Official Team Fortress 2 Game Nights (PC)

Wow, I'm amazed how well and easy works. Of my 1852 hours of play time (~11 weeks, ) , I amassed a ton of refined metal which I sparingly traded here-and-there with friends for either MvM tickets, paint, duels , and other minor items. I new that site was always there, but never delved into it.

It's been a while since I've played and knew I had a ton of refined metal. Finally, I checked how it all works and.......

After linking my steam account, I ended up trading my refined metal for strange items, which I sold on the steam market at current market value and made +$10(!).

I know, ten bucks-- big-whoop. But, TEN BUCKS! That's like -$10 off your next game, people!



Is this recent or were you cleaning off an old hard drive?

Also, watch your six.

Hey we should play this stupid game sometime soon! Ya'll doing anything Friday or Monday night?

Does this dumb game still run on Mac? My Windows machine has been in storage for months and I don't even think it can drive my current 1440p monitor. Guess I could do Boot Camp... shrug;

Norfair wrote:

Is this recent or were you cleaning off an old hard drive?

Also, watch your six.

Was looking through old screenshots, made me llaugh.

I could do Monday night, maybe tonight.

We should totally have a Team Fortress themed get together for International Goodger Day.

Yes! 10/23 and 24. I'm out of town Saturday night, but I could do Sunday afternoon/evening.

Hey old timers, want to do this on Sunday the 24th?

FlamingPeasant wrote:

Hey old timers, want to do this on Sunday the 24th?

Hells yeah. My name is down.

FlamingPeasant wrote:

Hey old timers, want to do this on Sunday the 24th?

Never got to play that but I’d give it a go if you’ll have a newbie. Currently scheduled for a Destiny 2 raid 7-9pm on Sunday so I might be late.

Sure, join us!

Norfair wrote:

Sure, join us!

So I signed up on the spreadsheet. do I actually connect up with everyone in game? Been awhile since I've played online with people. Do I need to "friend" everyone in Steam?

We'll probably meet on the discord server?

Thanks all! That was fun playing tonight!

Well, after having tons of TF2 items sitting in my backpack forever, I finally cashed out (years after most of you, I know). I basically put anything worth more than one dollar up on the Steam market, to the tune of about $430 bucks sold so far. That seems just INSANE to me. What even is happening.

The bulk of the profit was a Strange Gunslinger ($200!! what) and Strange Construction PDA ($85). I've still got an unusual pyro hatte and Strange Australium engy wrench for sale, which along with other items should bring in another $200 or so total, eventually.

I mention all this in case some of you are like me and just never bothered to clean out your inventory. You might be surprised at what people are willing to pay. I sure as hell was.

Anyway, RIP TF2, I finally uninstalled even though I haven't played in a very long time. At my current rate of Steam sale purchases, TF2 items are going to fund my gaming budget for like.... 6 more years. Yeesh.

Cheers guys, hope everyone is well!

Yours in mild bewilderment,

Whoa. That could fund my Steam games for years

Yeah, when I cashed out TF2 years ago I didn't pay a thing for my Steam games for about three years. Playing TF2 ended up being a profitable investment!

MyBrainHz wrote:

The bulk of the profit was a Strange Gunslinger ($200!! what)

Do strange items not exist anymore or something? I have some old stranges I never bothered selling since they weren't too valuable...

I have no idea what the rationale is. Several of my stranges are still only worth a few cents. There were more than I expected, though, that were selling for between $5-$20.

MyBrainHz wrote:

I have no idea what the rationale is. Several of my stranges are still only worth a few cents. There were more than I expected, though, that were selling for between $5-$20.

Okay, I remember now. Salvaged crates were a thing and the gunslinger was only ever released in the very first salvaged crate and never again. I sold mine for $50 it looks like, but that was 5 years ago, lol.

In other news, now that Brian has uninstalled, I think it's time to have a reunion night :). Seriously though, what are people playing now-a-days? I don't play too much online multiplayer anymore. I miss hitting everyone over the head with bats.

Some of us play Rocket League.

Lots of others play Overwatch.

Those are the busy rooms I see in GWJ discord

I did not have my birthday TF2 bash last December because my grandson (and incidentally his parents, not that I cared that much about that ) was here.

Love you guys and missed playing to celebrate one more trip around the sun but, you know, grandson > all.

Apparently my backpack is worth about $2. I am very disappointed.

Halo? Halo is free.

Staats wrote:

Apparently my backpack is worth about $2. I am very disappointed.

Not true. Your haunted idiot box is worth about $9 on the market. Some of your crates are worth a few bucks each too like the two #1 crates you have are about $5 each.

Looks like I've got a Ghastlierest Gibus worth $141.25 on SkinBaron, whatever the hell that is.

I had a bunch of small items from this and pubg that I wasn’t using. I put them all up and managed to make 57 dollars so far with one 25 dollar item left to sell

ukickmydog wrote:
Staats wrote:

Apparently my backpack is worth about $2. I am very disappointed.

Not true. Your haunted idiot box is worth about $9 on the market. Some of your crates are worth a few bucks each too like the two #1 crates you have are about $5 each.

Where are you getting the info? I stuck it in a backpack website, it came up with only $2.

$20 is at least a meal.

Staats wrote:
ukickmydog wrote:
Staats wrote:

Apparently my backpack is worth about $2. I am very disappointed.

Not true. Your haunted idiot box is worth about $9 on the market. Some of your crates are worth a few bucks each too like the two #1 crates you have are about $5 each.

Where are you getting the info? I stuck it in a backpack website, it came up with only $2.

$20 is at least a meal.

This is the site I used to use all the time:

all this talk of selling I had to go back and look I sold all my unusual hats for $770.27, I didn't even bother to add up all the strange items.