FTL ate my brain for a long time, and I really like that trailer.
Like Reaper, I may be doomed.
FTL ate my brain for a long time, and I really like that trailer.
Like Reaper, I may be doomed.
I am doomed. It looks so good, much like FTL did in the initial trailers.
I think I want this. They deserve the support for the excellent FTL. I love that game.
Oooh, looks like Advanced Wars.
Yeah, very Advanced Wars vibe to it. FTL was awesome. I'm in.
As I wrote in the weekend thread, I'm returning to FTL for the first time since I originally played it several years ago. It seemed a bit harder than I remembered, and it also seemed like my success was mostly determined by the randomness - the loot I found, the enemies I fought, etc. But as I've been playing it I have become more successful, so there is definitely a learning aspect to it. I made it to the final enemy and lost in round 2.
There are a couple games where I get the same general feeling that I do in FTL, like Curious Expedition and to a lesser extent Renowned Explorers. FTL is by far my favorite of these games.
Just won with the federation cruiser. It feels so good when you get the right equipment. First, I love the federation cruiser's beam - it can really help in winning a tough victory. I had a ton of scrap and was able to get 3 other weapons installed too, along with a combat and defensive drone.
The Federation Cruiser was my favorite ship. In addition to that beam weapon, staring with four different races on board helped to unlock a lot of the good/blue options in many events.
I also loved the Federation Cruiser, but it's beam weapon could occasionally get away from you if you weren't vigilant. RIP boarders...
I also loved the Federation Cruiser, but it's beam weapon could occasionally get away from you if you weren't vigilant. RIP boarders...
Clones are the best!
I had zero oxygen in my ship with multiple puncture holes and a damaged life support system.
And I had a clone bay.
There was some crisis going on (shocking) so for whatever reasons I just had to keep re-spawning my crew, have them do a little work, have them quickly die from lack of oxygen, and then have them be reborn as a clone, and then they had to do it again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
A constant cycle of being reborn in an oxygen free shipped, forced to work until painful death, and then being reborn to do it all over again.
But I'm the good guy, right? Right?!!!
I've never used the cloning thing yet, but it sounds like maybe I should.
I've never used the cloning thing yet, but it sounds like maybe I should.
What he said.
I've never used the cloning thing yet, but it sounds like maybe I should.
That's the exact sort of thing a clone would say!
I soooooooooooo want to play an oxygen free ship...
I soooooooooooo want to play an oxygen free ship...
I've done it with only the pilot's compartment having oxygen.
It was so nice.
I soooooooooooo want to play an oxygen free ship...
I finished one Lantus - B run with an entire Lantus crew. It was amazing. I got a Vulcan and a reconstructive transport.
jrralls wrote:I soooooooooooo want to play an oxygen free ship...
I finished one Lantus - B run with an entire Lantus crew. It was amazing. I got a Vulcan and a reconstructive transport.
How did many did you get and where did you find them all? I've tried to get an all Lanius crew on every run I've done since they came into existence without any luck.
Both stores in the Lanius sector had crew for hire and I met a slave ship where I bought one plus I got the translator event.
They never put it out on Android
*longest fart sound*
GUYS! GALS! I DID IT! I've had this game for years and played it for tens of hours and kept coming back to it every few months and I finally beat the game!
I had gotten to the end boss a few times but never past the second encounter and the only ships I had access to were the Kestral and Engi ships. So last night I fire it up and get in an Engi class C ship. I have an epic run of luck. I end up with three shields, a free Flack I cannon, and the Virus Engi with maxed out stats by the end of sector 2. Sector 3 was the Voltan Homeworlds and not only do I get the Voltan shield upgrades, I unlock the Voltan ship! The next sector starts another quest, and that one unlocks the Stealth ship! At this point I'm one sector away from the Last Stand and I've got full shields, 2 Flak I cannons, Dual Lasers, a Defense Mk II drone, full crew compliment including 2 Voltan, Voltan shield augment, fully upgraded Cloaking, and fully upgraded Hacking. So what does the store offer me three jumps away from the exit to Last Stand? Freakin' Hull Repair Drone. Jump into the last sector and meet the boss. First two encounters go just fine. I'm sitting on a mound of drone parts so I just fix any hull damage before jumping again. Last phase was tougher. I ended up Hacking the Mind Control system instead of Shields or Piloting because that got frustrating. And I may have had a few fires going, but I still beat the boss.
Years of nothing and bad luck and the in one run, I end up unlocking four ships! Can't wait to try them out.
Awesome! Congratulations, Grenn!
I love this game. Great story.
That breakthrough of winning your first game is so incredibly satisfying.
What is the hardest achievement in this game you have personally won?
Uhhh. Probably a win with the no weapons Mantis cruiser in the DLC content.
Drones and the metal aliens are extremely hard to beat early on.
Been playing this game on-and-off for the last 5 years. Recently nabbed the iOS port for an ancient iPad and it's been vacuuming up the hours like it did before. Been accidentally tossing hours at it again and I've still yet to make it through The Last Stand, but hot dang do I still enjoy it a lot.
I am very late to the game. But this one is.. brutal.
Still have to learn get the knack for games that you are suppose to loose with some random effect, comming from 4x4 games and all...
When I have my ship set up, I miss out on fuel,
When I have enough fuel, I miss out on set-ups
And when I have both, the Rebels get me for no moving too fast.
Feels a bit like Rock, Paper, Loose to me. But I might give it a few runs more.