It also makes Tartarus easier because your companions won't get tired while in Tartarus, they only take on the tired status after you leave or if they die.
Harumph. Back in my day, Yukari would get tired after running fifteen steps, and we had to fight through to the exit anyway! And we didn't complain! Because if we did, Igor would throw us to the Reaper!
Hit a bit of a wall last night. It's Jun 5 and I need to beat the boss on floor 36 on this day to finish Elizabeth's quest. I'm level 14. Afraid if I go back and farm the 400xp I need to get to 15 I'll end up with my teammates tired/sick and things will go worse.
But the boss does AOE wind attack which almost kills me, and usually kills two of my team. Or he does an AOE poison... if that hits 2 people or more, I spend the next couple turns undoing that and usually can't recover. I put Yukari on heal/support... if everyone is healthy and the poison hits she will use a dis-poison item. But if anyone is hurt, she will futilely heal them instead of dis-poisoning them first. So I have to waste my turn curing poison every time.
I spent about 30 minutes banging my head against it last night, and died at least a dozen times. One time I had it... my teammates got back-to-back critical hits, and we did the all-in attacks, and he was down to a sliver of health and did the poison attack. I had to choose between healing myself and dis-poisoning myself. If I'd healed I still would have lost 30 on the poison tick, so I tried the dis-poison. And of course he unleashed the super wind attack on me and killed me. Never got close again.
I don't know if I can go back and fuse and get something better. But the only thing in my compendium with wind resists is some lowly level 6. So keeping me alive using that won't give me much to attack with. But is that the best option? My best strategy seemed to be the lvl 17 Berith I have, who has a double-strike attack and also has HP steal magic, which works very well, except when I'm poisoned of course.
Oh yeah... I had only skimmed the first page of this thread since I didn't have the game yet. So that boss has been complained about before.
Do you have any personas with debuff spells (Tarunda, Sukunda, Rakunda)? If so, start laying those on the enemy. Debuffs are a huge part of surviving boss battles.
Yeah I did notice that. Debuffing his attack helps lessen the lightning damage spell quite a bit.
And no, no media yet. Dia on me, Yukari, and Akihiko. Checking a FAQ, it appears Media is a beginning skill on Oberon, level 15 Emperor. That's about what I figured. Getting the 400xp to level and going back to fuse would probably make this easy. But I just don't think my party will hold up through more grinding. I guess if Junpei happens to be the lucky one that gets tired/sick it might be ok.
Man, I had no idea that you didn't get tired in Tartarus on P3P. I played about 40 hours with the male protagonist and never realized that! It'll totally change my approach this time around.
Why not just grind some of the lower floors with just yourself and Junpei? Leave Yukari and Akihiko behind.
That took care of it. But it wasn't Oberon's Media that helped save me... it was the other lvl 15, Gur? that had Wind Resists, and because of the way I fused it the Posimudi poison cure and Dia. So I mostly did support myself and let Akihiko grind him down with Yukari on support. It was pretty easy that time.
Then I turned around and got pretty annoyed at the game tonight. With the full moon event on 6/8, I was only able to save on the evening of 6/7. Then I went to the arcade, studied, and started 6/8. Then I did an event after school with one of the SLs. And since FES doesn't have the in-school save point that I could use before that After School event, I go straight into the Evening's full moon event. Plus the interrogation scene before that at Lunch. Then the evening meeting. Then the team being separated, 3 floors of dungeon. Finding Fuuka, talk talk talk... and finally the boss fight begins. Basically 30 minutes of clicking, a tiny risk of fighting solo, and then finally a boss fight.
I figured out the boss weaknesses pretty easily. Only got hit once, and took one of them down. Still had around 100 health when the other boss did a fear attack on me. Neither of my teammates bothered to heal me, and they didn't finish him off either, so the next turn he of course hit me and killed me. Just stupid bad luck makes me waste 30+ minutes of time and never gives me a place to save. 2 full days between save points in this case from 6/7 Evening until 6/9 Evening, with a huge chunk of unskippable cutscenes in between
As much as I'm enjoying this game and really love the story and most of the mechanics, the long time between save points is just frustrating as hell. The 2nd time through, I actually took 0 damage from the dual bosses. The one weak to spells my team just annihilated in two full turns, and the other boss tried to insta-kill me or fear me or something but missed the attack... twice... and then she was dead too. So it's not like it was a tough fight or I was really unequipped or underleveled or anything... just bad luck when a spell hit instead of missing, and my AI team not helping. Also a little annoyed that they took Yukari away since she was the better healer. I suppose I could have put Akihiko on heal/support, but who knew I was going to get feared and not be able to do anything for 3 turns?
Anyway... back to SLs and having fun so far. Really loving the stories of everyone I interact with. You guys will be happy to hear I gave up on the max social link stuff. I decided I wanted to date someone else first anyway, and I've already strayed from the guide quite a bit. I do like the plan of activities for raising stats though, and will try to keep with that so I can unlock Elizabeth's stuff. Otherwise I'm just going to start working on whatever SLs I enjoy and max as many as I can.
ClockworkHouse wrote:Why not just grind some of the lower floors with just yourself and Junpei? Leave Yukari and Akihiko behind.
That took care of it. But it wasn't Oberon's Media that helped save me... it was the other lvl 15, Gur? that had Wind Resists, and because of the way I fused it the Posimudi poison cure and Dia. So I mostly did support myself and let Akihiko grind him down with Yukari on support. It was pretty easy that time.
Then I turned around and got pretty annoyed at the game tonight. With the full moon event on 6/8, I was only able to save on the evening of 6/7. Then I went to the arcade, studied, and started 6/8. Then I did an event after school with one of the SLs. And since FES doesn't have the in-school save point that I could use before that After School event, I go straight into the Evening's full moon event. Plus the interrogation scene before that at Lunch. Then the evening meeting. Then the team being separated, 3 floors of dungeon. Finding Fuuka, talk talk talk... and finally the boss fight begins. Basically 30 minutes of clicking, a tiny risk of fighting solo, and then finally a boss fight.
I figured out the boss weaknesses pretty easily. Only got hit once, and took one of them down. Still had around 100 health when the other boss did a fear attack on me. Neither of my teammates bothered to heal me, and they didn't finish him off either, so the next turn he of course hit me and killed me. Just stupid bad luck makes me waste 30+ minutes of time and never gives me a place to save. 2 full days between save points in this case from 6/7 Evening until 6/9 Evening, with a huge chunk of unskippable cutscenes in between
As much as I'm enjoying this game and really love the story and most of the mechanics, the long time between save points is just frustrating as hell. The 2nd time through, I actually took 0 damage from the dual bosses. The one weak to spells my team just annihilated in two full turns, and the other boss tried to insta-kill me or fear me or something but missed the attack... twice... and then she was dead too.
So it's not like it was a tough fight or I was really unequipped or underleveled or anything... just bad luck when a spell hit instead of missing, and my AI team not helping. Also a little annoyed that they took Yukari away since she was the better healer. I suppose I could have put Akihiko on heal/support, but who knew I was going to get feared and not be able to do anything for 3 turns?
Anyway... back to SLs and having fun so far. Really loving the stories of everyone I interact with. You guys will be happy to hear I gave up on the max social link stuff. I decided I wanted to date someone else first anyway, and I've already strayed from the guide quite a bit. I do like the plan of activities for raising stats though, and will try to keep with that so I can unlock Elizabeth's stuff. Otherwise I'm just going to start working on whatever SLs I enjoy and max as many as I can.
Much of that is fixed in P3P - the save deficits before the Moon boss fights are still there, though.
Finally got some time to play again today. Lots of Tartarus running on Jun 13 when I got the chance again. I think Mitsuru is awesome.
Made it to the next block (47?) on the first big run. Then took both of Elizabeth's collection quests for the 41-46 block, and farmed both out before my group started getting tired. Got up to level 20 and fused some personas to fill my compendium.
Now a couple days later, into mid-June. Finally got my courage maxed, with 4 days to spare or so. I may not be following the SL guide faithfully anymore, but I'll still try the tips to hit things as early as possible, to at least give myself introductions to new characters and stuff. That way I can choose which ones to focus on but at least have the options. I am already up to 6 or so with Yuko/Strength, as I decided I'd like to date her first. Chihiro/Justice is very cute and all just getting to rank 1 and maybe I'll date her later, but I liked Yuko more early on. Plus I have Kaz/Chariot all the way up to 8 or so, and seeing his story intertwine with Yuko stepping in sometimes seems more appropriate to be leveling them together.
A question I couldn't find a clear answer for... when do you get rank 10 on SLs? I got Kenji/Magician up to rank 9 earlier today, and there is no listing I can find for a rank 10 conversation or anything. Does it happen at a certain date? Or does it happen the next time I spend after school time with him? Or do we have to do one of the Sunday hang out/date things?
It will just happen during the course of spending time with them, and you'll rank up the same way it normally works: Fill the point meter to hit the next level, then the next time you meet you'll rank up (and sometimes you'll get the "your relationship could become closer soon" or whatever).
Yeah it just happened the next day. He said we should hang at lunch, which means that I had enough points for the next rank. Apparently the final conversation doesn't matter since the scene only plays if you have enough points for the last rank.
Starting to get the feel for ranking up now. The way the questions really apply points toward the next meeting, whether it will be a rank up talk or just a hang out.
Back in Tartarus a bit tonight, made the next boss/checkpoint on floor 59. So far, so good.
Oh and someone was right about heart personas not being worth leveling too much. Until you get SL rank 10 it's going to be more than one level you need to earn, and probably take too long. Oh well.
Made it through finals and to the start of summer break last night. Think I'll do one big Tartarus run tonight before we head on in-game vacation.
Think I maxed Magician, Hierophant, Strength and Hermit so far. Strength/Yuko final bit was pretty interesting.
I think I got seduced.
Come by my house. My parents aren't home. Just want to show you how much I care. Fade to black...
Pretty sure I'm going to run into problems with the rest of the date-able girls though. I think Chihiro and Fuuka are both at 4 or so right now, so any higher is going to piss the other one off, and if I wait too long they're going to reverse from inactivity or whatever? Not sure how I'm going to juggle this...
It's not impossible to date two girls at the same time. I did it a bunch and never got caught. I'm not really sure how the getting caught mechanic works -- one thought I had is, go on dates with one girl when the other girl is busy (i.e., not on the days when she is available), but I'm not sure that works.
So it finally happened.
After almost single-handedly creating a GWJ renaissance with this game, I got my copy back and started it up again myself last night. I created another NG+ from my original 108-hour 15-minute run (!), and played up to the afternoon of 4/21, when you finally get full control of your time. (I went NG+ so as to quickly catch up to where everyone else is, story-wise.)
I'm amazed at all the little things I missed before on my first two runs of the game. The butterfly references to Philemon, how the Velvet Room chair references Orpheus' harp (as do other pieces in the VR, though less directly), how those opening walks through the areas show every character and social link (oh, there's Ken! There's the drunk monk!) And perhaps more importantly, coming back from Xenoblade, a game that was huge but in which everything was loose and rather unpolished, this just feels amazing.
It's not impossible to date two girls at the same time. I did it a bunch and never got caught. I'm not really sure how the getting caught mechanic works -- one thought I had is, go on dates with one girl when the other girl is busy (i.e., not on the days when she is available), but I'm not sure that works.
The little stuff I see in FAQs says that each time you see another girl, the time needed to see the one you are dating drops by 15 days. And then another 15 days if you see another girl (or the same girl twice?) So it seems like you could easily go back and forth between two girls seeing each one 1/2 times a week. Just be careful not to accept dates with both on Sunday because breaking a date will reverse them as well.
Not 100% sure if this is all I need to watch though. There was mention somewhere about getting a girl up to rank 4 when you already had one above 5 (dating), and how if you got another girl up above 4, the one you were dating would automatically reverse.
So I don't think alternating Chihiro/Fuuka where I have them both now is going to work.
Eh maybe I'll just try it for a week and see what happens.
There was mention somewhere about getting a girl up to rank 4 when you already had one above 5 (dating), and how if you got another girl up above 4, the one you were dating would automatically reverse.
I'm pretty sure I have done this, so I don't think it "automatically" reverses. Maybe once you are "dating" and you raise another girl to 5, you are eligible for more bad stuff to happen, but it doesn't necessarily happen.
Eh maybe I'll just try it for a week and see what happens. :D
Yeah, this is the same advice I would give to a buddy in real life.
The butterfly references to Philemon...
I've heard about this, but haven't picked up on it. Where do they have the references for that at? Honestly though I didn't play a WHOLE lot of the first two Persona's (don't really get how the interactions with demons work) so maybe the references were just lost on me.
And I'm right at the same spot/player level as Stele on P3P. Haven't actually tried tackling the boss yet, but I'll definitely be checking back at this thread if I start to have issues.
Apparently we're not the only ones hooked into P3 right now.
Kotaku compares Buffy and Persona 3.
Oh and last month... they just talk about how great P3 is. That article had a Buffy mention too, which probably set them off writing the more recent one. Also they discuss Junpei's voice acting, which I looked up myself last week but forgot to mention. Vic Mignogna, who of course was the lead, Mao, in Disgaea 3. That's where I recognized him from. And Yukari's actress was Salvatore in D3 also.
Kotaku compares Buffy and Persona 3.
I see the connections but P3 is way better than Buffy!
Still no Recarm on any personas, so not sure if I can make it through the next block perfectly without a single death... :?
Finished that up last night. Floor 85 or so? Couldn't put down the boss though, and I was anxious to move on to summer break, so I did that instead.
Hilarious hijinks on the beach. And a nice scene with Yukari and MC the one night too. That was a fun thing to close out last night's session with.
Today, I made it back to school, and finally started up Yukari SL after the trip. Just when it seems like I have enough school links to keep busy every day, we take summer break. Oh well. Seems like this sports training week isn't going to give me much time for SLs either. I did take some time to go finish the boss in Tartarus. Farmed a bit first to level to 27, and finally fuse a (Lovers) Queen Mab, who comes with Recarm at her first level-up. Made the boss fight a lot easier. So I'm clear of the next area with 2 weeks to spare.
Also the (Death) Pale Rider I fused yesterday has been my go-to persona for the last dozen floors, and almost all the farming I have done. I managed to get slash, ice, and fire attacks when I created him, as well as the strike, wind, and mudo stuff he comes with by default. He's an all-in-one monster, and has carried me through several floors of Tartarus, as well as some farming after the boss. Don't think I want to give him up for a while.
Oops. Thought I hit quote, but I hit edit. Lost this old post trying to type the one below.
I thought Kotaku stretched it a weeeee bit with the Buffy/P3 comparisons, but it's still nice to see all this love for the game.
And to hell with Kenji.
Finished up the early Aug moon boss last night.
Summer school was supremely lame... 5 days just gone like that.
Got a couple more SLs going, and also got another new party member! Anybody else notice that
Komaru is better than Junpei? He has better fire spells, stronger phys attacks, and seems to evade hits better. Since neither one has heals, I think I'll be taking the dog from now on. :lol:
Just finished up the next block (85-98?) of Tartarus a few minutes ago. Taking a break after doing some fusion. Finally starting to amass some decent yen in chests. But of course after the beach vacation, now I have several new pieces of armor I need to buy. Hopefully I can catch them on a sale day from the police station.
I'm trying to restrain my wild fusion tendencies to save yen as well... I want to complete the compendium, but I keep spending way too much chasing fusions. Going to try to restrain myself to using cards that I collect in Tartarus and just fuse what I can and then go back and fill in later if I need to that badly.
Fusing things I don't have a SL with just to fill the compendium is probably a waste most times. At this point I have the next rank of Death, Loa and (Empress) Leanan Sidhe, who both have 3 elemental spells each. I don't really need much else to fight for a few levels so I need to just to fuse things I have on hand and keep some persona of the SLs I am still ranking up.
Aside from some random Android games away from home, I don't think I've played anything but this for a solid week now.
Glad you're enjoying it.
Feel like I'm just keeping a game diary here, but dammit this thing is so fun.
Made it to Sept 1 last night, and finally back to school. Now I can finally try that dating multiple girls stuff and see how bad it goes. This Fuuka-Chihiro-Yukari triangle (quadrilateral?) is going to be interesting.
Another new party member, and now I'm worried that they are getting separated in levels. I don't see any way to avoid it besides massive grinding, and I'm not really going to do that. I suppose it's time to start whittling down to 3-5 teammates that I always use and let the other few just fall behind.
I maxed Courage and Charm a while back and am now at 5/6 on Academics. So soon I can finally stop studying!
Heh. I've been running through NG+, so I'm starting to catch up. In mid-June right now. I took my party into Monad after the compendium unlocked, and in a mere four battles (and one TPK when I wasn't careful enough) got everyone leveled up from 8 to 32. Of course, drawing two level-ten wand cards didn't hurt, but that sure was nice. Taking out bosses in a single swipe is kinda hilarious after all the build-up each one gets.
I'm going to test out a theory to see if it's possible to max all SLs while not following the guide at all. This will probably blow up in my face, since that has very specific timings with things like summer vacation, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Also, I forgot just how annoying Natsuki is. Go away! No one cares about you.
I've heard about this, but haven't picked up on it. Where do they have the references for that at? Honestly though I didn't play a WHOLE lot of the first two Persona's (don't really get how the interactions with demons work) so maybe the references were just lost on me.
Sorry, I just now saw this. They were both in the opening few cut-scenes. I think the MC sees a butterfly as he's riding the monorail to go to the dorm for the first time, and there was one other instance in the opening or otherwise early on...I can't remember exactly. At any rate, like I said earlier, I'm catching a lot of things this time around that I missed before.
Feel like I'm just keeping a game diary here, but dammit this thing is so fun.
Made it to Sept 1 last night, and finally back to school. Now I can finally try that dating multiple girls stuff and see how bad it goes.
This Fuuka-Chihiro-Yukari triangle (quadrilateral?) is going to be interesting.
Another new party member, and now I'm worried that they are getting separated in levels. I don't see any way to avoid it besides massive grinding, and I'm not really going to do that. I suppose it's time to start whittling down to 3-5 teammates that I always use and let the other few just fall behind.
I maxed Courage and Charm a while back and am now at 5/6 on Academics. So soon I can finally stop studying! :D
I'd post more, but I hit early January, and am in a stretch where I need to grind to catch up to the floor bosses (236th)
I'm going to test out a theory to see if it's possible to max all SLs while not following the guide at all. This will probably blow up in my face, since that has very specific timings with things like summer vacation, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
It seems possible. With all your stats maxed you can always sleep, ace your tests, and open up every possibility on the first day.
You still probably want to use the one FAQ that lists the best conversation answers. Because you probably need max points from most of your school SL conversations... too many wasted school days might muck it up pretty badly. But otherwise, it really doesn't seem like it has to be as strict as the guide.
Max each dating SL while not getting the next one above 4, and then move from girl to girl... seems doable.
Yeah, the school SLs are the tough ones. Too many large gaps where they can't be accessed.
I'm almost at the end of June now, and need one more day to max out Yuka and the Magician kid (love seeing his heart break every time :)), and have been dating Chihiro for a while as well. You can swing 2 dates at once, you just have to see each of them constantly. I wanted to start Fuuka too, but figured that might be pushing it. I probably won't max everyone this run.
I did have one link reverse on me too, which was surprising. It was Mr. Arrow to the Knee, and the last time I met with him (and we'd ranked up to level 8) was a mere two days before it happened. I had accepted a Sunday outing with him when Chihiro called (I got four calls that night), so I cancelled with him to rank her up to make room for Fuuka/Yukari/Mitsuru. After all our times together, me hiding his injury from everyone, having to change my plans? Reverse!
So then I took Yukari's bow and fired an arrow into his other knee.
Yeah, the school SLs are the tough ones. Too many large gaps where they can't be accessed.
And the one starred guide at gameFAQs is wrong. Gourmet King is not a school link. I visited with him 3 times at the mall over summer break to start building the SL.
I'm almost at the end of June now, and need one more day to max out Yuko and the Magician kid (love seeing his heart break every time :)), and have been dating Chihiro for a while as well. You can swing 2 dates at once, you just have to see each of them constantly. I wanted to start Fuuka too, but figured that might be pushing it. I probably won't max everyone this run.
Fixed your typo. I finished Yuko a while back. Just hit 7 with Fuuka and got the warning that she will be jealous. So now it's tip-toeing between Chihiro at 4 and Yukari at 2... not sure how that's going to play out. If I understand correctly they all get jealous at different ranks, and I think Chihiro loses it at 5. So I might not be able to see her again until I finish with Fuuka.
And yeah, I guess canceling dates is a big no-no. I usually end up with an Evening save... and then I see what calls I get, and sometimes have to go back and load. So far I haven't canceled on anyone. But I have turned down dates only to not end up with anyone to hang out with. But I've already maxed the Hermit/Maya, so my Sundays didn't go to waste.