Praying for a great UI; XCOM's biggest flaw was its interface.
Praying for a great UI; XCOM's biggest flaw was its interface.
It was designed during a time when UIs were crap, generally, so I'd expect better.
You infected Firaxis with the site's love for blowing up walls, killing aliens and naming crew members after family members?"Look, an alien in the gas station! Ready the shivgee!" :-)
Now, if it's better or as good as UFO: Aftermath then i'm all set!
This is a nice surprise. Now someone convince EA to make a proper Syndicate.
This. A million times, this!
My nerd boner just flipped the table.
Hm. Maybe now I can have an accessible version of what everyone is raving about.
(says the guy who loves X3)
You infected Firaxis with the site's love for blowing up walls, killing aliens and naming crew members after family members?"Look, an alien in the gas station! Ready the shivgee launcher!" :-)
Fixed for what Paleo would do should the alien pick the wrong gas station.
Some people just want to watch the world burn...
Because those sectoids aren't gonna kill themselves
oh my, it's like the (almost) perfect fit. Firaxis developing XCOM, developer who KNOWS turn-based (not in the biblical sense - get your head out of the gutter)
Now it's time to see if they can recreate and maintain the atmosphere of dread and the unknown. Unfortunately, the CIV series has been trending on being a little on the light and fluffy side. I hope this is not an indicator of things to come...
My nerd boner just flipped the table.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
This should be great! Go Firaxis! Go Tkyl!
I wonder how this will affect development of Xenonauts. I can't imagine they'll be able to charge $30 for that game at this point.
Just a hunch... They're gonna get crushed.
Also, Quintin I have never laughed so hard at an ASCII anything in my entire life.
Tamren wrote:My nerd boner just flipped the table.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hey! That's great. I've seen it once before on our little corner of the web.. somebody was talking about buying a game based solely on the easy achievements or something equally horrifying, and somebody posted that image. The character art called to mind a mental image of Jesus flipping over the moneylender's tables in the Temple of the important ancient happening.
Rat Boy wrote:Bold prediction: all interest in the XCOM shooter dies completely.
Bolder prediction: XCOM will outsell XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
Bold? Seems obvious to me.
I'm excited though. Especially since UFO: The Two Sides got C&D'd.
Color me interested. I loved this game so much way back when. I still fire it up from time to time, and was an entertaining ride in one of our threads here were someone, can't remember who, piloted one game, narrating each mission, with soldiers with goodjer names. Good fun!
Hope this delivers. At least it's making forget about the god-awful FPS xcom they're doing...that's a victory right there.
I am a bit skeptical about it releasing in Fall of this year, with no prior info? Or is it I hadn't seen any prior info but it did exist? I don't know...hope it kicks ass...
Yes a million times Yes!
first act upon buying at launch is a GWJ named AAR.
I have high hopes that this will be a version of Xcom that I can actually play. I always find the interface and gameplay in the original to be the exact opposite of intuitive and completely impenetrable. I love all the core ideas of the game, and I want to like it, but I've never been able to actually play it. It always puts me off within half an hour.
Absolutely this. I'm almost ashamed to say that the most I've ever got from the game is in the excellent GWJ threads. But probably time to give the steam copy I got for peanuts ages ago another try anyway.
I didn't really survive that car crash, did I? Well, at least I can spend eternity playing a new XCOM that isn't some crappy shooter!
Quintin_Stone wrote:Tamren wrote:My nerd boner just flipped the table.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hey! That's great. I've seen it once before on our little corner of the web.. somebody was talking about buying a game based solely on the easy achievements or something equally horrifying, and somebody posted that image. The character art called to mind a mental image of Jesus flipping over the moneylender's tables in the Temple of the important ancient happening.
It still makes me sad that the universal assumption is that the XCOM shooter will be a generic suck fest. Did not a one of you play Bioshock 2? [sigh]
If you think about it, this will probably be the first big budget turn-based strategy game on consoles since...I don't know, Final Fantasy Tactics on PS1? It's kind of crazy (and awesome) that 2K is doing this.
Are you not counting things like Disgaea and Phantom Brave?
It still makes me sad that the universal assumption is that the XCOM shooter will be a generic suck fest. Did not a one of you play Bioshock 2? [sigh]
A lot of people did. And they found it to have none of the things that really made the first game great.
And there's also that every time they've shown the XCom shooter it has looked like a generic suck fest.
ClockworkHouse wrote:It still makes me sad that the universal assumption is that the XCOM shooter will be a generic suck fest. Did not a one of you play Bioshock 2? [sigh]
A lot of people did. And they found it to have none of the things that really made the first game great.
And there's also that every time they've shown the XCom shooter it has looked like a generic suck fest.
You're wrong, but that's sort of what you do around here: be wrong about things.
It still makes me sad that the universal assumption is that the XCOM shooter will be a generic suck fest.
Why is it a bad thing to start from a negative assumption and having a developer earn anticipation rather than a positive assumption? I'm sure it's nice to start from a position of giving the benefit of the doubt, but I don't see that it's automatically a better starting point than being cautious. I'd say either require care that you don't walk into buying a game with the wrong assumptions.
BNice wrote:Apparently the XCOM fps is releasing this year as well? That seems kind of strange. Maybe 2K will just rename the fps and/or push it back to 2013?
XCOM, the shooter, is due out in March. It was supposed to be released this past fall, but it got pushed back for retooling. It's a bit weird to have two games from the same franchise release in a single year, but it's not unheard of, especially since they're very different genres.
Rat Boy wrote:Bold prediction: all interest in the XCOM shooter dies completely.
Bolder prediction: XCOM will outsell XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
Even bolder-er prediction: XCOM doesn't come out in 2012 at all.
(They've already pushed the game back -- again -- so that it won't make that revised March delivery date.)
We haven't seen a turn based strategy game get this kind of push in a longgggg time.
It hasn't been that long -- Civilization V made the cover of GamePro in the middle of its Davison-led renaissance period a while back.