Looking it up, Rifts, legendary gems, Greed's domain were introduced in patch 2.1 which was august 2014.
Reaper of Souls was released in March of 2014.
Has anyone seen any info on D2 Remastered allowing import of previously saved games? I happened across my archive lately, and found all my D2 solo characters sitting there, waiting patiently for this moment....
It is because it is actually D2 that they are using. They are just layering a 3D rendering engine over the top of it. Though they did say for modders that a lot less is hard coded which is nice.
With all this talk of D3 and new seasons, I thought I'd reload my copy and have a little play. Maybe even start the new season when it opens in the next week or two.
Somebody had claimed my account. No idea how, but with my email still attached it was easy enough to get it back.
Start up the game and find that I have 2 high level characters and 110 Paragon! Start a new game and =8-O!!
27.5 million gold; 33,000 death's breath; 6 high level items; and a bunch of achievements. 830 points worth.
So somebody sunk a lot of time into the game and now it's all mine. Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Even though I know I did play through the game when it came out, I'm not remembering any of it.
I'm going to wait for the new season to start and then give it a go.
Better change your passwords, though, and not just for the game.
33,000 death's breaths? Crikey.
Better change your passwords, though, and not just for the game.
Yeah. I've been doing that for a few years now. Plus using 2FA where possible.
Is it possible you just had some seasonal characters? I thought once the season ends their stuff moves over to the common area.
I am sure someone was using his account as a farming account.
The 33,000 death breaths gives it away.
27.5 million gold is a mere pittance. I generate a few billions of gold each season.
Also 110 paragon probably takes about two to three hours once you hit level 70.
I have to admit that I didn't see it on paper but I tried it out on the PTR and it is a blast and very reminiscent of of an old tal rashas frozen orb disintegrate build I loved before typhons was released. I still don't see it on paper TBH.
I am not going to get it anywhere near GR 150 solo but the 4/6 firebirds/tal set is very fun. It will get nerfed because of said ability for the top 1% to clear GR 150 solo. I just hope it doesn't cramp my build too much from the trickle down.
Can I say I am glad that D3 is getting some pretty significant love?
It seemed like D3 was the bastard step child between D2:R and D4 neither of which is a proven quantity and the Blizzcon only reinforced that. I'm just going to throw this out there that even if every wish comes true for those other two, D3 will still be the better game or the one with the most longevity.
Now before I get any screaming balls of incineration hurled at me I will say this. Why aren't you playing D2 right now? Is it really because you want it to look better with 3D and dynamic lighting? And look, I miss my Trapassin something fierce but I know that if nothing changes and there are no balance fixes, I'll play for a month or two and then move on to something else or back to D3. And also, they chose to be so strict about being faithful to a fault but the UI had to change? And shared stash? The D2 UI was hardly complained about and on the other hand, shared stash could have way more impact than adjusting some skills to make them more attractive to use.
The shared stash came from the reasoning that people used mules anyways so it wasn't a big deal. Well, people used character trainers or joined multiplayer games to unlock waypoints so why not have either shared waypoints, waypoints unlocked on finishing the campaign with 1 character or have an "adventure mode" feature?
And D4? People are hailing it as a true successor to D2 which even if you approve, you need not throw out what works in D3. Open world does nothing for the Diablo series other than water down whatever good content if will offer. And PvP? yeah, no thank you. Unless you enjoyed people spending countless hours trying to hack a way to TK or to trick others into being TKed. That definitely didn't promote community and works counter to D3's drop in coop.
I thought D4's open world was them embracing and expanding on D3's Adventure Mode...
They are embracing and expanding adventure mode (campaign and adventure mode being combined), though that doesn't require an open world. Can't say I am a fan of the open world part of D4, but at the same time, it shouldn't be harmful either. Other A-RPGs have had open worlds before.
The forced multiplayer seems a lot more problematic. I hope Blizzard would come to their senses, and allow players to opt-out of that. Having to fight over getting to mobs first, MMO style, would feel extremely awkward in an A-RPG.
As for having having world progression/waypoints etc. shared between your characters, I really hope they dont do that. But wouldnt suprise me if they do. Seems like it will cheapen the game world though (as in D3). A new character should go explore on its own.
In any case, D4 can pretty much only be better than D3 in my opinion. I don't care about PvP, but as long as it is opt-in and optional, it does no harm either.
And shared stash? The D2 UI was hardly complained about and on the other hand, shared stash could have way more impact than adjusting some skills to make them more attractive to use.
It would have been a bit crazy not to have a shared stash. Just a QoL feature, for something you could already do manually.
As for the UI, it seems mostly unchanged? Just moved around a little bit.
I wish they would offer the option to change the controls to D3s action bar though. They have if you use a controller, so I really cant see why mouse/kb shouldnt get the same option. D2s left/right mouse buttons for casting all skills was never good.
I dunno if we should talk about D2R here or resurrect the D2 LOD thread to talk about it but I can't sleep because of a brain worm regarding modding and D2R. The Vicarious Visions guy said that they were making a lot less hard coded in D2R so I just can't shut off the influx of inspiration. So I'll share and spoiler it because it is going to be one of my biggest wall of texts ;P
Now before you go all thinking I am crazy, most of this stuff can already be done. D2 skills are controlled by a spreadsheet that you can extract and copy/paste/alter to your heart's content. That is until you come across the hard coded stuff. I have already done things like change frozen orb's damage to poison and that simple change completely broke the game. Also things like removing weapon type requirements for skills are one cel changes. Another pretty easy thing to do is change one of the paladin's skills to the wizard's hydra or the necro's poison nova.
Expand upon D2's adding weapon damage to skills
The assassin has some skills that either through synergies or the skills themselves scale with 3/4, 3/8 or 1/4 weapon damage. I have seen some amazing mods that scale up damage for skills based on energy stat or mana which is definitely an option to explore but I like weapon damage because it encourages some classes to think about upgrading low damage wands that are just +150-200 mana stat sticks. It also opens up the opportunity to see builds with pikes, mauls, and other 2 handed weapons on mages, trapassins, non weredruids and necros.
Every class should have 3-4 standoff skills like assassin traps.
-Barbs will take the form of totems like grim ward.
-Amazon has Decoy and a lot of her passive skills like pierce, and slow missile can be reworked into traps. Think of the wizard's slow time for slow missile and pierce can work like shock web with an armor debuff.
-Sorceress has static field and lightning storm that can be reworked to complement skills like hydra.
-Necro has bone wall and could get temporary summons like D3's version of skeletal mages.
-Druid already has volcano and some of the other lesser used skills could be reworked like we don't need twister and tornado.
-Paladin could use something like a summon. Perhaps some of the skills like holy bolt and conversion could be reworked. Holy bolt would work more like lightning trap with good damage and bonus damage to undead and demons. Conversion would be a spirit summons like a shorter ranged and duration bone spirit that continues to attack its target for a couple of seconds. Or maybe like spirit wolf that were invulnerable but only lasted 2-3 seconds. It could be a ranged combo attack as well where it summons 1 then 2 then 3 spirits that hits once with a short dot.
-One of the earliest D2 mods I did simply changed the weapon restrictions and ammo reqs on some bow and javelin skills. I would open that up more where jav, spear and bow skills are interchangeable and require no ammo.
-Some of the ranged skills on spears would be targeted in front of the amazon.
-I would also rework some of the spear skills so that things like jab would perhaps be channeled and have a short range on spears with a longer range on bows. It could turn into a skill similar to rapid fire.
-With fend and multishot where you wouldn't need both and it could act more like rain of vengeance.
-Decoy I would change to work like phalanx. Each point could add another zon up to 5. Synergies could add explode on death, damage and thorns
-Dodge/Evade if I can remove the animation that is the first thing to go. If not, it could work like evasive shot. You could steal the barb's leap and hopefully change it to be lesser and backwards. Aoe damage at the jump point would be nice too.
-Fire/Cold arrow would borrow the combo system of the assassin's melee skills but work more like D3 monks abilities. 3 hit combos where each successive hit increases damage and/or adds an effect like pierce, more projectiles, dot, small aoe (cone, line, circle) More powerful of these options can be acquired through synergies like homing projectiles through guided shot.
-Guided arrow would get multiple projectiles at higher skills points or synergy with multishot
-Weapon masteries would add combos to the weapon types. Some would add widening sweep attacks like swords and axes. Some would add line attacks like polearms and spears. Some would add Hammer of the Ancients style bashes like maces and hammers.
-Totems would provide short duration buffs and explode for damage or health or mana regen
-Speaking of totems, howl and shout would become totems that act like assassin traps the shoot small cones or circles of damage and buff/debuff
-Frenzy would be channeled and work like the assassin's dragon talon
-Other benefits to auras.
-Defensive auras get the elemental weapon damage add
-Offensive elemental auras get thorns mechanic. With this mechanic, the elemental effect is triggered whenever the paladin is hit. When this happens, its aoe damage is increased by a thorns multiplier
-Zeal will be channeled and work like dragon talon (a short cone aoe)
-Shield bash will be a combo skill where each hit will increase the arc radius. The last hit will be a knock down instead of knock back causing an armor debuff
-fist of heavens will do a percentage of weapon damage and the same spread effects as multishot and teeth
-Teeth will work like guided arrow and have 3 projectiles through skill points or synergy
-Golem and skeleton mastery will mitigate the Boss 10x bonus damage to pets and provide unique auras to each type of summon
-Clay golem gets a slow aura and physical damage boost
-Blood golem gets a regen and bleed aura
-Iron golem I'm gonna remove the item requirement to summon and get a percentage damage boost from your weapon
-Fire golem aura will give fire damage to your weapon
-Skeletons might be interesting to give immunity or high resistance to elemental damage to
-Poison dagger could be reworked to a smaller, vertical fire wall with poison damage
-Poison creeper will do a percentage of weapon damage. Ravens and all creepers will do a percentage of weapon damage for that matter.
-Spirit wolves will be invulnerable and either last only 4-5 seconds or 2-3 attacks each
-Carrion and Solar creepers will attack (bleed and fire respectively) and not eat corpses. They will have life or mana steal.
-Boulder will explode on summons if possible
-Either twister or tornado will wiggle in place where targeted. Really just remove the forward travel aspect of the skill.
-Cyclone armor should get thorns or a chance to summon a twister at an attacking enemy. Damage reduction to pets?
I need help ;P I went through and wrote down the changes to all of the Assassin's skills in each tree.
Some changes were just as simple as adding weapon damage% to all trap skills.
Others were to change Shadow Warrior to something like D3's zombie charger with the zombie bear rune. (with shadow clones instead of zombie bears of course)
Psychic Hammer works more like Justice with the split rune.
Mind Blast works like Revive without corpses but with a much shorter duration and smaller summons cap.
Wake of Inferno is changed to shoot flaming guided arrows.
The martial tree is radically different with combo skills where the last charge is the finisher. Finishers become utility skills or provide passive enhanced projectile boosts to combo skills.
Other more minor changes include the option to make fade, venom and the like benefit the group.
You get the gist.
I look forward to playing your crazy D2R mod!
Lol, thanks!
I saw you respond to that guy on battle.net that thinks D2LOD is flawless. That any flaw can be attributed to the player sucking, not a game imperfection. Ha!
I know we've gone the rounds on discussing just how flawed the game is. But while a totally amazing game, it is quite flawed. I mean seriously, f*cked up npc/pet/hireling pathing is a feature I guess?!
I think there is also some bizarre bug where if you put some level of +skill items on your rogue hireling, it either won't fire or will change the skill it fires.
And come to think of it, I think Brevik would laugh in your face if you told him the game is flawless. I seem to recall a lot of crazy shenanigans with the code or art being wiped the week before release?
Plus the game is on patch 1.14 so somewhere around 14 different versions have been released post launch. Many of those point releases have a, b or c versions too. That definitely screams flawless, lol.
If anything, I would guess lots of game designers are very critical of their own work.
I do think Brevik is on record saying he consider the stamina/run feature in D2 to be terrible Hard to disagree with him.
Lol yeah that and I remember him saying something about how the armor sprites on characters were a hack too!
Season 23!!
Anyone figure out if the follower stuff really matters at all? So far, it seems like a net positive, but it's still not much use.
Nemesis bracers is probably the biggest upgrade. You sure get lots of deaths breath with the follower. The double pylon duration is also pretty huge. Another cheat death is quite useful as well.
Other than that, not much. Hopefully they keep adding more items to it.
So since D2R is -- like W3R before it -- integrated with D2LOD and will be running on the same code, does that mean that D2LOD is going to be updated along with the D2R release, thus breaking the great mods that have been out and stable for many, many years?
Gonna be sad if I can't play Median XL anymore...
I really like the follower changes. I am only T10 right now and my enchantress hasn't died yet as far as I know. She has twice as much sheet damage as me. Of course sheet damage means so much less as you climb up the GRs.
I really like the energy twister lod right now. When I get the rest of my firebirds set, I am going to have lots of fun. (I have 4 pieces but 2 are off hands) But now I am shredding things on T10 with only 30 ranks of lod and the one handed sword. My buffed damage is only ~550K too so there is lots of room to grow.
So since D2R is -- like W3R before it -- integrated with D2LOD and will be running on the same code, does that mean that D2LOD is going to be updated along with the D2R release, thus breaking the great mods that have been out and stable for many, many years?
Gonna be sad if I can't play Median XL anymore...
I was thinking the reverse! I really liked Median XL, but I gave it up because it was too much bother messing with resolution, glide DLLs, and all that junk. But Medial XL in a modern engine would be hype...
At BlizzcOnline they said D2R will not be replacing the original. It’s a new fork it sounds like.
Ugh. So now that I am not trying to build a typhon's hydra build, a serpent sparker drops off a random act 2 cache
I gave up last season because I could not get one after probably 75 hours and over 800 paragon. I topped out at T14 and got bored.
So of course within 20 hours, 140 paragon and T10 capable, one just drops... No blood shards. No wands upgraded in the cube. Just plain old act 2 bounty cache.
Ug, I forgot how painful it is to level on the Switch since I can't just mooch and powerlevel to 70.
You've seen all the guides on how to reach 70 in like 2-3 hours solo right?
Besides, I've come to the conclusion that the race isn't about how fast you get to 70. It is how far up the GRs you are after 20 hours.
Like this season. I couldn't do the challenge rift so it cost me almost 3 more hours on the road to 70. But RNG landed me a wizard spike right off the bat. (first upgraded dagger) Plus I quickly looted a decent one handed sword with energy twister mods on it and only used about 1500 blood shards to get an etched sigil.
So it took me 5.5 hours instead of 2.67 to get to 70. But the next ~15 hours launched me to T10 when most of the time I struggle getting from T6-T7 or T7+ after even 25 hours played in a new season.
It is that sticking point that normally causes my altitis to kick into high gear. I get an alt to the same spot and then find something for my main to switch back over.
I have also never completed the season journey this fast to get all my haedrig's gifts. (go figure that I don't think I am even going to need/use any of it) I think they should change that saying to "(lack of) necessity is the mother of invention."
You've seen all the guides on how to reach 70 in like 2-3 hours solo right?
Besides, I've come to the conclusion that the race isn't about how fast you get to 70. It is how far up the GRs you are after 20 hours.Like this season. I couldn't do the challenge rift so it cost me almost 3 more hours on the road to 70. But RNG landed me a wizard spike right off the bat. (first upgraded dagger) Plus I quickly looted a decent one handed sword with energy twister mods on it and only used about 1500 blood shards to get an etched sigil.
So it took me 5.5 hours instead of 2.67 to get to 70. But the next ~15 hours launched me to T10 when most of the time I struggle getting from T6-T7 or T7+ after even 25 hours played in a new season.
It is that sticking point that normally causes my altitis to kick into high gear. I get an alt to the same spot and then find something for my main to switch back over.
I have also never completed the season journey this fast to get all my haedrig's gifts. (go figure that I don't think I am even going to need/use any of it) I think they should change that saying to "(lack of) necessity is the mother of invention."
Oh yeah, but most of the guides kind of assume PC or at least some multiplayer. But mostly the issue is the 1-70 is just so not fun compared to 70+.
Maybe some kind of boost if you got a previous season character to GR50 or something.
Had a really weird thing happen to a seasonal this morning.
About 4.8 million gold disappeared. It wasn't even a round number; somewhere around 4,962,xxx wasn't there when i logged in again.
I'd gotten the first of the seasonal set, and left the game to rebirth a barbarian. He comes in, opens Haedrig's first gift, I log out. Log back in with the wizard, while seeing if I can wear either of the barbarian pieces, I notice most of my gold is missing.
Not that its terribly hard to get gold back, but has anyone had this happen?