a few weeks. Every couple days, Steam tells me it wants to download a client update from March 2nd. Anyone else get this?
Whenever they update the beta, it'll show you the changelog and date for the last update to the default UI.
General Crespin wrote:I've been running the beta again for a few weeks. Every couple days, Steam tells me it wants to download a client update from March 2nd. Anyone else get this?
Whenever they update the beta, it'll show you the changelog and date for the last update to the default UI.
That certainly explains things. Kinda dumb behavior, though...
Yep, looks like the Steam beta is out of beta. I first noticed this evening when I was launching a game.
Bug, or feature?
As someone who didn't use the Beta and only getting the update today, I can say that I'm impressed. It looks awesome and feels great to use. I looooooooooooove the new time overlay when you click shift + tab in game. So many times I'm curious to know what the time is when I'm in game.
Very nice. Very nice indeed.
I looooooooooooove the new time overlay when you click shift + tab in game. So many times I'm curious to know what the time is when I'm in game.
Very nice. Very nice indeed.
I'm glad I'm not the only one impressed by this.
Well its here. I hate it for the simple reason that it takes longer to get at my games. I have to go through a fricken drop down menu just to bring my games list up. the heck?
Also they still haven't fixed my community page problem. I still get a down for maintenance message. But I can search for "tamren" and go to my steam profile manually. So its just pointing to an old site that doesn't exist anymore and I don't know how to fix it.
Well its here. I hate it for the simple reason that it takes longer to get at my games. I have to go through a fricken drop down menu just to bring my games list up. the heck?
It shouldn't require you to do that more than once. It should save whatever preference you've set. And if you look in the upper right corner, there are different view displays. After you hit one of those, it will show up every time you click on Library.
I posted about this skin earlier in the thread, but it's been updated since then, and it works just fine with the official release. I feel it's easier on the eyes, so I suggest giving it a looksie.
What it looks like now (preview pics in that thread haven't been updated): http://i39.tinypic.com/200qjr4.jpg