I haven't seen it yet. I know there are other ways to see it, but I will probably be waiting for official screenings in the United States, which I've variously heard will be in February, or perhaps June. So please be spoiler-aware for those of us who are waiting.
I'm suffering from a bit of Dr. Who overload myself. I've watched most of the interesting highlites from the "classic" doctors (1 - 7), and the new doctor is my second favorite after the third doctor. I've only watched the first two seasons of the new series, but I've heard the third season isn't quite as good as the first two. Has anyone seen the fourth season?
I'm suffering from a bit of Dr. Who overload myself. I've watched most of the interesting highlites from the "classic" doctors (1 - 7), and the new doctor is my second favorite after the third doctor. I've only watched the first two seasons of the new series, but I've heard the third season isn't quite as good as the first two. Has anyone seen the fourth season?
Yes. Most of this thread has. I found it generally middling, though their were some bits I liked.
Watched the Christmas Special a few days ago and I thought it was pretty good, much better than the last two anyway. Mild Spoiler alert:
[color=white]And really, how can anything including a giant steampunk Cyberman smashing its way through London be considered 'not good'? ;)[/color]
Mild Spoiler alert:[color=white]And really, how can anything including a giant steampunk Cyberman smashing its way through London be considered 'not good'? ;)[/color]
Reaction to mild spoiler:
[color=white]Just before that reveal, I had said to my wife "what, they're not going to crash a spaceship into London this year?" Then it appeared and I had to admit they had not let me down[/color]
I was very disappointed in the Christmas episode, and though it was the weakest Who I had seen in years. The furry Cybers were very silly looking, the "next" Doctor chewed the scenery from his first line (admittedly, this is almost a tradition in Dr Who!) and the culmination of the plan - the you-know-what stomping through London - was very close to shark jumpery in my view.
I have it on my Sky+ to watch again, and may change my mind, but I doubt it.
I watched the s4 box set over the last 2 days. I have to say, the second half of that season is some of the best Dr Who ever.
The new actor replacing Tennant in 2010 is to be named tomorrow.
The new actor replacing Tennant in 2010 is to be named tomorrow.
You beat me to it while I was searching for this thread! I can't wait for Saturday now.
Indignant wrote:The new actor replacing Tennant in 2010 is to be named tomorrow.
You beat me to it while I was searching for this thread! I can't wait for Saturday now.
I'll save you all the trouble of waiting. It's going to be me.....
I'll save you all the trouble of waiting. It's going to be me..... ;)
Doctor Who, not Doctor Why.
I'll go for Doctor why bother....
I offer this for Trek and Who fans. Take a towel with you and enjoy.
Matt Smith, 26 years old. Looks about 12. No real profile that I can find, has done some stage acting and a couple of BBC dramas (including The Ruby And The Smoke with Billie Piper). I will withold judgement, since I was not happy about Tennant when that was announced, or Tate, and was wrong about both.
Yep, here he is:
He looks a bit like an embryo.
The actor playing Doctor Who is younger than I am. Truly, this is a depressing day.
I remain to be convinced. I wasn't sure about Tennant initially either, but he grew on me.
Interesting that the went so young. Shades of the new Trek movie: "We need to pull in the youth demo- make the Doctor into a ultrasmart 20-something." Probably not a bad decision. Whether it works artistically wil depend on the execution.
A Dr.Who promo shot.
I saw this guy in a play. I wasn't sure if it was the character or him, but he came across as something of a simpleton.
Having seen a video of him discussing the Who role, I think it's him.
However, that kind of spasticity might be just what the doctor ordered (no pun intended).
Yeah, put me in the "not impressed" camp but we'll see how it all pans out....
Doctor Emo?
The actor playing Doctor Who is younger than I am. Truly, this is a depressing day.
I remain to be convinced. I wasn't sure about Tennant initially either, but he grew on me.
Ditto. I was really displeased when I learned that Eccleston was leaving, but eventually I'd really come to appreciate Tennant... I'm skeptical about Smith -but am hoping to be surprised in the same way.
Also, Nimcosi: That link was awesome.
The actor playing Doctor Who is younger than I am. Truly, this is a depressing day.
My sister and I were just having the same discussion. It hit me even worse than my medical doctor being younger than me.
Still recovering from your New Year's party, or are you trying to say that you're not a fan?
I'm reserving judgment until I see him in action. Put me down in the "dubious, but hopeful" camp.
Why does he have no eyebrows?
Why does he have no eyebrows?
He also has a full beard in that photo. Creeped out yet?
I remain to be convinced. I wasn't sure about Tennant initially either, but he grew on me.
Same here, and I absolutely love Tennant now. I'll reserve judgment until I see this new Doctor in a few episodes. Also, remember that Steven Moffat will be at the helm when this Doctor takes over, so I'm willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. Smith has big shoes to fill, and I'm sure the decision to cast him wasn't taken lightly at all.
Fantastically bummed that Tennant won't be working with Moffat for a season.
I'm really hoping the Doc here has a young look but a much older personality. Eccleston did grim & complex rather well, Tennant does pop-culture & spastic idealism charmingly, so something more reserved would be a nice change of pace.
That's gonna be a hell of a premiere, either way.
Why does he have no eyebrows?
It could just be the shade of hair, or something that was done for a role, or perhaps there was an accident of some kind. There's a chunk of one of my eyebrows missing from a childhood accident, although I suppose it looks more like I cut it that way for some lame purpose.
I've watched the new Who fully up to Season 3 and Donna's entrance. I've been seeing some episodes on BBC America. Does anyone know if those are from season 4 or the current season? This is the 5th season right?
Donna is in Season 4. Eccleston had one season (New Series 1). Tennant had a season with with Rose (New Series 2), a season with Martha (New Series 3) and a season with Donna (New Series 4).