
Is anyone still playing this in the GWJ community? I tried it out for a few days but have yet to play with another living soul.

I can't say if I am or not. I might be. But if I was, it would be infrequent.

I have a couple invites I can send as well if anyone wants one.... message me.

I have 4. PM if interested.

All gone.

Okay, question. This is still basically a tower defense experience, right? Find a portal, build elaborately trapped pathways, that kind of thing?

It's a F2P-esque (I really don't know if it's F2P, but the pacing feels like it) horde defense game with a splash of minecraft and "diablo" loot-mechanics.

Basically, you harvest resources which you then use to build defensive resources (structures, weapons, AMMO, etc), and then you fight off hordes of creatures with a small team until some objective completes. It's not a tower defense in that you build structures which fight the hordes for you--the structures are more there to slow people down long enough for you to take care of them. It's kind of like Orcs Must Die, in that you can and should build defenses, but it's really up to you to kill everything before it reaches the target.

Zudz wrote:

Okay, question. This is still basically a tower defense experience, right? Find a portal, build elaborately trapped pathways, that kind of thing?

Sort of. You can build more or less defences as you see fit, making the difference up with personal firepower.

When last I played, there was only one freestanding turret that you can build, along with many 'traps' that do damage or stun, mounted on building pieces. You can focus on 'mazing' the enemies to go along the path you want, but too much of that and they will try and cut a path straight to the objective by destroying the walls instead.

In one game mode, you're not going to be building much in the way of concentrated defences as the objective is to protect a moving delivery bathtub that goes a ways across the map.

There's also a significant 'exploration/gathering' aspect where you collect building and crafting materials, and the world is colourful and interesting. The higher you go in level, the more tools they give you to accelerate/bypass the collection aspect if you're not interested.

P.S. I would so be playing if my computer hadn't blown up.

It's more like horde mode than tower defense, but yes the fundamental game is still what it was. Orcs Must Die is not a bad comparison though OMD still has a much stronger tower defense feel to it.

It will be F2P.

Put some hours into it and I'm enjoying it. They need to tilt it a little more strongly in the Orcs Must Die direction during defense, while maintaining the exploration and persistent leveling bits. They have a good core game on their hands here; it just needs some design tweaks and a careful management hand to avoid the F2P aspects getting out of control.

Mr Crinkle wrote:

Same goes for characters...let us directly buy a basic version of any class rather than waiting for a quest line or random package to deliver one to us.

In previous iterations, you unlocked classes by buying the building associated with the class. In that way you could get access to whichever class you preferred first and you unlocked the classes you didn't at later levels. The new levelling system removes that whole mechanism and just unlocks classes in their preferred order. I'm not a fan either.

At the risk of breaking with the NDA, I'll say I agree with these criticisms. There is greater variety further in the game, and I think there are some really interesting emergent combinations of enemies. There are versions of enemies and situations I haven't seen yet but have heard about.

Anyone have interest in playing tonight?

Dakhath, just sent a friend request. Just finished up a really nice evening. I'm on most days of the week at least a little so please if you'd like ping me.

I am having a good time with this, though a few quibbles, but I won't get into them for the NDA.

If you want to friend me up (Cartoonin99), feel free! I have only played for a few days, so I am still learning the ropes.

Ran into Dakhath today for a good quick mission. I'll definitely friend you up, cartoonin.

muraii wrote:

Ran into Dakhath today for a good quick mission. I'll definitely friend you up, cartoonin.


I can probably get online for an hour or two tonight, will you be about?

I'll be on around 9:30pm EST

Yeah, sorry, just saw this. Are you just "cartoonin" or some variation? I'll send a friend request (or feel free to send me ("muraii") one.

No worries. I am Cartoonin99 in the game. I won't be on tonight, as I have other obligations this evening.

I've heard of those. I don't want any thanks.

If anyone still has any friend invites or codes or whatever they're called available, I'd be interested in giving the game a whirl.

Thin_J wrote:

If anyone still has any friend invites or codes or whatever they're called available, I'd be interested in giving the game a whirl.

PM Sent.

Thin_J wrote:

If anyone still has any friend invites or codes or whatever they're called available, I'd be interested in giving the game a whirl.

I was sitting on about 3 when my account got deactivated because of Paragon related nonsense, so I don't think I can access them sorry.

Sixteen got me in Red. All good!


Hi I just got in and it's downloading now. Cathadan and I are playing tonight, hopefully! Shout out to me on Curse if you want to play! Friend me as Amoebism.

I haven't played this or much of anything for a long time. Might would consider playing with some GWJer folk. I will do some friending, but if anyone wants to beat me to the punch I'm "muraii".

I'd love to get a chance to play this with more people. Now that I'm out of the early game things just can't be easily played solo anymore.

I'm going to hop in today and respend all the refunded points from recent partial resets. It's been that long. Then I'll be able to jump in with whomever.

I tend to jump around from Very Low Threat Stonewood through High Threat Plankerton. I'm all-in on the Ninja and being squishy, especially given some tweaks my wife has told me about, makes higher difficulties typically not super fun. I'm not opposed as long as folks don't mind me hilariously dying all the time.

Alright. All points are spent and I feel like I'm in a good place. Not sure how the balancing has changed, but ready to go.

This game was fun for a while but I eventually got tired of it. Was happier w/ the Orcs Must Die series but it was never easy finding others to play with.