Hidden Gems of Amazon Prime instant videos

I would have loved it if each clip gave a link to a wikipedia-type article that would let me read what the heck is going on.

This guys gives a pretty good overview of what the hell is going on in the WH40K episode if your Warhammer knowledge is fairly basic

Thanks! That was really, really helpful.

I would watch that for all of them.

mudbunny wrote:

Thanks! That was really, really helpful.

I would watch that for all of them.

You’re very welcome.

Whatever you do, don’t go down the rabbit hole of his YouTube channel. There’s hundreds of hours of Warhammer 40k lore in there.

I was playing around with WH40k back in the days of Adeptus Titanicus. It’s really changed since those days I can tell you.

Vargen wrote:

Blur's stuff like this has never been plot-centric. They do vibes, and they do them well. There's a story there, but it isn't primary.

I will grant that Space Marines, as characters, aren't really set up well to carry these sorts of stories. There's only so much you can do with power armor.

There is only ONE thing you can do with power armor. Be awesome.

"Story" is for heretics!

Season 3 coming in Feb.

The very instant the music kicked in I asked aloud "is Jensen Ackles in this?"

That song has been so highly associated in my brain with Supernatural that as soon as I hear it in a TV show, I expect to see the Winchesters driving Baby.

Started the Rig! Always a go for arctic-style horror.

After playing Still Wakes the Deep, I feel Oil Rigs are massively under explored settings for horror, they seem perfect for it. That said I have no heard good things about the Rig when it was on the BBC last year.

The Rig was functional at best IMHO, and S2 felt more like a poor soap opera.

I gave up halfway through season 1. It felt like it had a good cast and premise which should have worked better than it did.

onewild wrote:

After playing Still Wakes the Deep, I feel Oil Rigs are massively under explored settings for horror, they seem perfect for it. That said I have no heard good things about the Rig when it was on the BBC last year.

I think you might enjoy Underwater from 2020, its set on something that could be described as "future rig" and has the sort of vibe your looking for.

Is that the Kristen Stewart one? I thought that was quite fun

That’s the one I think it’s quite underrated.

bbk1980 wrote:

That’s the one I think it’s quite underrated.

Is that just a horror version of of The Abyss?

DudleySmith wrote:

Is that the Kristen Stewart one? I thought that was quite fun

I enjoyed it very much as well.

A reminder that the best space opera series of the 90s, Babylon 5 is still on Prime in at least the US and the premiere episode "Midnight On The Firing Line" is still one of the most underrated premieres in serialized TV history.

And if you haven't watched B5 since the widescreen/DVD release, the current 4:3 version looks a lot better. It's no HD remaster, but at least they're no longer zooming in on standard definition computer effects for all the space scenes.

It's a little hard when to rewatch knowing just how many cast members have passed away.

I am just "finishing" another rewatch of B5 but I cannot bring myself to watch much of S5. And, this time through, I really noticed the "tempo change" in S4 and it bothered me. I know they were under a lot of pressure to wrap things up but it is kind of a bummer how the war peters out after the build up over the previous 3 seasons. (Sorry if spoilers for an old-ass TV show)

When this show hits, it delivers better than any other genre show I've seen.

I’ve never been able to make it past the first season.

I'm going to do what I did last time: cherry pick the big arc episodes of Seasons 1 and 2, watch Season 4 straight through, and skip to the series finale broadcast at the end of Season 5. And try to find a place that's streaming the animated movie that slipped past me.

ruhk wrote:

I’ve never been able to make it past the first season.

That first season is a challenge. It’s doing a whole load of scene setting, the acting is occasionally so wooden you could use it for decking and some of the more important characters - Londo and G’Kar in particular - are right at the start of their arcs and both deeply unlikeable. It picks up immensely that second season.

Honestly though, it’s not worse than the first seasons of both The Next Generation and DS9. Or most of Voyager.

ruhk wrote:

I’ve never been able to make it past the first season.

The first season is a bit rough. It gets a lot better once you know where everything is going and can see all the setup, but in the moment it's rough. That was doubly true back in the 90s when nobody had any reason to expect that a show like that would be setting anything up or going anywhere.

I didn't get into the show until the second season finale. I'd seen a few episodes here and there, so I knew the basic setup and who the characters were, but nothing had really grabbed me. Most of what I had seen had been season 1, come to think of it. Anyway, I randomly saw the end of Season 2 (I think Highlander:the Series was preempted for a sports game and B5 was on on another channel) and at that point I realized what a big story they were telling. I got caught up in reruns and was all in from there.

ruhk wrote:

I’ve never been able to make it past the first season.

There's some watchalong podcasts out there that might help you go an episode at a time. There's one in particular that has, like, 9 people watching and 6 of them have never seen it before.

ruhk wrote:

I’ve never been able to make it past the first season.

If anything, it's one of my favorites. It's not so tied to the arc like seasons 3 and 4 that they can spend an episode doing...anything. In a brand new universe (with a lot of history).

One character's arc makes no sense but whatever.


Talia Winters

Nevin73 wrote:

One character's arc makes no sense but whatever.


Talia Winters

The actor decided to leave the show.

Season 3 in March